Chapter 191 Trap
Everyone has always obeyed Linye's words. I don't know when this feeling was developed, but it has always been like this and everyone is used to this kind of existence.

Lin Ye and Li Jie walked into the pile of rocks, and Lin Ye's body was filled with chills, like rootless water, spreading towards the surroundings, except for some "tyrants" emanating from Gu Tian's body. The superpowers emanating from the fate of "Heaven" fluctuated, and more than a dozen different supernatural remnants were found, but after Lin Ye's supernatural powers were detected once, they disappeared without a trace.Fortunately, they only discovered that there might be a gate to outer space here, but they didn't find it.

At this time, Lin Ye already had a judgment in his heart. Not long ago, a group of supernatural beings who were slightly stronger than his own group came here to investigate, and it was very likely that they were the core group of the Zhushan League. Members with supernatural powers, but the thing that puzzled Lin Ye was.Could it be that in the Zhushan League, there are also people with supernatural powers like himself who have the ability to release and survey the outside world?

Lin Ye carefully erased the supernatural fluctuations emitted by everyone, intending to keep everyone in the dark. The less people who know about this matter, the better. Although Li Jie felt something was wrong, he had a carefree personality. He didn't think about it, the sky was falling, and Lin Ye was holding it up.

"Clean up, everyone, we are about to enter the outer space for training!" For the training, everyone resisted and accepted it in their hearts, occupying the same proportion. On the one hand, killing zombies can get a lot of different cores, and can also improve their own The supernatural class, but on the one hand, it is extremely dangerous. Even Lin Ye lost his life in it several times. Everyone faces this kind of training from the bottom of their hearts.Still quite cautious, even a little trembling.

"Okay!" Everyone shouted in unison, their morale soaring.There was also a rare smile on Lin Ye's face. Seeing that the group of people he led had such an understanding of the promotion of their own abilities, Lin Ye was really happy from the bottom of his heart.

After leading everyone into the chaotic pile of rocks, Lin Ye made seals with both hands.The water and ice abilities on the body rushed out like a living thing, and after a while, everyone had no time to blink, and they were brought into the empty gate of the outer sky.
On the wasteland of piles of rocks, on the yellow land far away, two pieces of soil moved, and then two figures stood up.The two people, one fat and one thin, were extremely asymmetrical, and the short and thin man pointed at the tall fat man angrily. "You pig, I really want you to keep an eye on it, you fell asleep for me, do you know where that group of people came from?"

Although the tall fat man was dissatisfied, since everyone was sleeping with their eyes closed just now, why did he put all the responsibility on himself. "They seem to have appeared out of nowhere. I don't know.."

"Enough!" The short and thin man was very annoyed. "It seems that Master Ao didn't lie to us when he said that there is a space outside the sky here, and these three days are not in vain. This place and this group of guys who just appeared out of thin air are very weird. The two of us are far from sure. You put on the emergency call device, and you must be proud of the leader, and bring people here to surround you!"

The short and thin man spoke extremely fast, but the tall and fat man didn't realize it for a while, "Brother, you, say it again!"

See this incompetent little brother.The short and thin man looked helpless. "Give me the intercom."

The tall fat man hurriedly took out the intercom that he was carrying, and handed it to the short thin man respectfully.

"Damn. If the Tianshui empty gate in the east gate mountain lake was not occupied by a mutant corpse beast, one of the virus zombies' offspring, why the hell would we come to this ghostly place to sit and wait. What the hell is this empty gate!" Although the thin man is very dissatisfied with his language, his actions are unambiguous. After all, a space gate outside the sky is equivalent to owning a training ground for supernatural beings. The rapid rise of supernatural powers in a short period of time is what every supernatural person dreams of. things to pursue.

The Tianningmeng group who just entered the Heavenly Outer Empty Gate naturally didn't know that all of this had already been discovered.And there's going to be a terrible fight
Everyone's expressions were a little leisurely, as if this place is not a space outside the sky.It is a tourist attraction, everyone is the tourists, and Gu Tian is the tour guide of his group.

"Everyone listen to me, after wearing this watch, not only can you know the time, but it can also emit light like a super-long-range flashlight. At critical times, this thing can also launch a parachute-like thing upwards, but in It's useless to fight on flat ground!"

Everyone silently put the watches on their hands, but Gu Tian took out a pair of sunglasses from the storage bag.It can be said to complement each other with the black combat uniforms prepared by everyone in the Tianning League for the battle.

"Everyone, don't underestimate this magic mirror. This magic mirror can see through the thick fog within five meters. Combined with our watch, it is simply a magic weapon without any obstacles!" Everyone present, including Mantou, felt a big wave Zombies are approaching his group of heat, while Gu Tian is still whimpering.

After Li Jie put on his sunglasses, he was a little excited about the coming army of zombies, and quickly drew out an extremely sharp Japanese-style long knife stuck behind him.laughed. "Gutian, you take out all your treasures, and everyone can just send a little bit, there's no need to gossip like this!"

Gu Tian took out another handful of runes from his storage bag. "The boss said you can't use abilities, but he didn't say you can't use other people's abilities! Look at the abilities sealed in these runes, which can be equivalent to a golden blow. This is"

Just when Gutian was still playing with his treasures and was about to take them out one by one, a vision suddenly appeared. From the thick fog behind Gutian, a very huge claw stretched out and hit his shoulder!

"Be careful!" After Li Jie put on the sunglasses, his strength increased, and he could see things within five meters. It can be said that between the lightning and flint, a group of black phantoms broke through the fog and directed towards the person who was speaking fiercely. Gutian body.

Li Jie, who came later, pushed Gu Tian away, and slashed on the black phantom with a horizontal blade. The phantom was like smoke, and Li Jie subconsciously dissipated it not see!

"It's weird, everyone follow the layout!" Lin Ye slowly pulled out the Dragon Slayer behind him with both hands. This time, everyone did not use supernatural powers, including super powers, which undoubtedly greatly enhanced the difficulty of training.Seeing that Gu Tian almost got hit, several vines burst out from behind Nie Quanqi, like sharp swords ready to attack!

(End of this chapter)

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