Chapter 223 New Base

Seeing Li Jie's figure swaying in the flames, no one seemed to notice except Lin Ye who saw everything just now.

"Boss, there is nothing in this storage bag except for a few low-level heterocores!" Li Jie seemed to be a little dissatisfied with the spoils. In this Baidi City, except for the people of the Zhushan League, who are capable of earning different cores, other ordinary people and supernatural beings can only obtain different cores through labor.

Like everyone in the Tianning League there, they can earn a lot of money by going to the empty gate outside the sky.This is also one of the reasons why Bai San of Wuhua Tianbao finally wanted to reach an alliance with Lin Ye.No one wants to walk with the weak.

Seeing Lin Ye's uneasy expression, Li Jie stuck out his tongue, put the storage belt into his waist, and stopped talking.

One minute later, apart from the flames still burning on the ground, it was as if no one had ever appeared in this area.

Half an hour passed.More than a dozen people wearing the uniforms of the Zhushan League appeared in this area, and a red-haired man put the burned ashes on the ground into his mouth and tried it.

Called to a guy in the middle of the group.

"Hey, your subordinates were burned to death by those people!" In the words, there was actually some joy that could not be concealed.

"These useless guys!" The tall man with a pair of wings and a bird face cursed behind him.

The level abilities of these people are mostly above the third level of gold, and some of them are even at the peak of gold.One step away is the platinum supernatural being who can shake the world.

"Boss. Why didn't you come!?" asked the man with wings.

In the past few days, these high-level supernatural beings have run over these annoying guys one by one in every corner of Baidi City like swatters for mosquitoes, but mosquitoes that can predict prophets like today are still rare.

"If the boss wants to come, why do you want to come?" The red-haired man said jokingly.


These people arrived at the gate of the abandoned factory in a few words. "I heard that Gong Zang was discovered and beaten terribly. Is this true or false?"

A man with an unremarkable appearance who put his whole head in a one-piece black suit asked in a hoarse voice.

The redhead sighed. "Who's to say no, that guy is also stupid, it's okay to wait for that guy to arrive at their hometown before doing it, it's fortunate that he is a fusang ronin. The ability is an escape technique."

The iron door was gently pressed by a man's hand, and then it collapsed.kicked up dust,

A group of supernatural powers entered inside one after another, and a few people with keen spiritual sense frowned.

"This place has mutant beasts! The strength doesn't seem to be very low!" A person laughed,

"It seems that you also found out."

"Hey, you guys are not beast tamers, so don't grab this thing from me!!"

"Fuck you, heteronucleus is not money!"

The giant bat king beast hidden in the black hole of the underground warehouse felt that more than a dozen existences threatening his life appeared in the space he was familiar with.But because his huge body couldn't escape, he let out a low roar, trying to scare this guy away.

"No one was killed, and it's not a waste of time to catch a golden peak king beast in this Baidi City!" There was a trace of sternness in the eyes of the red-haired man.

A series of pure supernatural powers opened the mouth of this black hole that could only accommodate the body of a steamed bun.It was blown into a large hole several meters wide.

Scattered in with beams of light.The Bat King Beast hiding more than 100 meters underground finally felt the taste of fear.
People who are busy walking to the new base will not know what happened in the underground warehouse,
However, the cage of bat beasts that Jiang Xinyu was carrying suddenly gave out bursts of crazy restlessness, and the steamed buns were also made to jump up and down by these bat beasts, and the noisy and chaotic sounds continuously spread to everyone's ears.

Jiang Xinyu had never experienced this kind of situation, and felt that after calling Gutian, everyone had already driven for nearly an hour. Although no one found their traces in the dark night, they were still a little tired after all.

Everyone stayed in a small town that seemed to be very dilapidated. It was already three o'clock in the middle of the night. Except for the blood moon hanging above their heads, there were no other living things in this place. , except for Lin Ye and his party.

"What's the matter?"

Lin Ye came over, and Gu Tian removed the cages of these bat beasts from the steamed buns.The corner of the black cloth was untied and he was looking down.

"Boss, I don't know what's going on. The eyes of these little guys are all red as if they are going to kill someone, and they are all very restless, as if they are about to run out."

After listening to Gu Tian's nonsensical words, Lin Ye was a little confused.What's the meaning?
Lin Ye stepped forward and lifted the black cloth of another cage. Indeed, bats and beasts were densely packed in the small space at this time, flapping their wings, and their eyes were red as if they were about to bleed.All of them grow up and emit bursts of sound waves from their mouths, which is disturbing to the ears.

"Boss, is it because there are their natural enemies around here, that's why they are so restless!" Gu Tian found the most reasonable reason from biology.

Lin Ye's face was a little heavy, he knew the reason why these bat beasts were so restless.

"It's not their natural enemy, but their king beast is dead!"

"King Beast, what King Beast?" Gu Tian looked at Lin Ye with a puzzled expression.These little guys haven't produced a king beast yet.

Lin Ye stood up, carefully combined the before and after the appearance of these bat beasts in his mind, and even deduced a conclusion.

"These bat beasts are just cubs born of a king beast. For some reason, this king beast should be trapped in the black hole in the warehouse below. These bat beasts did not enter from the outside. It crawled out of the ground."

Gu Tian stared like Tong Ling, living in the underground warehouse for such a long time, he didn't even notice the existence of high-level king beasts.

"At that time, I was still thinking about the reason why these steamed buns brought these bat beasts up from the ground? Now it seems that the bat king beast is in a dormant period, and these bat beasts have not grown into bronze steps and flew out on their own. Instead, it was pulled out by steamed buns!"

Lin Ye's reasoning can be said to be flawless!

Gu Tian couldn't help interrupting Lin Ye's conversation and continued.

"So this king beast has been trapped in that black hole in the underground warehouse? Now?" Gu Tian gritted his teeth bitterly, and the unwillingness in his tone seemed to overflow. "The King Beast at the peak of gold is actually surrendered like this!"

(End of this chapter)

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