Rebirth of the Supreme Ice King

Chapter 221 Where to Go

Chapter 221 Where to Go
"How should we expand our strength?" Lin Ye agreed with Gu Tian's suggestion just now.

In places where the jurisdiction of the Zhushan League is not in place, it is indeed possible to achieve the effect of being black under the lights, but if there are no supernatural beings to join, it will be just a few people who are equivalent to a self-entertainment. Three supernatural beings rely on these three people to compete for territory and divide territories in this White Emperor City.

Lin Ye is not that simple, he doesn't think this matter can be done so easily.

"For the poor people, who is the master of this Baidi City, they don't care at all. They just want to live a better life. When we entered the city, the people who starved to death were the people of the poor people. For them, as long as food and clothing are settled, other problems are not a problem!"

Gu Tian paced in front of Lin Ye and said, it's hard to believe that this is the guy who is busy doing his own experiments all day long, his eyes have seen places that others can't see.

"Humanity's problems can be solved. But supernatural beings!?" Lin Ye stopped the conversation on purpose.

Gu Tian scratched his head. Obviously, he had thought about the human problem, but how should supernatural beings be recruited.He couldn't come up with anything after thinking about it.

"The strength of the Zhushan League is obvious to all. Such a huge super alliance naturally has no shortage of people who take the initiative to throw themselves into their arms, so their strength can be so strong, but these hidden superpowers, they are I don’t want to cause more trouble, but people are greedy!!”

"Boss, what do you mean?"

"Although we don't have much reserves of alien nuclear and thermal weapons in our hands now, we have the Heavenly Space Gate. This thing is equivalent to a platform for training and upgrading. People who have acquired supernatural powers will more or less feel that they are It is a little different from ordinary humans. There is no way to change this pretentiousness. All we have to do is find a poor area, and then quietly release the news in the local area, and put on a few good shows. Wait for them to come!"

Gu Tian's eyes lit up when he heard it, the simplest and most effective method.Where does it take someone like the Zhushan League to occupy the entire Baidi City to be able to show their wrists? As long as everyone has greed in their minds, people who have obtained supernatural powers will not aspire to become mediocre.

In the Zhushan League, promotion and status are inseparable. Lin Ye and his party first entered the Xiaoheilou where they lived in Baidi City.The strength of the supernatural beings in there can only be lived in after approval.But people are not as good as heaven, and an accident happened suddenly in the middle. At that time, there were two empty gates in the Zhushan League.In one of them, a supernatural being was infected.

But I didn't notice it at the time, and this also happened. The supernatural beings in the entire black building were infected and turned into zombies.At that time, for the safety of the entire Baidi City, Ao Baitian rescued the supernatural beings below the tenth floor and destroyed the entire black building.Nearly a thousand tons of explosives were used to blow it up.Nearly hundreds of supernatural beings.They all died in it, which also led to factors of disunity and stability within the Zhushan League.With such a black-hearted boss, everyone would feel creepy.

The black building was burned.In the past doomsday, this place is the proof of the supernatural powerhouse.Lin Ye led the people of the Tianning League out of the black building, which also caused more than a hundred people with supernatural powers to disappear into the vast and crowded Baidi City like sparks in the sky.

This is the first enmity between Zhushan League and Tianning League.The spark that starts a prairie fire starts from the feet.

"Boss, when will we leave?" Gu Tian expressed his approval of Lin Ye's doggy proposal. Right now, all the guys and belongings in the entire Tianning League can't be easily moved away.Even if it's all stuffed into the storage bag.I'm afraid I won't be able to hold it for a while.

Thinking of this, Gu Tian scolded Gou Niang, if it weren't for this Fusang wanderer, in such a hidden location, it would be no problem to stay for a few years.

"Let's go tonight!"

"Aren't you in a hurry tonight?"

"Tonight, the people of the Zhushan League will kill the carbine again!"

Gutian has always believed in Lin Ye's words, but he still feels a little shaken by this inference.Although there are many supernatural beings in the Zhushan League, it can be seen from the last time when they surrounded the Tianning League and came out of the empty gate.The interior of the Zhushan League is not as united as expected.

But since Lin Ye said that, he must have his own thoughts.

"Boss, what about us!?"

Not to mention the newly built scientific laboratory, Gu Tian felt a little reluctant to part with this biological monitoring instrument alone, after all, it took painstaking effort.

"No, our storage bag can only hold so many things. If we carry all of them, it will be a big burden." At this time, Lin Ye showed the temperament of a leader who cut his wrists.

If these things are gone, they can be replaced with different cores, but if the people are gone.There is really nothing left.

In Gutian's eyes, he was very reluctant.He wanted to say something more, but was interrupted by Lin Ye.

"You should also prepare, pack up some simple things that can be taken away, and we will set off later!"

The wind in the wilderness is like a woman's mournful howl.Under the bloody moonlight, a group of people crawling and hiding on the ground began to curse.

"What the hell. They called us out at night. These guys from the Zhushan League really don't treat us newcomers with supernatural powers as human beings!" A big one-eyed man muttered in a low voice.

"Hey, what is the solution? If you want to crawl inside them, you have to do these things!" A man next to him comforted him.

A petite woman with a pale face that looked like a biological organ soaked in formalin.Open your mouth quietly. "Keep your voice down. Our place is the closest to here. I heard that the high-level people in the interior have already rushed here!"

"Then we can't ask us to wait here blindly. I also heard people say that this place was haunted before, and there were things floating in the sky at night." The one-eyed man seemed to want to complain to the end.

"You are also a first-level silver superpower. Can you have some confidence, even if it is a ghost, you don't have to be afraid?" This pale woman is obviously the head of the inside. Dissatisfied with this task, the supernatural being who is scattered and courageous, is not at odds with himself.

Who would come out at night to chase and intercept a group of supernatural beings who don't know the depth of their class? The other end who received the communicator even blamed himself for not being in the jurisdictional area and not finding out what happened.

(End of this chapter)

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