Chapter 207
At that time, the situation was urgent within the gate of space.If not treated in time, I'm afraid Li Jie will die somewhere, but the sequelae of reckless strikes have been fully revealed at this time.

Lin Ye could not speak when he saw Li Jie, but his eyes seemed to be begging himself. How could Li Jie, who is usually so careless, act like this?Lin Ye couldn't bear to think too much, Li Jie was rescued by Gu Tian, ​​so in this situation.That is, he knows best!
Gu Tian was "torturing" the old ghost about the specific situation of the Lexue Experimental Base in the Zhushan League, and was talking about what he wanted to know, but he felt a chill behind him.A pair of big hands tightly grabbed his back clothes and left.

Gu Tian took a closer look and saw that it was Lin Ye, "What's wrong with the boss? Are those bat beasts rebelling?"

"Li Jie's body has a supernatural disorder!" After Lin Ye finished speaking, Gutian's playful expression immediately changed into a serious one.Behind a pair of glasses shines a dazzling light,

"No, the viscera in his body have changed!"

When the two felt Li Jie's room, Li Jie had already rolled off the bed, with blue veins popping out on his forehead!A pair of hands is grasping something in the air feebly, and human reason has been lost in the eyes.

"Boss, quickly freeze the limbs below his heart!" After Gu Tian finished speaking, Lin Ye pressed his hands on Li Jie's body.Then he was frozen into ice like a sculpture.

Gu Tian took out the wooden box containing the silver needles from the storage bag, and he also brought out half of the "Qing Nang Jing".At this time, Lin Ye was standing aside and couldn't help him. Li Jie looked very uncomfortable, and it could be said that life was worse than death.This guy was able to collapse with a smile when he killed a few bat mutant king beasts. What kind of pain would he have to endure at this time to be so unbearable.

Lin Ye snatched the "Blue Bag Sutra" from Gu Tian's hand.Said coldly. "This book is used to treat ordinary humans. We are all supernatural beings, completely different from ordinary humans! The treatment methods in this book have no effect on Li Jie!"

Gu Tian slapped himself on the head angrily.Said angrily. "I forgot about this!"

Since the treatment method in the book is wrong.But Li Jie also woke up from the coma, it is impossible that there is no effect at all, except for the wrong injection he gave in a hurry, there is nothing wrong, and Li Jie's painful expression at this time does not seem to be a strange thing in his body. Can be disordered.But poisoning! ! !

"Boss, I got it. The toxin on Li Jie's body has not been removed!" After Gu Tian finished speaking, Lin Ye suddenly remembered that when the three poisonous spider beasts were launched the last blow today, those three guys All the venom was sprayed on Li Jie.

At that time, Li Jie was in a state of frenzied combat, and it was normal to be able to resist, but at this time he was already at the end of his strength, and the venom of the three golden first-level poisonous spider beasts in his body did not stop because of the powder used by Gutian to treat trauma The attack on him, instead, merged into his blood, and after such a long time, he finally relapsed.

At this time, Lin Ye finally showed a trace of anxiety, and the poisonous gas entered his body. This is not an ordinary poison. At this time, there are only two fates for Li Jie. Can't stand it, die here.Or the supernatural power in his body eliminates all the toxins, but due to the absorption of these, the body mutates and undergoes unpredictable changes.

"Gu Tian, ​​no matter what method you use, you must bring Li Jie back to life!" Lin Ye was anxious at this moment.Everyone in the Tianning League can be said to be a unique existence, and everyone in the later stage is an independent general.

There was a trace of despair in Gutian's eyes, and his eyes were flushed. Seeing Lin Ye like this, Gutian's lips murmured. "Boss, with our current medical level, Li Jie can only fend for himself!"

The last time Gu Tian felt this desperate feeling was when he and Lin Ye broke into the Heavenly Space Gate, and when Lin Ye was pierced by that man-eating monster in order to save himself.At that time, he also watched helplessly.But he couldn't help the last point, which made him very desperate.

At this time, Li Jie was like a frozen fish in the refrigerator. The parts of his body below the heart were tightly frozen by Lin Ye with ice powers, and he could not move, but the hideous look on his face was telling him Due to the sufferings she has suffered now, her eyes are already red, as if blood is about to flow out of them!
Lin Ye's class is higher than the two. At this time, the change in Li Jie's body, if he is a gold rank, he can bear it without injury, but he is only a silver peak. At this time, his life is at stake, but Li Jie's heart Lin Ye knew that this guy had grown from being cowardly and timid at the beginning to being fearless later on.He looked supercilious after starting the mad battle.It all proves that this is a proud person, and he will not fall down so easily!
The heteronuclear red light in Li Jie's brain skyrocketed, and bright red blood began to flow from his eyes.Gu Tian and Lin Ye looked at each other, subconsciously, Li Jie wanted to forcibly step up to resist the destructive power of the toxin in this venom.

There is only one consequence of this kind of operation, and that is to explode.If there are any other possibilities.

"Boss, stop him quickly!" Gu Tian seemed to be about to cry, he understood why Li Jie did this.If these toxins remain in his body, future advancement will naturally be affected.

In Lin Ye's eyes, this crazy move was Li Jie's longing for death.

Lin Ye took out three goose-yellow heteronuclei from his storage bag. At this time, Lin Ye's pupils looked like a gambler who was overwhelmed by everything.

"Since he suffered from the venom of the poisonous spider beast, then these three different cores are regarded as the tonic for him to advance to the next level. Fighting poison with poison may save his life!"

Lin Ye seemed to be speaking to Gu Tian, ​​but also seemed to be talking to himself.Stuffed three different cores into Li Jie's mouth.Gu Tian on the side opened his mouth wide in surprise.

After Lin Ye stuffed three into Li Jie's mouth, Li Jie, who was rushing up the stairs, seemed to be touched by his mother. His whole body trembled for a long time as if he had been electrified, and then the ferocious facial expression on his face began. Slowly ease down.

Seeing that this move was really effective, both of them were overjoyed.Li Jie was saved.

(End of this chapter)

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