Chapter 216
Qi Zhan, who was originally an outsider, pointed at Lin Ye and babbled a few words after hearing this.

Everyone looked at Lin Ye suspiciously.As a superpower user, Qi Zhan's petrified flames can be said to be not ordinary powerful among many superpowers. After listening to Lin Ye's speech, everyone has the value of this king beast heart. number.Even Li Jie, who never cared about these foreign things, could not help wanting to take it for himself after hearing the effect of the King Beast Heart.

Who wouldn't want to live an extra life?
In this team, Qi Zhan belongs to the type who works hard, not to mention what he is asked to do, even if everyone jokes with him, he will laugh it off, but if anyone encounters difficulties, He must be the one rushing forward.

All this is in Lin Ye's eyes.If good people don't get the corresponding benefits, then what is the meaning of good people's existence?

"After Qi Zhan entered the alienated state, Wuhua controlled himself very well. This king beast heart was a mutant beast captured by some supernatural person in the water. It could perfectly restrain Qi Zhan's loss of control after the alienated berserk state. As the level increases, the drawbacks of Qi Zhan's superpower will become more and more obvious. It needs a lot of help from foreign objects, instead of letting Qi Zhan take risks. It's better to lay a solid foundation for everything at a low level!"

What Lin Ye said was not biased, and everyone listened to it very well. After all, everyone has received Qi Zhan's kindness. If this matter is still fussy, everyone in the Tianning League is no different from a mess!

Moreover, this king beast heart has no effect on supernatural beings. It can only be effective by alienating their own superpowers. The fourth-level gold lizard monster is only one level away from this heart. .For him, there is no need for him to take this risk, but for Lin Ye, the strength of everyone is the most important existence!
Seeing that everyone has no objection.Lin Ye continued to dig out things from the storage bag, and Lin Ye took out ten thin and close-fitting clothes. Jiang Xinyu's eyes lit up, and she and Xue Wu looked at each other. The two women were really thinking the same thing , Lin Ye would take the initiative to help everyone buy clothes. Is this the sun coming out from the west?
"Boss, did you buy this dress?" Wang Beast's heart was not attractive to Jiang Xinyu at all.But these clothes are really good things, and Jiang Xinyu likes them very much.

"Xuewu, you throw a ball of strange fire at will!" Lin Ye motioned to Xuewu.

Although I don't know what kind of medicine is sold in Lin Ye's gourd, but with Xuewu Baiyin's peak strength, this strange fire will not pose a threat to Lin Ye.

In the past few days, everyone is used to Xuewu making a huge version of the "Lotus Holy Flame" without making a sound, but seeing the flames flying past at this moment still feels a little palpitating.In Li Jie's eyes, Xue Wu's attack was already very quick.


Lin Ye just randomly picked up a piece of clothing to block it at will, and the ball of flame seemed to be shot on the wall, and slid down in a daze.

"Boss, boss!" Gu Tian, ​​who was a little bit disappointed at first, saw a flash of enthusiasm in his eyes after seeing this thing.He stepped forward and signaled Lin Ye to throw him one.

After Gu Tian took the clothes, he rubbed them carefully in his hands.Like stroking a girl's skin, this kind of clothing feels like silk, not only transparent but also light and thin.After Gu Tian turned the clothes over, he found a line of small characters at the beginning of the neck, which read. "The Alliance of Artifacts, Gold Silk Soft Armor"

Everyone also stepped forward to receive a suitable piece of clothing that suits them. Unexpectedly, each of them happened to have a set, and there was still a surplus. The two girls met to try it on together.And the other rough guys took off their clothes on the spot and put them on directly. Because the clothes were too transparent, they looked like they hadn't worn them.All of a sudden everyone laughed.

"Boss, did you also buy this from Wuhua Tianbao?"

Surprised in his heart that the Alliance of Artifacts has developed this kind of thing, Gutian still can't believe it. This is no longer a simple high-tech thing, because Gutian discovered that it is indeed a silk fabric.But why does it have such an effect.

Lin Ye nodded, looked at Gu Tian meaningfully, and said slowly. "Can you see how this thing was made?"

Gu Tian hugged his clothes, squatted down, put his hands in his messy hair, how did these things of the Artifact Alliance get out, low-level abilities are immune, this alone can make most of the abilities Those are crazy about it.

"Boss, these golden silk soft armors should be the shells shed from the evolution of gold-ranked cicada chrysalis. As for how they were made, I don't know. But the higher-level cicada chrysalis produced such things, the defense The stronger the sex!"

Gutian said this because he couldn't think of other possibilities. The ability of biological selection, including the ability to survive and mutate, is beyond the reach of most ordinary supernatural beings.But supernatural beings are creatures with intelligence, which is also the biggest difference between humans and animals.

"Can you make this thing?" Lin Ye asked Gu Tian.It has never been just a simple matter of developing some simple biological components,

"Okay, but I need time and a lot of mutated cicada pupae!" Gu Tian swore, as if he had looked at Lin Ye in that poor residential area back then.This man's vision, is it not the stars and the sea.

Lin Ye has not yet asked Gutian to develop these things. At present, the most important thing is how to improve everyone's ability level in a short period of time. Lin Ye thinks this is the most stupid a method ofIt's like killing the goose and picking the eggs.
Nie Quanqi, Gu Tian, ​​Li Jie, these late-stage supernatural beings, their supernatural careers have just begun, how can Lin Ye do things like this.

Lin Ye always lamented why he was not a supernatural being in the end of his past life, but it was not for sighing, but for feeling.From the perspective of a supernatural being, many secrets and ways to raise the level can be easily solved.

At this time, a figure suddenly flashed in Lin Ye's mind. "Ao Baitian!" As early as a month ago, this guy's strength was already a platinum powerhouse, and it was only a few short months since the end of the world. Why was he able to advance so quickly?
Could it be that this guy, like himself, is also a reborn person?

(End of this chapter)

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