Rebirth of the Supreme Ice King

Chapter 193 Black Panther Beast

Chapter 193 Black Panther Beast

Because Lin Ye asked everyone not to use the ability, it can be said that he is very frustrated now, and the flamethrower in his hand can't last long.Everyone was waiting in their hearts; Lin Ye lifted the ban.

A bat mutant cub flying in the sky.I felt the language communication between beasts, but after smelling the faint smell of burning, my favorability for humans has increased a lot. The current situation is that if one side is injured first on the field, the bat mutant beasts The cubs would rush forward, if someone from the Tianning League bled, then the cubs of these mutant bats.It can be said that it has lost the function of feeding.

Everyone also thought of this, at this time five or six black leopard beasts turned into afterimages, and rushed towards them from various tricky and weird angles.

Jiang Xinyu silently took out Gatling from his storage bag, pulled a bullet out of the storage bag, and inserted it into the magazine slot. At this moment, the situation on the field suddenly became very serious. At this point, if these mutant bats are attracted by human flesh and blood, basically they can only be sent to the west.

"Everyone squat down!" Jiang Xinyu shouted.Her face was also distorted due to too much force, knowing that this woman who likes to shoot people with a gun, at this time, in order to be able to successfully raise these mutant bats.It's going to kill the Quartet.

For the attacks of these leopard beasts, everyone used simple and boring attacks to form a circle of people. At this time, the flames were like many flames ejected from the inside out of a circle.And when everyone squatted down, a woman with a ponytail exaggeratedly raised a heavy machine gun that did not match her figure.

"Da da da" accompanied by the deafening sound of machine gun fire, Jiang Xinyu spun non-stop in the protective circle surrounded by muskets, and the bullet casings that were knocked down shot all over the ground.Slightly hot.

If these flames can still be dodged, the bullets that pierced the wall and smashed the ground, within such a short distance, directly beat the mutated black leopard beast of the third level of silver into a blood dog.Mantou cleverly hid beside Lin Ye. It was used to this kind of life. When Jiang Xinyu fed the target with bullets in the underground warehouse training ground, it served as a live target for a few days. Later, Jiang Xinyu never The pistol was replaced by a heavy machine gun, and I never tried it again.Hearing the familiar voice at this time, Mantou showed a trace of innocent and innocent eyes of a dog at this time, as if saying that there is really nothing to do with his master.

Although everyone could bear the noisy chug of the machine gun, it was too uncomfortable for the hot bullet casings to fall on everyone's backs.Especially Li Jie in front of him.Several hot shell casings fell off his signature chicken coop head.

"Jiang Xinyu, these ghosts, leopards and beasts have been beaten to blood. Stop!" Li Jie said, Jiang Xinyu, who was spinning and jumping non-stop with Gatling, finally came to his senses. The machine gun in his hand finally stopped.

His hands couldn't stop trembling slightly, and he put the heavy machine gun into the storage bag.The few fast-moving black leopards have been wiped out, and the remaining colorful leopard roared at Lin Ye and his party, then turned its tail and ran away into the depths of the mist !
Hovering bat mutant cubs in the sky, they felt a strong smell of blood, like hungry vultures descending from the sky, a dozen of them gathered on a black panther that was pierced by bullets, and feasted on it. Visible speed, the feathers and wings on the body gradually plumped up.After one was full, it flew over Jiang Xinyu's head and made a squeaking sound, as if expressing his gratitude to Jiang Xinyu.

The first step of this breeding plan seems to be about to succeed.There was an uncontrollable look of joy on everyone's faces.

"Xin Yu, as long as these mutant bats can regard you as their master, or treat you as a part of them, they will not only wander through this empty gate in the outer sky, but even in Baidi City, they can get a lot of them. help." Lin Ye agreed with Jiang Xinyu's approach just now, not long after, he tried the bloody bat mutants for the first time, and after they were full, they all surrounded Jiang Xinyu's head and circled them endlessly.

And the happiest thing for everyone is Gu Tian, ​​after all, he proposed this idea. These cubs had already been fed some mind-controlling drugs last night, and it was Jiang Xinyu who fed them one by one.It can be said that in the hearts of these bat hand cubs, Jiang Xinyu has become their king beast.Or, "Maternal propagules!"

After absorbing the blood of these black panthers, most of these hundred or so bat beasts have risen to the second level of bronze. Such a quick and direct way of upgrading made everyone feel a little bit surprised besides surprise.Their promotion is too fast.

But when everyone thought about it later, when they entered the underground warehouse for the first time, their group killed nearly [-] Bronze-rank mutant bats, and nearly [-] silver bat mutants were completely killed by Li Jie alone. It is inevitable that there will be some chills in my heart.

These guys, not reaching the golden rank, can only act as biological instruments to defend the Tianning Alliance.

Just as everyone was checking whether the flamethrower in their hands was damaged, Lin Ye said. "I don't know if you have noticed that the mutant beast we encountered this time is much stronger than the last time!"

Gu Tian nodded in deep agreement. The reason why Lin Ye said this was not because the general strength of these guys had risen to a higher level, but because the king beast just now did not give the black panthers under it Revenge, this is obviously not a reasonable thing, you must know that these mutant beasts rely on blood relationship or a certain powerful symbiosis.

And the five-layered golden-rank leopard beast just roared at Lin Ye and his party, turned around and left.This abnormal incident made everyone a little confused about the easy victory just now, and about the few silver-rank mutant leopard beasts that died underground.I feel that things are not that simple this time!
Before the people of the Tianning League could discuss these matters, they felt a large group of creatures approaching their group. They stopped being pretentious and turned on the strong light on the watches in their hands.For a moment, the radiance skyrocketed, and with the help of the magic mirror, everyone's eyesight suddenly saw a place 15 meters away.

Probably seeing the power of Jiang Xinyu's Gatling, everyone switched to machine guns one after another, and Li Jie carried out the individual missile without losing the wind.Lin Ye knocked him hard beside him.

(End of this chapter)

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