Chapter 194

"This thing is used to deal with gold-level things. This group of things should be some zombies later. Why use this thing!" Lin Ye didn't think there was anything wrong with using individual missiles to deal with these zombies, but rather Some trivial matters were exaggerated, even if Lin Ye didn't use cold air to detect, judging from such a neat formation, it was undoubtedly the zombies.

At this time, everyone was in the middle of the misty valley, surrounded by them densely.Lin Ye thought that both the "Three Forms of the World" and the "Hell Transformation" required a lot of space, otherwise they would not be able to show their power in actual combat.

"Everyone, back to back, get ready for bayonets!" As soon as Lin Ye said this, even Xue Wu, who had always been the most loyal to him, felt that Lin Ye was making things difficult for others. Under such circumstances, shouldn't everyone take out their guns? Something, did Jiang Xinyu chug all the zombies like Jiang Xinyu wiped out those black panthers?How to practice the "Hell Transformation" that is not very proficient on these zombies is simply...
Although there are some complaints in my heart.But since Lin Ye asked everyone to do this, there must be his deep meaning. Among them, Taoist Qi Zhan first untied the rope from behind him with a Qinglong Yanyue knife similar to that used by Guan Gong.

Qi Zhan's knife was specially made for him. When Jiang Xinyu went to the black market to buy things for the first time, Lin Ye asked her to go to the place where military weapons were made, and made such a knife. , although it is said that after everyone becomes a supernatural user, both in terms of physical strength and strength, they are much stronger than ordinary human beings, but when a big knife weighing four hundred catties and about four meters long stands tall on an unseen In front of the heavy man with the big knife, he was still surprised.Fortunately, this is a weapon prepared for Qi Zhan. Ordinary supernatural beings, let alone wielding this thing, may not be able to lift it even with one-handed practice.

Seeing that Qi Zhan was ready at this time, everyone had no choice but to put back the loaded guns in their hands.Each person has created different types of weapons according to their own weight and special abilities.

Xuewu's is a red-tasseled long spear, Gutian is a sharp sword, and Nie Quanqi is a rather heavy blunt knife.Hu Fei has a few sharp short knives, while Li Jie is a Japanese mayor's knife that looks ordinary but actually breaks his hair, and Lin Ye has "Dragon Slaying" in his hand. According to his own request, he got two big axes and grabbed one with one hand, which seemed very difficult.

As for Jiang Xinyu, she was still holding her Gatling in her right hand, while her left hand was in the storage bag, feeling several powerful thunderbolts.It can be called an active weapon and ammunition depot.

"Gutian. Are you able to move those two axes? I'm afraid you'll fall down." Li Jie didn't feel any pressure on the coming zombies. It is the same as harvesting heteronuclei in the field.

The lonely angel vigorously raised the two big axes.His face was flushed red. A single ax weighed about a hundred catties, and two axes weighed a hundred catties. Not to mention chopping zombies with such a weight, he felt extremely strenuous just to carry it and run.

Seeing Gu Tiantuo's appearance, Lin Ye knew the consequences of his actions.He didn't like to listen to Li Jie's words, but he had no reason to refuse his own words. "Gutian, you can exchange the ax with Li Jie!"

Lin Ye took the mayor's knife from Li Jie's hand, and took the two axes, and exchanged them.Although Gu Tian was somewhat dissatisfied with Lin Ye's approach, he was very satisfied with the lightness and sharpness of the Mayor's Knife.After Li Jie got the father and son, he couldn't stop watching.I can't put it down for the generosity of these two big axes.

"Xin Yu, wait for you to take charge of one side of the zombies, don't accidentally injure your own people!" Although swords have no eyes, bullets are even more deadly, if everyone is unprepared.Accidentally got shot.Although it won't die, it will be very difficult for the next battle.

After Jiang Xinyu replied Lin Ye with a good word, she took out a grenade from her pocket and threw it out of the mist.There was a shocking explosion 20 meters away.

Then Gatling's voice echoed throughout the misty valley.This big killer, as long as you don't meet a guy with spiritual knowledge above the golden level, basically relying on this fierce Gatling can easily solve it. For low-level zombies and mutant beasts, this is equivalent to a lock. The bull head and horse face of the soul.

After the bullets popped out of the chamber, blood sprayed on the body of the low-level zombies.Often they still haven't figured out what the situation is, and their heads or chests are directly pierced with a big hole.The broken arms and hands are still crawling forward under the obsession of consciousness, but the bats all over the sky are like sickles for harvesting straw.Mantou is also like a brave steel warrior.Among the zombies, they bit their necks, or forcibly bit off the flesh above their chests.

Seeing that Jiang Xinyu opened fire first, everyone couldn't hold back, as long as they didn't encounter a mutant beast corpse with golden-level intelligence.These low-level zombies now are like targets to accompany everyone in contact with the "Three Forms of the World" and "Hell Transformation".

Li Jie brandished two big axes, screaming ghosts incessantly, and a move of "hell transformation" pierced through the air, and his body was seven or eight meters away in an instant, taking the lead.Unexpectedly, it was Gu Tian who was following behind him. At this time, a bloodthirsty light was shining behind his eyes. There was nothing wrong with the zombies, but the zombies made him lose everything.Dear teachers, classmates, and parents.And the grandfather in the mountain village.

Qi Zhan is like an indifferent beast. After experiencing life and death a few days ago, these zombies now look like a group of ants to him, with a tenacious heart.

Lin Ye dragged Tulong forward to play, and seeing the indomitable state of everyone facing the zombies, Lin Ye was very happy, and an unconcealable smile flowed from the corner of his mouth.

Thinking of encountering zombies before, everyone was in a panic before remembering that they were supernatural beings.Or they don't have a good grasp of the strength of these zombies.Just run away blindly.At this point a comparison.Compete with each other.

Li Jie rushed into the zombies, and he made the "Three Forms of the World" and "Hell Transformation" like clouds and flowing water. After all, his body has been strengthened by supernatural powers. It is much stronger than ordinary humans. The two big axes are like two A group of objects exuding the magic power of black holes, zombies will have broken arms and short legs if they touch it.The mighty army of zombies was driven out of a hole by Li Jie alone.

(End of this chapter)

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