Rebirth of the Supreme Ice King

Chapter 210 The Difficulty of Ability Users

Chapter 210 The Difficulty of Ability Users
After Gu Tian listened to Lin Ye's words, a bold idea appeared in his mind. "Boss, do you want to train Xin Yu to become a supernatural being?"

"That's right, the physical strength of ordinary humans is still too weak. The opponents we will meet in the future will only get stronger and stronger. In a situation like today, if she can't protect herself." Lin Ye didn't finish his sentence, but the lonely God already understood what he meant.

There are three ways to become a supernatural person. One is to obtain extremely powerful supernatural abilities under the illumination of the first blood moon in the apocalypse. The second is to be stimulated by the tide of zombies. High-tech weapons have begun to emerge, and people with potion abilities have also appeared.Although the potion user can obtain the ability to rival the ability, but the lifespan will be reduced accordingly!
The appearance of the third kind of supernatural beings happened five years after the end of the world. Since there are more zombies on the earth than humans, they are constantly devouring and evolving among them.The power of the supernatural beings has fallen into a disadvantage. After a large number of human beings died, the potential in the human body was finally stimulated, and a large number of supernatural beings were born out of nowhere!
Jiang Xinyu's situation can't be waited for more than five years, the first wave of corpses, the changing situation of Baidi City, there is a possibility of death at any moment.Although Jiang Xinyu has a powerful weapon to open the way, but when facing those strong gold-level supernatural powers, he can only be helpless.After all, others would not stand there as a target.

"Boss, it will take a long time for those with potion abilities."

"I know, I'll give you one year, and I'll get you what you need, but after one year, I want you to hand over the potion user to me!"

Lin Ye believes that Gutian can succeed. When this lunatic delves into a matter very deeply, he will never give up until he reaches his goal.

"If the boss can really give me a year, I guarantee that I will create the strongest supernatural potion user in China!"

Seeing that Gu Tian has such great ambitions, Lin Ye felt very gratified. He has been a human being for two lifetimes, and the ups and downs of his expression have been deeply restrained.

The situation of the entire Tianning League is very good, although there is an empty door in the sky right now.But these two trials also made Lin Ye realize deeply.It is too dangerous inside the Outer Space Gate this day.

How could there be two trials, such a wounded person appeared in his team, Qi Zhan had a thick body to resist that injury, and Li Jie was purely fate.If Gutian had been unconscious at that time, his little life would have been left there.

"It seems that we have to find a new Tianwai Kongmen as a training base!" Lin Ye thought in his heart, if his strength does not improve, then he will not have the capital to gain a foothold in this Baidi City.

As for the current troubled times in Baidi City, Lin Ye doesn't intend to intervene in it. Now Baidi City is like a pool of muddy water, where shrimps and big fish are swimming.If you are a little careless, you may fall into the quagmire deeply and cannot extricate yourself.

It was late at night, a huge blood moon hung high in the sky, and the whole field of vision was blood red. At this time, the people in the entire Tianning League had fallen into a deep sleep.

In a hidden dark place close to the underground warehouse, a furry figure was beating endlessly.From time to time, there was a trace of roar hidden in the chest cavity.Mantou was faintly protesting towards the creatures in the black hole a few days ago.A huge creature inside turned around after feeling that the bat cubs were not threatened, and looked at the provocative steamed bun with a pair of burning red eyes, and ignored it
Inside Baidi City, inside the command and control mechanism of Zhushan League.Although it was already two o'clock on the turn of the clock, the central organ responsible for the operation of the entire Baidi City was still operating in an orderly manner, and it was nearly 1000 meters deep underground.Clusters of soft and gorgeous lights shine in the space arranged like a palace.A woman with a graceful figure walked in casually through many restrictions.

"Brother, those guys killed more than [-] people under my command. At the beginning, they were let in because they were useful. Now it's a good thing, the priceless sky gate has been swallowed up by them. Now you tell me to let it go." They don't care! I can't figure it out."

The woman's delicate face is covered with heavy eye makeup, and the black leather jacket outlines the whole body exquisitely. She is wearing a pair of black high-heeled shoes, like a gentle snake that can swim in your arms, and can also A boa constrictor that binds you to death anytime, anywhere.

The man's face reveals an aura of coercion from someone who has been in a position for a long time, and the level of abilities is even more unfathomable.Sitting on the big rosewood carved chair, he looked a little weak.After listening to the woman's reproachful words like acting like a baby.The man is angry instead of laughing.

"You are too ignorant! Didn't I tell you that at least three golden supernatural beings would be dispatched for this arrest? You sent that old ghost there! He is just a watchdog, where will Bite!!"

"Hmph, I get angry when you say this. You have transferred all the members of the Inner Alliance, and the rest of them don't listen to me at all. Only this old ghost can still listen to me. How do I know those people? The guy's strength will be so strong!"

The man coughed lightly. There seemed to be living things swimming in the blood vessels under the skin of his right hand. After seeing this vision, the man revealed an unnatural expression on his face, and said perfunctorily to the woman.

"Right now, there are a lot of supernatural beings who want to establish an alliance in Baidi City. These guys are like bedbugs. They can't be crushed to death one by one. How can the Zhushan League rule Baidi City? I'm so busy right now. Do what you need to do well, you don't need to take care of this empty gate!"

After listening to the man's cold words, the woman in black glared and snorted at him.Turn around and leave.

Not long after she left, the man spat out a mouthful of blood, and at the same time, there was a wave of strange patterns in an inconspicuous place behind the man.A guy dressed like an ancient assassin appeared in front of him.

"The ally!!!"

At this moment, the man lay down on the chair as if he was exhausted, "Qing Yang, you heard what Xiao Yin said just now, I will leave this matter to you!"

The assassin stood in front of the man and bowed deeply, speaking in an unproficient Chinese language. "Yes, Lord Leader!" Then, he disappeared from the screen as if he had never appeared before.

This man who was seriously injured was Ao Baitian. After the assassin who was hiding behind him left the room, he still had the aura of the leader at this time, like a drug addict, scratching all over his body. Under his gorgeous lord's clothes, dead skin like fish scales grew on the surface of his skin
(End of this chapter)

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