Chapter 212 Dragon

As a medical student, Gu Tian's focus is a little different from others'. The Lin Ye he saw actually had a whole new look and temperament in just one day and night. If the former Lin Ye was a Tibetan Cold objects in the depths of the ice now look like icebergs about to thaw.This feeling is like a spring breeze, and Gu Tian knows in his heart that Lin Ye is not only making rapid progress in the level of supernatural powers, but more of a change in his mood.

"Boss, I feel that your whole temperament has changed, as if you have changed!" Gu Tian said.

Lin Ye was confused. Could it be that his appearance changed because of his torture?Immediately, this doubt was thrown away by myself.The change that Gutian said should be due to his strong control over the dual-element abilities of ice and water.The self-confidence that was born, the self in the past and the end of the world is just an ordinary human being.This experience helped Lin Ye to obtain many secrets unknown to others in the doomsday of this life.

However, many habits have been left behind. Lin Ye has changed from a big boss of underground forces to an ant-like existence in the apocalypse. The change in mood is conceivable. Another blow told himself that everything was futile in front of the power of supernatural powers.

Therefore, in my heart, I have always had a very depressing sense of oppression. In this life, I have become a dual-line supernatural being, and I am making great strides all the way on the road to promotion.Dare not stop for a day.As long as he has free time, Lin Ye thinks about how to use his dual-element ability of ice and water to cause damage to the enemy.

This sense of oppression came from Lin Ye, and at this time, Lin Ye finally accepted the fact that he was already a powerful man with supernatural powers. The change in self-confidence in his mood led to a slight change in his temperament.

"Has he become more handsome?" Lin Ye asked back.

Everyone was taken aback for a moment, they never thought that Lin Ye would make such a joke with everyone.At the same time, I was very happy with the improvement of Lin Ye's ability, and laughed for a while.Mantou curled up at the entrance of the cave, and fell asleep with dazed eyes.

When a very busy machine stops running suddenly, not only people who are accustomed to using it will feel uncomfortable, but the machine itself will also undergo some changes due to changes in the speed.

Three days passed by in a flash. Lin Ye has been haunted and haunted for the past few days, and it is difficult for everyone to see him. Gu Tian plunged into the science laboratory he built, making loud bangs of grenade explosions from time to time. , and then a little black man ran out of it.

Jiang Xinyu feeds those mutant bats every day, and gradually discovers that these little guys have developed some intimacy and dependence on herself, which makes her feel that the efforts will still be rewarded.Normally, he would hold a gun and waste bullets in the very crazy and spacious training ground.

Xuewu trains one thing every day, which is to gather the fire-type abilities in her body into a super-large version of the "Lotus Holy Fire", and pull Li Jie to be a human target from time to time. Li Jie has now entered the golden rank, "Frenzied War" can already be used twice, but it is often completely changed by Xuewu, who is at the peak of silver.

Nie Quanqi and Qi Zhan are two boring cans.One is in charge of cooking.One is that he can't stop every day, and the entire underground warehouse is cleaned up by Qi Zhan.This big guy is actually a guy with a cleanliness.

Li Jie, on the other hand, hammered one side and kicked the other every day, like a vagrant.After learning how to cook a few dishes with Nie Quanqi, and making them look so disliked by everyone that he was unwilling to stretch out his chopsticks, he finally couldn't stand it any longer.

Lin Ye was not present at lunch that day.Li Jie was a little angry, and he was hit by the lotus flame several times by Xuewu in the morning, if he continued like this, his life would be lost.Moreover, Li Jie was almost suffering from internal injuries in the past few days.

"Sister Huo, Boss has been seeing the dragon for the past few days. He didn't see anyone in the early morning and came back in the evening. He didn't take us to play. You should ask him why he went there!"

In the past few days, Xuewu has been not calling Li Jie Sister Huo, and she is also a little angry. Li Jie is fine, but she is a little unforgiving.

"The boss will make arrangements for himself, so don't worry about it!"

"No, I didn't say I want to help him worry, it's just that it's been a few days, and I don't kill zombies. I don't go out for a walk, people are moldy!"

At this time, Gu Tian walked over with a head of disheveled hair.Overjoyed, he said. "My strengthening fluid has finally been developed. Hahahaha!"

Li Jie didn't have a good face right now.Said in frustration. "Those things you made are not very useful, they just give people a kind of psychological comfort!"

Li Jie had already heard about Li Jie's abnormal appearance these past few days.But the potion that he had worked so hard to develop for several days, was told by him that he had to dismiss it, and he was very upset.

"Damn it, it's so simple. Go make one for me and come out and see!" Gu Tian knew Li Jie's character, so he directly turned back.

Then, the two quarreled like two dumb geese.Among the crowd, Xue Wu was the most prestigious person after Lin Ye hadn't seen him for the past few days.Seeing this look, it is inevitable that I will be a little annoyed.Although it is said that Lin Ye has seen the beginning and the end of the dragon these days, at least he knows that nothing will happen to him. On the contrary, his group of people stayed well, but they are about to be unable to stay.

"Everyone, be quiet. Listen to me. It's not like you don't know the current situation in Baidi City. The reason why the boss didn't call us is because he doesn't want us to put ourselves in danger. Isn't it better to live well?" Xue Wu's last words were obviously addressed to Li Jie.

Li Jie is not a fool either, Xuewu seldom said such things in front of everyone, today he said these words to himself, and he didn't want to make trouble, but he felt that if the restless factor in his body stopped by himself, it would Feeling restless, like someone is stabbing him.

Inside Baidi City, an old man with an old face stood in front of a glass box.

"Old man, in just a few days, have you gathered two different cores of fourth-order mutant beasts?"

Lin Ye took out a handful of second-order gold and several third-order heteronuclei from his pocket. "These should be able to exchange your king beast heart!"

The lizard man's eyes revealed a trace of fieryness. The lines on these heteronuclei told him that there were different types of zombie heteronuclei. Although the value of this one is far less than two fourth-order heteronuclei, there are so many types. Perfectly made up.

(End of this chapter)

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