Rebirth of the Supreme Ice King

Chapter 217 Shadow Kill

Chapter 217 Shadow Kill
Soon, Lin Ye denied this idea in his heart. Ao Baitian had always been the boss of Zhushan League in the last days of the previous life, and his strength had always been so strong. He advanced so quickly, there should be some ulterior secret.

There are not many things in Lin Ye's storage bag, but they are all practical items.But when Jiang Xinyu came out in light and soft gold silk armor, Lin Ye suddenly threw her a gray storage bag.

"Boss, what is this?"

"There are zombies and mutant beast corpses inside. Those bat beasts are carnivorous, so we can't let them eat pork all the time!"

"No, boss, those things smell too bad. Batmon likes to eat them. I can't stand it!"

"I've thought about this a long time ago. I've prepared a nasal plug for you, and a glove that won't corrode!"

How could the scheming Lin Ye give Jiang Xinyu a chance to refuse? He had already figured out his refusal, so he prepared the tools early.

Jiang Xinyu, who didn't catch a cold when feeding bat beasts, wanted to use Gatling to chug all those bat beasts at this time.Jiang Xinyu rolled her eyes and took the tools from Lin Ye. Apart from torturing herself, the boss kept making noises.

"Boss, I only keep these bat beasts. If there are any more in the future, I won't keep them again if I'm killed!" Jiang Xinyu is well aware of the capriciousness of men.Especially Lin Ye, basically as long as it was something he targeted, he would not run away.

"Okay, I promise you, but you have to promise me that these bat beasts, after a month, I want them all to be silver-ranked beasts!"

"No, it's a silver rank. What's the big deal. Then I'll raise a gold rank for you!" Jiang Xinyu looked swollen, like a girl acting like a baby in front of her father or her boyfriend.

Just eating pork and those canned food, Jiang Xinyu can't guarantee that these bat beasts can grow into a silver rank within a month, but with the corpses of these zombies and mutant beasts, Jiang Xinyu's confidence It is not enough.

Jiang Xinyu believed that in just one month, hundreds of silver-ranked bat beasts would be as easy as picking something out of a bag.

The empty underground warehouse was filled up by people bit by bit with things.It's becoming more and more like a home.

Just then, a thin man in black appeared outside the abandoned factory.The whole body is hidden in the night, like a piece of flowing water.

He was squatting at the empty gate outside the sky, and finally found that Lin Ye, a supernatural being of the same level as himself, was seriously injured, but the supernatural power in his body was still very abundant, which made him very afraid and did not dare to do anything. After entering the black market, Lin Ye Ye's transaction and entering Wuhua Tianbao to buy things are all in his eyes.

This guy really created his own faction to fight against the Zhushan League, relying on their strength.You can occupy a large good place in Baidi City, why did you choose this kind of place as your base.

The figure of the man in black is like a floating ghost in the night, in the wind, in the dense fog of the night.Dissipate in a variety of natural foreign object environments.

At this time, everyone in the underground warehouse was eating dinner. Since Lin Ye had returned, Nie Quanqi had prepared a very luxurious meal. There was a table full of dishes, and there was no movement on the huge biological monitor.Everyone was eating with peace of mind, no one would have thought of them at this time.The location has been exposed in front of Zhushanmeng.

"Boss, we can grow fruits and vegetables on the land outside, but we need to build a hidden water channel!" Nie Quanqi took Lin Ye's words to heart, and he has been thinking about what Lin Ye said to himself these days.

"Quanqi, you should take care of this matter first. When you need to use the ability of the water system, you can tell me and I will help you solve this problem!"

After hearing Lin Ye's affirmative answer, Nie Quanqi smiled silly while holding his job bowl.Mantou has been listless for the past few days, except when eating, but at this time it seems to be a little restless, and it keeps roaring towards the outside of the warehouse.

Jiang Xinyu greeted the steamed buns, and took a few pieces of meat out of the bowl.He threw it out, and when he saw something to eat, the steamed bun blocked his mouth.

Everyone in the Tianning League, including Lin Ye, did not expect that someone with supernatural powers would come to such a hidden place, and even the Zhushan League with which he had already formed a relationship.

As the most powerful assassin of the Zhushan League, Wuying felt a little angry at this moment. He had circled the abandoned factory several times. There were traces of human life everywhere, but he couldn't find a place where they were hiding. Where exactly.

Since his level of abilities is similar to that of Lin Ye, Gongzang has been hiding in a far away place during the tracking including squatting. Not to mention Lin Ye, even Ao Baitian has to spend a lot of effort to find out own hidden place.

But this Lin Ye seemed to have evaporated from the world. After entering this abandoned factory, he had already disappeared, which made him not anxious.

As a Fuso ninja ronin, it is a very shameful thing to lose face, especially in just three days, lost twice, but this time.Gong Zang thinks that he must have gone right, this is the club where Lin Ye and his group are hiding.

No matter how meticulous a person is, there will always be flaws in his life and work. Let alone the people of Tianning League who have already regarded this place as their home, in the deepest factory building, Lin Ye's clothes and some discarded daily necessities , was packed in a black plastic bag, and for Yu Gongzang, this was the political situation in which Lin Ye and his party lived here.

And the purpose of this trip is to kill Lin Ye, and if possible, kill the entire Tianning Alliance. Generally speaking, the boss is held by the highest value of material resources.What Lin Ye left behind was the strength of the first level of gold,

But Miyazo believes that this guy must be hiding his true strength.

Gongzang was also worried that he would fall into the hands of others this time, but Fuso Ronin's pride told him, "No matter what, you can't be a coward!"

Just when Gongzang was about to stealthily come from the door, everyone who was eating was eating the food in their own bowls.

Lin Ye and Li Jie's heart moved at the same time, and they looked at each other. Both of them felt an extreme chill in this underground warehouse.The figure of the third golden rank superhuman appeared.

Obviously, except for Lin Ye and Li Jie, everyone else just stood still.Didn't find any such thing at all.And Lin Ye's hands felt cold, and a sharp ice blade was caught in his palm.

(End of this chapter)

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