Chapter 197
And everyone is just a bunch of silver!
There was a look of sadness on everyone's face.Lin Ye roared. "Do you have confidence!"

"Yes!" Everyone replied in unison.

Everyone turned their eyes to Lin Ye at the same time, as if as long as he was there, no matter what kind of predicament it was, they could overcome it.

This voice boosted everyone's morale, but at the same time it also attracted the few golden-rank poisonous spider beasts who were eating. They felt that among this group of creatures, except for one that could pose a little threat to them, the others were Just like normal zombies.There are three colorful leopard beasts who are unwilling to give up this second-level golden beast.And a poisonous spider beast that had already eaten its stomach swayed on the ground and crawled towards the crowd.

"Scatter!" Lin Ye shouted.This moment is the moment of life and death.

Lin Ye, Li Jie, Hu Fei.The three of them soared into the sky almost at the same time.Straight towards the oncoming poisonous spider beast, this poisonous spider beast obviously didn't expect these three creatures that looked like ants to it to have such terrifying power, among them There was one that vaguely involved its own heterogeneous nucleus.

The restraint Lin Ye mentioned was not really just being a living target for these guys.After Pokong Zhan made a few empty taps in the air, he actually flew up in the air like a big bird.And Li Jie's instant "Frenzied Battle" is also extremely arrogance.He didn't put the two axes in the storage bag, and he rushed forward without any hesitation in his hands.It turned out that he wanted to kill this guy directly.

Although Hu Fei's "jump" ability is not lethal, but at this moment he is holding a Gatling in his hand and spewing out flames in the sky like a wrathful dragon.As his psychic level increased, he felt that the gravity of the earth had less and less effect on him.The time of stagnation in the air is also getting longer and longer. With the addition of human martial arts, Hu Fei is like a bird that can teleport at this time. It is difficult for ordinary gold-level creatures to touch his figure.

The scene of the three of them rushing bravely fell into the eyes of the two women, Jiang Xinyu and Xuewu, and it was unavoidable that they were a little worried. After all, they were four gold-ranked poisonous spider mutants.
Qi Zhan and Nie Quanqi stared intently at the situation on the field, while Nie Quanqi was even more nervous. It was the first time he had seen these poisonous spiders, but their silk-spinning skills were similar to his own vine attack. He was worried. As long as one is restrained, the others will lose control at the same time,

Obviously.The worries of these people who are not at the center of the situation are a little careless.

Lin Ye's piercing slash had arrived before the poisonous spider came to his senses. On the top of the poisonous spider's head, he stretched out his hands.The sword rain all over the sky is like the dust of the sun shining into the church, densely smashing on the top of the poisonous spider's head. The poisonous spider's reaction speed is also the top among the mutant beasts. A spider web unexpectedly appeared on the ground without a sound. Above the head, all the sword rain is like bean-sized raindrops hitting the umbrella.

This trick of sword rain not only failed to deflate the poisonous spider, but made Li Jie and Hu Fei stagnate.The two felt it in their hearts at the same time. "Damn it, the boss shot too hard!" Then, Hu Fei pulled the trigger, and rows of Gatling bullets shot out as if they had no different cores.Hit it on the extremely strong shell of the poisonous spider.There was a sound of gold and stone colliding.

And Li Jie is a guy who is not afraid of death, and the two axes follow the wind.Immediately cut off the two forelimbs of the poisonous spider, the poisonous spider became angry from embarrassment, and sprayed a large jet of black venom from its mouth.After Li Jie's body was alienated, although it looked like steel, he didn't dare to resist the venom, so he had to retreat a few meters away.

The reason why Lin Ye made such a thunder move regardless of the cost and power was to kill a poisonous spider mutant beast in one fell swoop. In this way, the pressure on the three of them was reduced, and each of them could concentrate on dealing with one. , these four are very likely to be mutant beasts with one sibling, if they wait until they take action together, maybe their group of people won't even have a chance to explode!will be directly killed on the spot.

The other three poisonous spider beasts, who were concentrating on eating, saw their own kind being injured, and made a hoarse and ugly sound. Everyone felt a little uncomfortable when they heard it. These guys can't attack with sound waves, right?

The second after that poisonous spider was chopped off by Li Jie, the three poisonous spiders threw off the half-eaten colorful leopard beast.It rushed over like flying.But Lin Ye and his group had no way out, Jiang Xinyu and Xuewu were preparing to launch a fatal attack on these guys.

When the war between the supernatural being and the mutant beast really started, the most anxious person was Gu Tian, ​​who was circling all over the ground with a handful of talismans tightly in his hand.I am just a naked superhuman.Apart from having a body of a person with supernatural powers, he doesn't even have the most basic supernatural powers. In the current situation, why doesn't he want to go up and fight those poisonous spider beasts? But Lin Ye didn't let him go up. Being strong means disobeying the order of the leader of the Tianning League.After this training is over, according to Lin Ye's cold-faced and black-bellied appearance, he will be a ghost if he doesn't wear small shoes for himself!
Nie Quanqi watched the situation anxiously.Xuewu next to him was accumulating abilities, and wanted to instantly cast a huge "Lotus Holy Flame!" to kill one directly.

Seeing that Xue Wu was holding his breath, Nie Quanqi naturally wouldn't disturb him. Although he was a bit stupid, he also understood that the four mutated beasts were going to die against Lin Ye and the three superhumans.After exchanging gestures with Qi Zhan, Nie Quanqi walked forward brazenly.
Lin Ye didn't need to consume much ability to use the piercing slash, but the venom of the poisonous spider beast was very disgusting. After sticking to it, it immediately rotted into bones. This was undoubtedly the biggest threat to the three of them.Even if it can be recovered through medicinal liquid afterwards, the possibility of this is very small, and it is basically impossible to solve it with the level of medical technology in the last life at this time.

The ice armor that hadn't been upper body for a long time slowly took shape on his body, Lin Ye now had some confidence in his heart, and Li Jie, that savage.As long as he kills the mutant beast, the possibility of other mutant beasts hurting him is very slim.

As for Hu Fei, who was twinkling like a star in the sky, as long as these poisonous spiders couldn't go up to the sky, there would be no threat to him!

Lin Ye saw that the situation on the court was changing rapidly, and overall it was still a very unfavorable situation, so he was a little anxious.

"Let's besiege one first, don't let them huddle together," Lin Ye's normal ability is very difficult to hurt these guys, and the power of the ice blade can only be seen after [-] strokes.But the current situation does not allow them to have this time at all.

(End of this chapter)

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