Chapter 198
Only close combat can win.

Hu Fei, who was bouncing like he was always in the sky, shouted hello at the same time as Li Jie, who had already entered the berserk mode, killed the poisonous spider with two axes and killed him with a single blow !
Lin Ye pulled out the dragon slayer from behind, and everyone heard the roar of the dragon piercing through the air. Ever since the zombies he faced became more and more advanced, Lin Ye could feel more and more the power of this dragon slayer. The zombies are like chopping melons and vegetables, and dealing with zombies with spiritual skills is also a natural restraint.

I don't know what it's like to deal with these poisonous spider beasts!
Lin Ye is a gold-level first-level dual-line ability user, the strongest combat power of the Tianning Alliance, and the person who can best kill these mutant beasts. If Lin Ye can't do anything, other people will not only have to spend a lot of time A lot of effort.It is very likely that you will lose your life!

A little bit of ice shards grew under his feet, because Lin Ye became more and more familiar with his own ice ability, which is a tyrannical ability attribute.Except when you have to kill zombies or mutant beasts, at other times, you will not leak your abilities because you can't control the mutation.

At this moment, Li Jie, who was standing on Lin Ye's right, felt a bone-piercing cold from the depths of his feet, piercing straight into his heart.The body after this frantic battle can resist the power of supernatural powers, but it is powerless against Lin Ye's extreme cold and freezing.

"Boss, lower the temperature, I can barely move!" Li Jie shivered. Hu Fei, who was far away in the sky, naturally couldn't feel the cold, but felt that the temperature suddenly dropped.

There was already a touch of white between Lin Ye's pupils.At this time, he really entered the fighting state.He said to Li Jie almost as an order. "You restrain those three for me, the injured one, I'll kill it!"

After finishing speaking, Lin Ye's body was like a cannonball ejected from the chamber, and the piercing slash made bursts of bursting sounds in the air. Every place Lin Ye stepped on felt as if the ice had not melted for a long time.solidify into a solid
Lin Ye's words were military orders, as if he didn't know how many mutant bats were left in the underground warehouse.As long as Lin Ye said this, he must do it.

"Although I don't know why this Berserk possesses such great power, but as long as I need it, I can use it. If so, let the supernatural power in my body boil!" Li Jie at this time , Circles of black body lines began to appear on the face and body.And his face seemed to be smeared with blood, and his whole face was a dazzling red.

Almost at the first moment of Lin Ye's shot, Li Jie's Domineering Destiny came with the "Frenzied War".The second burst of blood began.As fast as Lin Ye only saw a black figure that looked crazy, he abruptly rushed back the three poisonous spider mutants that charged up.

The mutated beast with severed limbs seemed to understand that today is a day of doom, and instead of rushing to join the other three, it turned its head, and a stream of venom with a strong wind was directed towards Lin Ye's body. Spray it on your face.

In the nick of time, Lin Ye blocked his important parts with a wide dragon slaying, and then the venom splashed on his body actually melted the thick ice armor on his body with spots of holes, and he felt a violent pain on his skin. burning sensation.Just one is so powerful.Li Jie fights against three alone! ! !
Lin Ye's scalp was numb for a while, and he could no longer suppress his overwhelming anger. If Li Jie died under the three poisonous spider beasts because of his misconduct, Lin Ye would never have imagined that other than razing this place to the ground. Other ways of venting, in this case, nip the danger in its cradle,
At this moment, Lin Ye couldn't care about so much anymore, so he killed the one in front of him first.Everyone who was 20 meters away felt a beam of white light surge in the mist.Then there was a bang between the sky and the earth, and even the fog was weakened a bit.

Everyone's heart trembled.They all looked into the depths of the mist, which was Lin Ye's greatest strength at this time. "Ice and snow!" This move means that casualties have already begun to appear on the field. The frozen fireball in Xuewu's hand is already as big as a meteorite, and the blood on his face has completely disappeared.The blazing flames are the super-large version of the "Lotus Holy Fire" transformed from the pure fire power in her body.This blow can be called Baiyin's strongest nirvana.

What Lin Ye said in her ear echoed non-stop. Killing these poisonous spider beasts was the main goal, and Qi Zhan's stone face was also tangled together.Clenching their fists tightly, Lin Ye's arrangement is for him and Nie Quanqi to protect Xue Wu and Jiang Xinyu behind him. After all, this is the empty gate of heaven, and there will be waves of zombies attacking at any time.Gutian was also distressed, he squatted on the ground, the hair on one head seemed to be ripped off, he was in a dilemma.

Xue Wu became the calmest of these people. The tracking system indicator on the individual missile was on Lin Ye, and the indicator light was not on, so there was no need to fire the bomb. Even if Lin Ye started to use burst blood, she believed him. !

Lin Ye, who was in the middle, was like crystal clear ice at this time. The "ice and snow!" just now consumed 70.00% of his own abilities, which can be said to be pouring out, living up to expectations Yes, this poisonous spider beast has turned into a ball of ice powder at this time.

A heterogeneous nucleus with a pale yellow light shone in the ice powder, and the storage bag at Lin Ye's waist naturally absorbed the heteronucleus.

The three heads felt that their robed brother was killed by a human being, and fell into madness one after another. The sky full of spider threads shrouded Li Jie like a thick fog.At this time, he really understood what it meant to survive in the cracks, and these spider threads couldn't help but be extremely strong.And it was extremely sticky. At this time, Li Jie only had a concealing object left on his body. The clothes on his body and the two sharp-edged axes were all hanging on the spider web at this time.

When he was distracted, he discovered that Lin Ye had killed the poisonous spider beast, and Li Jie felt a sense of pride in his heart. "I can't kill you. You can't kill me either!"

Those poisonous spider beasts seemed to understand what Li Jie was saying, and the three poisonous spider beasts were like ghosts on the spider silk they vomited.Instantly to Li Jie's side!
Li Jie just turned around and saw the sharp forelimbs of the three poisonous spiders piercing his body centimeters like long knives.The black body lines are like flowing liquid. Li Jie delayed Lin Ye for 1 minute, but he delayed it for less than 1 minute for himself!

As if in a trance, Li Jie saw three ferocious poisonous spider beasts in front of his eyes.Several sharp poisonous claws were inserted into the heart, and everything after the doomsday passed before his eyes like a revolving lantern.

(End of this chapter)

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