Rebirth of the Supreme Ice King

Chapter 195 A Unilateral Victory

Chapter 195 A Unilateral Victory
And Gu Tian is not to be outdone, although Lin Ye is not allowed to use his abilities, he himself does not know what his abilities are.Gu Tian holds a sword in one hand.Clutching a few black talisman pieces in one hand, there were streams of astonishing supernatural power faintly flowing from them.

Even if Hu Fei can't use supernatural powers, his jumping ability, including body shape and footwork, is also a first-class expert. Several broken blades are specially designed to cut zombies' heads.All of a sudden, the heads of many zombies fell like rain.

Most of these zombies are common types ranging from bronze to silver.Not even a mutant corpse beast was born, even so.Lin Ye, who eliminated possible future troubles for everyone, was still nervous.This group of zombies had just been chased away by those black panthers, but their strength shouldn't be so weak.

The big knife in Qi Zhan's hand is like a rolling pin. These zombies are like dough at the mercy of others. For a while, red and black intestines rolled all over the ground, and an astonishing stench burst out all at once. come out.

Nie Quanqi, on the other hand, used the "Three Human Styles" to deal with these zombies in a rigid manner, and felt that they were more than enough.

And Xuewu is like a girl embroidering flowers, with red-tasseled guns dotted on the zombie's head, basically her heart is cold and her heart is flying.

When Lin Ye was helping everyone eliminate future troubles, did he turn around and look at Jiang Xinyu behind him? At this time, she was like a female devil.The entire zombie was stopped by her alone with powerful firepower, and the group of mutant bats were like tarsus worms. Behind the fart Diandian enjoy the success.

Even without using abilities.Lin Ye finally breathed a sigh of relief that everyone could survive under the tide of corpses of this scale.Sometimes I worry too much about myself!

At the same time, in a very hidden place in Baidi City, a man annoyed pushed away the woman who was riding on him, and picked up the rare non-stop ringing communication device next to the bed.I don't know which bastard interrupted my good business.

"Hey, who is it!?"

Hearing the extremely impatient voice on the other end of the phone, the short and thin man squeezed out a flattering smile and said. "Brother Hui, I'm strong! Didn't Master Ao want me and my brothers to stare at that place in this desert of yellow sand? We two brothers made a major discovery today!"

Hearing that it was these two guys, since it was about the matter of the Heavenly Space Gate, it was no small matter. The man kissed the woman hard, and began to get up and put on his clothes in a hurry. "What is the situation, you tell me clearly!"

"There should be about a dozen people, but they disappeared in that pile of rocks all of a sudden. Isn't this the phenomenon that Ao Mengzhu said. I didn't rush to hide it, and I notified you as soon as possible!"

This man named Brother Hui had already put on Zhushanmeng's clothes at this time, and pushed open the door.It was a brightly lit world outside. "Where are you watching them closely for me. If there is anything, report to me as soon as possible."

After listening to Brother Hui's words, the short and thin man felt a surge of pride in his heart. It seemed that they had hope of entering the inner circle of the Zhushan League.

"Boss, these zombies are too weak, and the number of these heterogeneous cores is really pitiful!" After just 10 minutes, these low-level zombies were wiped out, except for a few people in the entire misty valley. There is also the sound of steamed buns and bat beasts sucking blood, and there is a dead silence.

The storage bag has the function of automatically absorbing the different cores of zombies. After Li Jie had finished his killing, he opened the storage belt and was disappointed.Gu Tian also had a sad expression on his face.Just now, due to lack of strength, he finally threw out a few gold-rank runes to blow up the zombies. At this moment, he looked at his storage bag, and the gain outweighed the loss.The two complained to Lin Ye one after another.

Some people are happy and some are worried.Although Jiang Xinyu couldn't directly absorb these heteronuclei, but among the hundred or so mutant bats, except for seven or eight that were eaten by zombies, the others had already evolved to the third level of bronze, with some fine black lines on their wings. , also began to emerge slowly.

"Everyone tidy up, bring the missing tools and combat items, and we'll go to the next place!" Lin Ye had a strange feeling in his heart, as if something was going to happen faintly, but he couldn't stop it
In order not to have long nights and dreams, it was only these third-level silver panthers and the heteronuclei of these small fish and shrimps.Don't say it was Lin Ye who felt dissatisfied at this time.The group of people under him alone feel that they are too low, too few.If you want to obtain a higher-level zombie heterocore, you can only go deep into the misty valley.

But the deeper you go, the higher the abilities of the zombies and mutant beasts you encounter.According to the speculation of Lin Ye and Gu Tian, ​​the strongest mutant beasts or zombies that my group will encounter in this outer space gate should be the golden peak class.And if they want to face the king of the platinum corpse tide two months later, this gold-ranked monster is the mountain that their group must face.

But Lin Ye felt that everyone should not be the opponent of this golden-rank monster, but the zombies and mutant beasts in this space gate are limited, as long as they continue to be stupid, there will always be a day when they will all be killed.

"Boss, do you want to take these bat beasts away together?" Jiang Xinyu put away Gatling.She regained her lovely woman appearance.For Lin Ye.She will not hold a grudge.Even to drive her away.Jiang Xinyu also felt that this is the leader of the alliance, and he should have the courage and courage.

And it's proven.What Lin Ye asked her to do was not wrong. These mutant bats could indeed be raised.

Lin Ye thought about it for a while. These mutant bats rely on blood to refresh their ranks, but if they are forced to upgrade at once, they may lose control, and the next path is unknown. It is always necessary to bring them up. Some adventures.

"Xin Yu, the strength of these mutant bat beasts is still too weak. If they are forcibly promoted, they will not be able to control themselves because they have such powerful abilities. The zombies we will encounter later are far worse than The black leopard beast and ordinary zombies just now are more than powerful, bringing them will become a drag!"

Jiang Xinyu can naturally tell the difference between them. Since Lin Ye is unwilling to take these mutant bats on the road, of course she will not take them by force, because she found that some mutant bats seem to be a group of monsters to her after they have advanced. People also became hostile, although the number of such people is very small, but Jiang Xinyu believes that this should not be accidental.

(End of this chapter)

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