Rebirth of the Supreme Ice King

Chapter 222 Assassination

Chapter 222 Assassination
Hearing the pale woman on the other side of the communicator, she was about to explode with anger. At that time, she brought this group of supernatural beings to this remote place, and she was full of anger. Who would have thought that there was a supernatural being hidden in this place? group.

Although it was said to be chasing and intercepting, the pale woman who knew the exact location of this group of supernatural beings still secretly moved a few miles away from the place where she was lurking. Come.

"All of you, please be quiet! We're here for a spring outing!" The pale woman's words were frightening, but she really bluffed the group of people.Even the one-eyed man who talked back just now closed his mouth after rolling his eyes.

However, the house leak happened to rain all night.No matter what, this group of people never expected that they would run into that group of unknown supernatural beings after hiding in such a remote place.

The woman saw bursts of dazzling light suddenly emanating from the abandoned factory in the distance, and then a dozen people really walked out of it. Because they were too far away, they couldn't detect the supernatural power level on them, but, where they were walking , is exactly where a group of people are lurking.

Lin Ye firmly welded the iron gate of the entire abandoned factory into the underground warehouse.Lin Ye did this to show that his group of people had already left here, so there was no need to break in to check it out, which was also Gutian's intention.There are still a lot of baby bumps that he can't take away, so he just throws them away.It's really a pity.

Everyone put on their shoes, and Lin Ye used the principle of mirror reflection to hide a ball of flame in the ice in the dark night.Light the way ahead.Everyone followed Lin Ye in silence.

After walking eight or nine miles, Lin Ye suddenly froze.Li Jie also felt something was wrong.But can't check it out.

Lin Ye turned his head and said slowly to the crowd, "They are already here!"

After hearing Lin Ye's words, everyone who had experienced so many fights silently used their abilities and took out their weapons.

When Lin Ye came back from swimming around in the cold, the big stone in his heart fell to the ground. These guys are some ordinary silver-level abilities, so there is no need to make a fuss.Lin Ye even had some other thoughts.

But the actions of this group of low-level abilities in the next second completely angered Lin Ye.

Like a dog following a person, one after another talisman flew towards Lin Ye. Almost all the firepower was focused on Lin Ye in that instant.

It is certainly true to say that it is true to capture the thief first, but under the circumstances of such a huge disparity in strength between the two sides.It is extremely stupid to make such a move.

Lin Ye just pushed out an ice wall to block all the attacks, and a dense rain of arrows was quietly forming above the heads of these guys.

But this group of people hadn't tasted the feeling of being pierced by ice and rain across the body.It was already burnt to ashes.

Seeing that Lin Ye was being threatened, Xue Wu, who had quick eyes and quick hands, had already smashed the lotus sacred fire in their hands on their heads. This sudden fire ended the dozen or so poor people who were waiting for the Zhushan League executives to come to support them.

Seeing the blazing flames on the ground, Xue Wu couldn't bear it. Not all of these people were bad guys, but standing on the opposite side, either you die or I die, there is no way out.

However, poor people must have something to hate.

Lin Ye swept over these people with cold air, and found that there were no survivors. He was a little surprised that the Zhushan League's support had been so fast, and he was inevitably a little disappointed.

"It seems that we need to speed up our pace. These people belong to the general abilities of the Zhushan League. They are just lurking and attacking, but when the high-level abilities of the Zhushan League come over, it will be too late to leave! "

What Lin Ye said was not a joke. Everyone's class is not enough, and they can't feel the class fluctuations when they come into contact with high-level supernatural beings. At that time, when Lin Ye reached the second level of gold, he found many Obscure.A guy who deliberately lowered his own abilities by some means.

The strength of these people is actually above the golden rank. Although there are no dual-line abilities, this number has far exceeded Lin Ye's expectations.

These supernatural beings who fight alone have the strength of this powerful, Zhushan League.Will go there again!

"Boss. Shall we still follow the fixed route?"

Lonely day from inside the storage bag.Take out the hand-painted overall picture of Baidi City.Now the people of the Zhushan League have discovered the traces of Lin Ye and his party. If they follow the established route, they may encounter danger of sacrificing their lives, but if they don't follow the established route, the threat will double.

"Well, these people should have just bumped into each other by mistake, and didn't really want to stop us!"

After Lin Ye scanned around with the cold air detector, there was a guy in the group who was wearing a storage bag. This kind of thing was Li Jie's favorite.

"Li Jie, there is a storage bag among them, do you want to collect it!"

Li Jie was overjoyed to hear that there were spoils of war.Die Sheng agreed, "Leave this kind of rough work to me!"

Li Jie's figure swayed, and then he appeared in the raging fire. On the waist of a man who was about to be burned into a skeleton, there was indeed a black storage bag hanging.It is also something produced by Wuhua Tianbao.

Li Jie, who was relaxed, was overjoyed to see the storage bag, because there were other dangers to consider.

Pulled it away, and when he was about to turn around and leave, a strong voice beside him exploded. This guy has survived for such a long time under the attack of the lotus sacred flame.

"I'll kill you!!!" The one-eyed man left a water-type power rune in his hand, and used it on himself when the fire was raging, but this guy who picked things up from dead people.It angered the last red thread hidden in his heart.

Li Jie just felt that someone behind him was about to sneak attack, so he slapped him with a backhand, and the guy's head was blown away crisply.Li Jie walked back among the crowd without looking back.

At the end of the development of the supernatural beings, a large part of the reason why the supernatural power class is heaven and earth is related to personal aspirations.Although everyone in the Tianning League has top-notch abilities and superpowers, everyone was afraid at first,

From Jiang Xinyu to Nie Quanqi.But under the guidance of Lin Ye, in this doomsday, everyone understands a truth, only by ensuring their own strength, can they survive in this doomsday.

(End of this chapter)

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