Chapter 203
Only by understanding the situation of the Zhushan League can Lin Ye make a plan for the next step.

"Brother, spare me!" The old ghost fell to the ground in a somersault, with all five bodies thrown to the ground.Lin Ye didn't expect this guy to stop after running such a small distance, and almost didn't stop the "breaking through the air" under his feet.

Lin Ye grabbed the clothes on his back and rushed back towards the pile of rocks.If my group of people don't leave, I'm afraid that people from Zhushan League will rush over again. At that time, Lin Ye feels that these people will not come to take him back.

"Brother, slow down. I have a bad heart, old man, and I'll be fine when I fall!" This old ghost was still very dishonest when he was held by Lin Ye, as if he was really afraid of Lin Ye With such a fast speed, throw him down.Then immortality is estimated to be a disability.

Qi Zhan, Nie Quanqi and others didn't have any deep hatred for these people from the Zhushan League, and they were careful when they attacked.As long as these guys take a good rest for ten days and a half months, they will be able to come back to life, but later, these guys turn their backs on them, not to mention Qi Zhan's violent temper, even Nie Quanqi became angry, and the Zhushan League's These guys still have all kinds of talismans in their hands like Gutian, and they almost blow half of Nie Quanqi away with a few tricks.

When Lin Ye rushed back, he saw that everyone Nie Quanqi was injured, and Gu Tian was helping him to treat him. He knew that Quan Qi was soft-hearted and didn't kill them, but at this time there was no sense of security here.People from the Zhushan League will rush over at any time.

"Let's go there first, Gutian, you suppress this guy's supernatural powers with silver needles, and don't let him play tricks." Then the old ghost felt his eyes darken, and a black cloth covered his face. out of sight.Afterwards, I felt as if I had been beaten in several places on my body, and the ability to injure my body could no longer be used. These guys have so many tricks, and the old ghost was very uneasy. What kind of medicine is it.

In order not to let him know the location of the Tianning Union, Lin Ye could only cover his eyes.Then throw it on the steamed bun.Putting him together with those mutant bats, who made loud noises from time to time, the old ghost yelled. "Don't feed me to mutant beasts! Brothers!"

Hearing this guy screaming annoyed.Jiang Xinyu took out a grenade from the storage bag and stuffed it in his mouth.Scolded in his ear. "If you say one more word, I'll pull the fuse off this grenade!"

The old ghost didn't dare to say a word anymore. He was captured by Lin Ye just now and saw the tragic death of those supernatural beings. Knowing that the methods of this group of people can be described as terrifying, he didn't dare to cause trouble again.He could only use his ears to carefully listen to the place where a group of people passed by, but because of the mutant beast in his ears, he couldn't hear anything.

I could only vaguely hear what they were talking about, the tide of corpses, Aobaitian, and other things like the Qingfeng League. The more I wanted to hear clearly, I didn't hear anything.

Gu Tian made a great contribution this time. Just saving Li Jie from the gate of death is enough to make everyone look at him with admiration. Worry-free, this alone is worth his happiness for a long time.But seeing Lin Ye's frowning and preoccupied look, he was also a little worried.So he asked.

"Boss, what's wrong with you?"

Lin Ye glanced at Gu Tian, ​​it seemed that this kid hadn't thought of the things he thought of.

"We can't come back to this empty gate in the sky!" Lin Ye's expression rarely showed a hint of disappointment,

Gu Tian didn't understand it at first, but when Lin Ye finished speaking, he thought about it carefully, and it was true. This time, a group of his own people killed the killers, and this kind of enmity was settled. A vital presence for the alliance.

If there is no place to hone in the future, everyone's strength will stagnate, and how to deal with the tide of corpses two months later.This seems to have fallen into a deadlock.

"Boss, don't think that way, maybe the tide of corpses will be postponed, not necessarily, and you didn't say that Baidi City will not be peaceful in the next period of time. If so, we don't have to worry at all. .Just get through this period of time well. Next, I plan to do some experiments. If successful, it will be a great boost to the strength of our Tianning Alliance!"

I don't know when it started, but everyone is very familiar with the name Tianning League, as if it has been a long time.

"If the expected event didn't happen in Baidi City, then within these two months, nothing unusual will happen." Lin Ye cursed secretly when he saw the old ghost on Mantou's body One sound. "not good!"

"Mantou, stop!" Lin Ye shouted.At this time, everyone was at the end of the underground river near the outside of the city.Lin Ye has not transformed into an ice bridge yet.I don't know if it's something important for Tu Rao to stop everyone.

After hearing Lin Ye calling his name, Mantou stopped, among these people.What it fears most is Lin Ye.Next is Jiang Xinyu.Because sometimes if Jiang Xinyu is in a bad mood and the steamed buns make her angry, then that meal of meat will probably be short of catties.I don't eat enough to fill my stomach.

But Lin Ye, with his terrifying murderous aura, would sometimes make Mantou pissed off and howl at Lin Ye. Like a golden retriever, he stuck out his tongue towards Lin Ye.The eyes are gurgling and rolling.

Everyone also didn't understand that now that everyone was injured to some extent, shouldn't they hurry on their way.Why did it stop.

"Take off the clothes from this guy from the Zhushan League and throw them into this dark river." Everyone gasped. Not only did they have their logo on the clothes of the Zhushan League, but they also had the most representative tracking system .If this guy is brought back to the factory area, it won't be long before Ao Baitian's subordinates, or himself, will appear in the underground warehouse soon.

"Boss, should I throw the clothes or throw this guy down?"

"Clothes. This guy is very useful!" Gutian actually misunderstood what he said, thinking that he was going to throw this guy into the dark river.Naturally, the two women were embarrassed to do such a thing. Among the members of the Tianning League, Gu Tian was the only one who was alive and well, and he didn't have any responsibilities.

(End of this chapter)

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