Chapter 202
This guy's strength is at the silver level.The old ghost obviously didn't take what he said to heart, but the look in Lin Ye's eyes just now was too terrifying.It made the chills in his heart stand upside down.This guy obviously felt that the abilities in his body had disappeared, why did he still have this feeling of palpitations.

It's useless to think too much, except for this Lin Ye, everyone else is an ordinary silver class.There is also an ordinary person in the middle, such a team of supernatural beings can only be said to be of an average level, and it will not pose a threat to his group at all.

"Okay. But I'll put my ugly words in front of the head. The proud leader cherishes the rare abilities of these guys, but these people are also very difficult existences. Wait for any casualties. I don't care about them. I can't beat them, old ghost!" Not helping!",

That guy smiled when he saw the old ghost open his mouth. This mission seemed to them to be a small and easy task.The group of people I brought with me are usually not very popular in the Zhushan League, but if this matter goes well this time, my status in the Zhushan League will be improved by leaps and bounds.Maybe Master Ao can let himself take this group of people to the outer sky and the empty gate to hone their skills.At that time, it will be able to become more powerful.

This guy was just about to turn around and tell the group of people he led under the Zhushan League that he was ready to fight.After thinking for a while, the old ghost decided to tell him about it.

"Shangzi, there are a few guys here. If you can't take them down, you can kill them directly. It doesn't matter if you kill a few people. The leader of the Ao League said that he wants to live. He is doing experiments for Professor Li. Don't think that you really want to keep them. Go in and become a member of our Zhushan League, and if they run away, blame them all, and you will bear all the responsibilities!"

Shangzi scolded the old fox in his heart.Clean yourself up.But this guy's class and strength in the alliance are stronger than himself.After hearing what he said, Shangzi could only keep smiling.Said. "Brother Ghost, you are right!"

Lin Ye was inside the glass cover, and everything was in sight.These guys seem to want to capture their own group of people alive.There was a sharp flash between Lin Ye's pupils.Since they can know that they came out of this place, then the existence of this space gate has already been learned by Zhushanmeng.

"Since that's the case, then you all don't leave, or I won't be able to get out the bad breath from the bottom of my heart!!" Lin Ye yelled in his heart.

"Everyone, prepare to clean up all these things!" Lin Ye said coldly, and two ice blades slowly formed between his hands behind him. Although the supernatural person has extremely powerful supernatural powers, they are not zombies after all. The heart and neck are both fragile places, if one is not careful, death will come soon,

Everyone is very distressed about this defensive cover.When they didn't know what to do, they actually wanted to take the initiative to release themselves.

Gu Tian whispered in his mouth, "Hey, it's a pity for these supernatural beings."

The old ghost twitched a few times in the air, and the defensive cover disappeared out of thin air. Sure enough, this was this guy's natal ability.It turned out to be such a powerful existence.If the ability can run continuously, this thing can trap people alive to death.Fighting is not very good, and sneak attacking behind the back is a good ability.

After it was removed, a giant nylon rope net fell from the sky and fell out of the barrel.This kind of trick is used to catch low-level zombies.It was actually used to deal with a group of supernatural beings.Are the people in Zhushan League so arrogant and arrogant!
At this time, Xuewu has recovered [-]% of the supernatural powers in his body, which of course has a lot to do with the potion of supernatural beings brought by Gutian. At that time, Xuewu had secretly drank two bottles.At this time, it felt like the fire-type supernatural power in her body was constantly being spawned, and her face was already rosy and shiny.

This huge nylon rope net cover has not yet landed on the top of everyone's heads, and an extremely huge flame is like fireworks rising from the sky.Those fires seemed to be intelligent insects, and they swallowed up the nylon rope in an instant, leaving only a few sparks falling from the sky,

The group of supernatural beings in the Zhushan League were all dumbfounded. This frankly, there is a silver-level fire supernatural power, which is too scary.There is such a powerful fire ability in a small woman, those men who haven't made a move yet.These guys dare not think any further.They all looked at each other in blank dismay, retreating.The good life in Baidi City is so comfortable and unrestrained, so don't lose your life in this place.

Before they had time to react, several people in the Zhushan League had already collapsed, with the last touch of human panic remaining in their pupils.The appearance of these people's death is almost the same.There is an ice blade submerged three centimeters stuck in the heart,

Everyone saw Lin Ye make a move.I no longer carry it.Hu Fei bounced and took off.Suppressed with firepower in the air, these supernatural beings ran away with their heads in their hands.That Shangzi seemed to want to try again and bring these guys back, but he saw his group of people running away one after another.Also lost the mood to fight.As for the old ghost, after he removed the defensive cover, he disappeared without a trace.

Jiang Xinyu watched the supernatural beings in front of him die like fallen wheat under his own hands, and he was completely unmoved in his heart.along the way.The evil in human nature.She has seen too much.If they don't kill these guys, their group of people will die if they fall into their hands!
Lin Ye found that the guy who used his body power on his group of people just now ran away.Immediately, Qi Zhan said, "No one left!" Then he tiptoed the ground and broke.The faint, bone-chilling cold light left deep and shallow icicles on the ground.

"The green hills are here, so I'm not afraid that there will be no firewood. This group of pig-like guys, I told them not to let them out, but they didn't listen. I really thought they could really kill these guys who were bleeding inside the zombies. .Innocent! Childish!"

The old ghost was wearing a pair of speed-up shoes.When he was secretly proud that he could escape the catastrophe.Feeling a little cold in the back.

The old ghost with a bad heart knew that he might be doomed this time.Just don't run away.Waiting for the guy who locked himself to come over.Maybe he can still save his old life.

It was Lin Ye who was chasing this guy. Those guys just now showed such respect to this old man. His identity will have greater rights and status in the Zhushan League. Only by knowing yourself and the enemy can you win every battle.

(End of this chapter)

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