Rebirth of the Supreme Ice King

Chapter 211 Lin Ye's Dream

Chapter 211 Lin Ye's Dream
A round of golden sun slowly climbed up, Lin Ye's room was empty, last night he had his first dream after this apocalypse.

After waking up from the dream, he was in a state where he could no longer sleep. In the dream, he felt a fear that he hadn't experienced for a long time. It was a fear of powerlessness, as if he had watched himself die in the previous life. The zombie's subordinates feel helpless.

But this dream is a mutated zombie beast tens of meters long. Standing behind Lin Ye on the tower of the White Emperor, there are thousands of supernatural powers standing behind him, and there are also countless strong-armed humans holding heat guns. The weapon was aimed at the outside of Baidi City.

The huge mutated zombie beast swayed, and Lin Ye felt a biting cold, and then watched the supernatural beings around him fall down one by one, and were melted into powder by the extreme freezing.

Seemingly curious and astonished, the mutated zombie beast saw that Lin Ye was not dead, and wanted to eat him into its mouth.

Before Lin Ye's piercing slash took a step in the air, his whole body was like a kite with a broken string, being dragged by a huge attraction, he flew into the air, and then there was a burst of darkness like a tide Overwhelmingly rushed towards him.

After waking up, Lin Ye stood in front of the mirror he had transformed with the ice power.

"This dream is subconsciously reminding me that the coming corpse wave will be a massacre? Or is it just to explain to me the power of the ice ability, which can destroy the world."

Getting rid of these evil thoughts, Lin Ye began to rush his way to advancement. According to the strength of his team's honing, he should be a golden third-level powerhouse at this time, but it seems like It's like encountering a bottleneck. Others have single-line abilities, but Lin Ye has dual-line abilities. It's like trying to fill both ponds with water. It's really a bit embarrassing.

However, there are already two ponds filled with water, but the ponds are like bottomless pits. As much as they are absorbed, they will disappear without a trace. This feeling cannot be felt in the silver class, but after reaching the gold class, It is already stretched.

After Lin Ye woke up, it was rare for everyone to wake up. Since it is impossible to go to the Tianwaikongmen outside the city for a short time, let everyone rest for a few days. Everyone is a bit overwhelmed.

The morning sun shines on the surroundings of the abandoned factory, covered by green grass and vegetation. At this time, there are one or two sounds of insects. Although it is far away, this also proves that the biological chain in the vicinity has begun to appear. , was completely eaten by the mutant beast made up by bats.

Mantou followed Lin Ye listlessly, and the golden hair on his body, which symbolized the mutant beast, was slightly faded at this moment.Lin Ye didn't notice this detail.

Sunshine, air, these two things are the most fair things to the world. Everyone can have them from birth to death without paying a price. This kind of human life that has existed for thousands of years or even tens of thousands of years can be viewed from the perspective of the long earth. Come on, it's just a drop in the ocean.

The appearance of human beings is like a bunch of fireworks appearing in the sky full of stars. The moment it blooms is only a short moment.

Lin Ye released the ice and water dual-type abilities in his body, and the water mist enveloped the green grass on the ground facing the morning sun. Lin Ye closed his eyes and meditated.At this moment, Mantou saw the person it was most afraid of, and at this moment, his feet slightly left the ground uncontrollably.

"The fear of human beings is the fear of death, but what about living towards death?" The past scenes quickly appeared in Lin Ye's mind.In the previous life, as an ordinary human being, he was bullied by supernatural beings.After being reborn, he fought bloody battles among the zombies. After seeing his companions seriously injured, he was helpless. The decisive appearance when he killed those evil-minded guys
These are the only self that constitutes. Although these processes seem a bit illusory at this moment, these are all things that I have experienced.Lin Ye's eyes were pale, and everything around him seemed to have suddenly reached the cold winter, and the ice and snow fell in an instant. Lin Ye's promotion this time was like realizing Zen. It can be said that after this, Lin Ye only has the present Lin Ye, the connection between the past life and the present life has been completely severed.

"Everything is changing, but time, sunlight, and air have not changed. People are still the same. Only I am the one who is not bound by heaven and earth!" After Lin Ye rose to the second level of gold, he felt that there was something in his body. His soul seems to become more pure and transparent.

Mantou also seemed to be affected by Lin Ye's joyful feeling of being promoted, and began to circle around Lin Ye happily.

Lin Ye couldn't hide the smile from his heart. At this time, the pool of supernatural power in his body was already full of supernatural power.The ability to integrate the dual abilities of ice and water has instantly improved a lot.

Standing outside the door, Lin Ye heard Li Jie's voice shouting inside.

"You don't know. At that time, I felt that those three little bastards would never kill me! Let alone three with my body and footwork."

Gu Tian replied sadly. "You have been stabbed more than a dozen times by them!!"

"That's when I turned my head to look at the boss. If I wasn't distracted, seriously, it's really a trivial matter to get those guys out!"

"They sprayed a lot of venom on you!"

"That's because I was attacked by them, otherwise."

"You were stabbed a dozen times by them!"

"Can you not mention this matter!"

Gu Tian and Li Jie are fighting each other in this way, everyone is busy with whatever they should be busy with. Nie Quanqi is getting some flour out of a bag and preparing it for everyone to eat. As time goes by, Nie Quanqi's The head chef is getting more and more handy, and the dishes he makes are more delicious.

The two women Jiang Xinyu and Xuewu have storage bags.In addition to wanting to put some consumables and thermal weapons in it, what I want more is to have some nice clothes.During this period of time, the two female creatures have worn only a few sets of clothes.

These men are all fine. Lin Ye is dressed in white all year round. Everyone doesn't have the power of his ability to wash clothes at any time. What's more, there is a Qi Zhan who never wears clothes. This guy has no suitable clothes at all. Putting it on, he didn't ask much about it.

A sharp questioning sound broke through the underground warehouse.

"Boss, you are at the second level of gold!!?" Li Jie had just been promoted to the first level of gold. He thought that being in the same level as the boss would be awe-inspiring, but he did not expect Lin Ye to be at the head of everyone again.

Lin Ye nodded noncommittally, making everyone envious.But Gu Tian frowned, as if he had discovered some problems.

(End of this chapter)

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