Rebirth of the Supreme Ice King

Chapter 205 The Secret of the Zhushan League

Chapter 205 The Secret of the Zhushan League
"I said, I'm just an ordinary supernatural manager who guards an area in the Zhushan League. This time, the proud league wants me to take action to bring you back, and I don't want any other meaning!"

The old ghost's words were sincere. Jiang Xinyu looked at Lin Ye and was asking for his opinion. She thought the old man was not lying. better than him.Going out is only a matter of time, and there will be no substantial harm at all.

A cold and coercive voice said slowly, "You're lying!" Lin Ye kept looking into his eyes when he was speaking. Although the guy's eyes were very sincere when he spoke, his whole But his hands were tightly clenched together, tightly clenched, this point could not be hidden under Lin Ye's cold air.

"I didn't, I assure you, everything I said just now is true, not a single word is lying to you!" Hearing that Lin Ye exposed his lies, the old ghost relaxed, as if all this As he expected.

"Just now when you said the third word in that sentence, your hands were tightly held together, but when you answered all the questions just now, your hands were placed very casually. Generally, in this case, the following , there are only two possibilities, one. You are lying. Two, you are about to tell a shocking secret. But what you just said can only be counted as some small problems, just like what is your name! "

When Lin Ye was talking, the old ghost felt cold under his feet, as if his whole body fell into the ice. This alone is not the point, those cold ice cubes crawled down his ankles and burrowed into his trouser legs like poisonous snakes , a murderous coldness could not be dispelled in his heart, like a mist,
The clothes behind the old ghost were all soaked, not only that, but beads of sweat began to appear on his forehead. Lin Ye felt like a poisonous snake that could violently kill people at any time. At this moment, the poisonous snake Its fangs were showing off to itself, and the venom was already in the lower jaw, ready to be released at any time.

"I'm telling the truth. Don't kill me! Don't kill me! I'm the manager of the Zhushan League Scientific Research Base. Ao Baitian said that the abilities in your group are various and strange. Those in the area I manage The scientist moved his mind and wanted me to take you all back. I haven't fought for a long time since I arrived at the Zhushan League. But this time, I didn't expect that you would still have such a strong strength when you opened the door from outside the sky. The reason for the failure is also because my partner is too stupid, as long as I exhaust all your supernatural powers, at that time, I will negotiate terms with you, not like this!"

After the old ghost finished speaking, he was very aggrieved. He felt that if the mission had failed this time, if that guy hadn't obeyed the command, Lin Ye and his party would have already been his prisoners.

Hearing the old ghost talk about the scientific research base, Lin Ye's heart skipped a beat. Could it be that the Zhushan League is also developing medicine for the supernatural beings?Afterwards, Lin Ye dismissed this idea to the back of his mind. These guys lost their strength just by catching a group of them. With such a powerful method, it will not make most of the supernatural beings from the Zhushan League. leave now.

The reason why these people want to leave the Zhushan League is because these guys are not really willing to submit to Ao Baitian's rule.Many people become supernatural beings because of their extraordinary destiny, and it is precisely because of this.Lin Ye was able to so boldly kill those people from the Zhushan League outside.If Lin Ye guessed correctly, the situation of Zhushan League at this time is already a mess.

From the fact that Ao Baitian couldn't get away to the scene in person for such a big event, one can imagine how fierce the disturbances in Baidi City were by those supernatural beings at this time.And the one or two mines he planted should be about to detonate! !

"You mean, Ao Baitian wants to use us as guinea pigs for those human scientific researchers to analyze the body structure of supernatural beings!
Seeing Lin Ye clearly explaining the secret things he was going to do in one breath, the old ghost blushed and said in a muttering voice. "We are all corpses of supernatural beings used in battle, and we will not attack the living!"

After the old ghost said these words, even Jiang Xinyu laughed.Is this old ghost naive, or is he just laughing at how ordinary everyone is, it doesn't make any difference!

Lin Ye didn't bother to figure out these things. He just wanted to know who could be stronger than him. If he was an ordinary person, he could just quit.This old ghost doesn't seem to understand Lin Ye's temper.

Still chattering non-stop, nothing more than some words to praise the Zhushan League, Lin Ye himself has gotten what he wanted most from this guy's mouth, he is inevitably a little happy, but in order to avoid losing his composure, Lin Ye swallowed Ice scum enters the throat, so one has to keep calm first, because one has seen the decline of the Zhushan League.It's because if this old ghost can be used for himself, it will be a great help from the University of Medicine. If he can't, this guy can't be sent back to the Zhushan League.

After asking an important question, Lin Ye relaxed, and rubbed the icy glass ball in his hand, it was very crystal clear, like a crystal.

"Did you know? We also have a scientific experiment base here. There is only one guy who is a doctor and a mad scientist, but our rules are a little different from those of the Zhushan League. We like to use living people for experiments. If it fails, we will use four people to do experiments! "Lin Ye hugged the old man as if he was idle anyway.

Sure enough, these words fell into the ears of the old ghost, as if saying that you still have something to hide. Since you don't want to tell the truth, it's fine, then use you to do scientific experiments!
"As long as you let me go, I will promise you whatever you ask. At this time, I will never go back to the Zhushan League, nor can I stay in this Baidi City. As long as you are happy, I will answer truthfully whatever you ask. , I will never tell half a lie. If I lie to you, I will die a terrible death!!!"

Lin Ye felt that he lacked interest in the old ghost's true feelings at this time.This guy may not know as much as he does. Lin Ye kneaded the ice beads of his left and right hands together.Then he said. "Has anything major happened in Baidi City recently?"

"There is a saying in Baidi City recently. Some people say that after two months, there will be a wave of corpses, and most of the people will die in this wave of corpses." The old ghost glanced at Lin Lin tentatively. Ye, this matter is only spread among a small number of supernatural beings. If he doesn't know, it proves that they don't have much contact with the outside world.

(End of this chapter)

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