Rebirth of the Supreme Ice King

Chapter 206 Lin Ye's Plan

Chapter 206 Lin Ye's Plan

Lin Ye nodded. It seems that Bai San of Wuhua Tianbao has already started spreading the news.Then the Tianning League will get a super boost. If this kind of rumors are caught by the people of the Zhushan League, the consequences can be imagined, but if Bai San does this, it proves that this guy is not a person who broke his promise and also It reflected the desire of the Qiqi League and Tianning League he represented to make a big splash in Baidi City.There is.

"Xin Yu, just keep an eye on him here. I'll call Gu Tian in. Let him ask about the Zhushan League Science Experiment Base!" Jiang Xinyu nodded, and Lin Ye patted her on the shoulder before leaving. After a moment, Jiang Xinyu immediately reacted.Gu Tian's personality is not that strong, if he comes in for interrogation, Jiang Xinyu will start to sing bad faces.

Lin Ye walked out of this small enclosed space. At this time, Gu Tian was busy with those mutant bats, and had already divided these things into two groups.A group of ordinary mutant bats that had not been brought into the Heavenly Space Gate were being placed in a small corner at this time.And those mutant bats brought in let them fly wantonly in the environment controlled by the four sonic instruments.

Seeing Lin Ye coming out from the inside, Gu Tian walked towards him, wondering if the guy inside had finished the interrogation so soon?

"Gutian, we have arrested a manager who manages the scientific experiment base of Zhushan League. If you have any questions, go ask him!" Lin Ye still had the same poker face for thousands of years.Even when fighting zombies and hostile supernatural beings, their faces are expressionless, and everyone has long been used to this appearance.

After Gutian heard the words of the scientific experiment base, his eyes sparkled, "I know the boss, let me interrogate this guy!!"

Gu Tian put the food in his hands to feed the mutant bat cubs on the ground, and hurried in.Lin Ye picked it up from the ground. The cubs of these mutant bats are growing and need a lot of food to survive.These foods are mixed with some drugs that can produce addictive substances, which are not harmful to them themselves, but just let them play a dependent role, so that they can truly obey the words of their own group.

Lin Ye's heart was in a mess at this moment.The situation suddenly became complicated and confusing. If it is really like what this old ghost said, what are Ao Baitian and his group of high-level supernatural beings doing? They made a move, or they said that what those people are doing now is more important than a space gate outside the sky.

The scientific experiment base of the Zhushan League turned out to use the bodies of people with supernatural powers as experimental products.The Zhushan League has been established for almost half a year. This place should be the top priority. The manager of this base was sent out so easily. It is a bit too coincidental.

Unless the Zhushan League has been torn apart at this time, a rebellion by high-level supernatural beings has occurred, or some high-level zombies or mutant beasts have appeared in a hidden place in the city, and Ao Baitian must take action to solve this matter. Otherwise, it can only be a pool of stagnant water.

These two conclusions speculated by Lin Ye are not good things for him. The fragmentation of the Zhushan League will inevitably lead to the lack of core strength in the fight against the "corpse tide". According to Lin Ye's expectations, the Zhushan League will After leading the fight against the tide of corpses this time, it began to go downhill, and its strength in Baidi City gradually declined.

But now the development.It's not going according to his speculation.Lin Ye grabbed a handful of bat beast meat and sprinkled it on them. After a while, these dark bat beasts gathered together like a tide, and they all stared at Lin Ye eagerly with their red eyes.

In Li Jie's room, Li Jie was able to open his eyes at this moment, but he felt as if his body didn't belong to him. The supernatural powers in his body were slowly operating. When he wanted to lift his hands, he found nothing but numbness.It was still numb, and the same was true for both feet. Not only that, but Li Jie also felt that although his supernatural power level had risen, the heterogeneous core in his body had not evolved.

What the hell does this happen?

The door was pushed open, and a familiar face came into Li Jie's eyes. The person who came was Lin Ye who had finished feeding the bat beast. Li Jie's recovery speed obviously surprised Lin Ye. This guy's ability to recover It turned out to be much more powerful than Qi Zhan, and he was able to wake up from a complete coma in just a few hours.

Li Jie opened his mouth wide open, wanting to say something, but found that he couldn't even utter a single word from his throat.He looked anxious.Lin Ye's face was watery, and he gestured for him not to speak or make any big moves.

Lin Ye sat on the head of Li Jie's bed, with one hand reaching out to his chest, and strands of cold air penetrated into his skin.The injuries and diseases in his body are well known by Lin Ye. Lin Ye's medical skills are useful for low-level supernatural beings, but after high-level supernatural powers, the supernatural power in any supernatural person's body will form A defensive power to exclude these forces that invaded the body.

"Your recovery ability is indeed the best among our group of people. Such a serious injury has not affected your body, and this time you have advanced to the first level. It can be said that it was a blessing in disguise!"

Lin Ye is very satisfied with Li Jie's physical condition at this time. Li Jie's promotion this time is the peak of the silver rank. With Xue Wu, there are two gold rank superpowers in the Tianning League. At this time, Lin Ye Ye believes it won't take long.

When stepping from the silver rank to the gold rank, it is a completely different concept. If the power of the silver rank supernatural power is just a tank of water, then the golden rank supernatural power is like a pond. There may be mutual restraint between the superpowers, but the higher the level, there is basically no hope of being able to fight against it. Only the stronger the strength of your own group of people, in this Baidi City, will stand up. the more stable
But Lin Ye didn't know that the supernatural power in Li Jie's body at this time didn't have the feeling that a tank of water couldn't hold it, and it needed a pond to hold it.Instead, there is only a spoonful of water left in the bottom of the tank.

Li Jie looked at Lin Ye with tears in his eyes. If Gu Tian was present, he would definitely be able to spot Li Jie's strange situation at this time. Although this guy looks normal, his body seems to be on fire again. , this consequence is precisely the result of Gu Tian's unauthorized use of the "Qing Sang Jing" for acupuncture. How can the bodies of supernatural beings be the same as those of ordinary people? There can only be one in the sky and the other in the ground. .

(End of this chapter)

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