Rebirth of the Supreme Ice King

Chapter 192 The Phantom of the Sneak Attack

Chapter 192 The Phantom of the Sneak Attack

But after seeing that no one had used their abilities, Nie Quanqi silently retracted the vines behind him.

"Li Jie and Lin Ye walked in front, Qi Zhan and Nie Quanqi were in the middle protecting Jiang Xinyu, Xue Wu and Hu Fei were behind, staring closely into the mist. Gu Tian held the four little ones in one hand. Hei Dot, holding a large sword in one hand, at this time, as the leader of the encirclement, he has the absolute right to speak.

The moment just now really frightened him, but he soon regained his composure.After all, he is also a man who has experienced life and death, so he will not be scared so easily.The four black dots in his hand were the sound wave controllers that he was planning to deploy the mutant bat cubs. He didn't know how long he would stay in this battle.The cubs of these mutant bats will be attracted by the smell of blood, as long as they are within the range of four points.Some zombies or mutant beasts died.These cubs will swarm up, such a cruel and fastest advanced law enforcement, no wonder Jiang Xinyu refused to raise these things at the beginning.Who would want to raise a group of blood-sucking demons.

"Boss, what was that thing I hacked to death just now? How do you feel that my knife didn't cut anything real!" Lin Ye sighed, and he had only seen that thing in a glimpse just now. , I haven't been able to carefully identify what it is, but it should be certain that it was a mutant beast just now!

"That thing just now was just an afterimage!" Although Lin Ye knew that his judgment might be difficult for everyone to accept, but this is the best explanation. The blow that that thing threw at Gutian just now was just a tentative one. It's just an attack, this mutant beast with spiritual consciousness.Feeling the killing intent of Gutian's knife, he chose to run away in a panic.

There are zombies and mutant beasts in this space gate.These vast fogs can be said to have no effect on them.This guy may be somewhere, and he will strike again when he catches the opportunity.

Seven people stood tightly in a center. The steamed buns seemed not to be affected by the thick fog. After entering, they were very happy. Just now they felt a wave of zombies approaching them, but suddenly they became invisible again. This is not good news for Lin Ye and his party.When low-level zombies sense mutant beasts or zombies that are much stronger than themselves, they will automatically avoid them.

Everyone will not be so lucky to think that these low-level zombies are afraid of everyone's strength.I just stepped back!

"Gutian, is your sonic device ready yet! I feel that these bat cubs are super restless!"

"Wait a while, there is another one, there are about a hundred cubs, and it takes at least 30 meters to be used. There is another one that is not in place!"

Xue Wu didn't know why, but this time when she came into this valley, she felt as if she lost her soul, even with this cage of mutant bat cubs, she seemed restless.As an ordinary person, I shouldn't feel the relationship between these supernatural beings and zombies and mutant beasts.And it took less than a day to accept and raise these bat cubs.There will be no telepathy at all!
After being thrown into the ground by Gutian, a small black dot automatically disappeared into the soil.The invisible cage of the mutant bat is ready!

"Jiang Xinyu, let them out!" Gu Tian shouted happily, completely forgetting that he was just attacked by an unknown mutant beast.

Jiang Xinyu bent down.Remove the black cloth.The one hundred bat mutant cubs inside slowly began to grow black feathers.Pull the iron bolt.Originally, a hundred or so bat cubs, who could only flap their wings a few times, all flew into the air one after another.Only one or two were left flapping around in the cage, but they couldn't fly out because they were too small.

For a time, the 30-meter square was slowly filled with more than 100 mutant bat cubs.One by one, they were about ten meters above the ground, and they were circling non-stop in the sky.Seeing this scene, Gu Tian felt suspicious. "Could it be that the fog inside can help mutant beasts improve their own strength!" Gu Tian, ​​who had all kinds of strange ideas, thought of a very bold idea at this time.

When all the mutant bats flew around, several figures slowly appeared around the crowd.

Everyone gasped, the lowest one was actually a silver-ranked third-ranked mutant beast, everyone couldn't recognize the names of these mutants in front of them, they were just like big black cats with flowing eyes. With pure green light, the upper and lower fangs of each "big cat" are more than five inches long, and a pair of extremely strong tails are swaying behind them.

"Boss. What the hell is this!"

"Silver level three mutated black panthers, claws, fangs, and tails are all powerful weapons, and their body speed is extremely fast. Everyone, take out the flamethrowers!" Moments later, an agile The black panther jumped up from behind them, and rushed straight at Jiang Xinyu who was surrounded by the crowd. ,

Xue Wu, as the second most powerful supernatural being among the crowd, was no worse than the others in terms of courage and courage. Seeing this guy violently attack, she didn't even mobilize her own supernatural powers, so she grabbed a huge flamethrower and pointed at that guy. The black panther sprayed straight over.

The flames in the sky were like fireworks. The black panther did not expect that human weapons could have such power.He turned around in a hurry in the air, but the fur on his body was burnt helplessly.The top of the tail is more like burning on fire.

As for objects like fire, it can be said that Xuewu feels very friendly. Although the flamethrower in his hand is still far from his own "Lotus Holy Fire", it can be used without consuming special abilities. It is very easy to use.

Seeing that the attack was unsuccessful, these black panther beasts, which possessed spiritual consciousness for the first time, started to circle around the crowd. Li Jie adjusted the flamethrower in his hand to the maximum firepower, and everything within ten meters could not be dodged. The beam of flames is like a stick wrapped in a layer of flames.Several black panther beasts gathered together were dispersed.

Li Jie's seemingly provocative move completely angered these guys. These humans dared to take the initiative to attack. These black leopard beasts seemed to let out low growls, and the skin of a black leopard beast actually started to hair colorful up.

Lin Ye locked eyes on every mutated beast on the field, and he also saw the mutation of this one. It turned out that there was a king beast hidden in these silver third-level mutated black beasts. After the appearance of the black beast, the situation on the field changed drastically.

(End of this chapter)

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