Rebirth of the Supreme Ice King

Chapter 224 Dog bites dog

Chapter 224 Dog bites dog

Lin Ye smiled and said. "After the last battle of the Heavenly Space Gate, it is not difficult to see that although there are many supernatural beings in the Zhushan League, they are not as united as imagined."

"Boss, what do you mean?"

"How can we just give up our things to others so casually?"

Everyone immediately understood, and the men looked at each other and smiled, making obscene laughter in the night.


In the underground warehouse, the Bat King Beast uttered its last mournful wail, ending its tragic career trapped in the black hole since it became the King Beast.

The red-haired man stepped forward quickly, reaching out his hand to take out the animal core, but suddenly he seemed to feel something in his heart, and stepped back a few feet in a blink of an eye.I saw a few thin bird feathers inserted on the place where the man was standing just now.

"You're fucking sick, aren't you?"

"Brother, whoever sees it has a share? Don't you think so? The king of beasts at the peak of gold, you can't handle it alone." The man with wings spread his hands, his eyes hung on the corpse of the king beast, but he did not forget to use his peripheral vision Swept through the crowd.

The atmosphere froze in an instant, and no one answered the man's words, but everyone was already silently operating their abilities in their bodies, and their actions were self-evident.For a moment, the air was still in this small warehouse, only a few particles of dust floating up and down in the space.

The red-haired man kept scolding these people for being ungrateful for profit, and when he ran through the eighteen generations of Birdman's ancestors several times, his brain was also working rapidly and thinking about how to deal with it.There are so many people here, it is impossible for him to take it all by himself, but if there are fewer people to share...

"Why don't we take out the beast core first, so that those who see it will have a share, how about it?"

The man faced everyone with a perfect smile on his face.

remove!hypocritical!The Winged Man cursed inwardly, and was about to speak out, but was interrupted by a hoarse voice.

"Then let's do this first." The man in black said, ending the tense atmosphere at the moment.

"Okay, that's it!" Winged Man didn't want to make any further entanglements, so he agreed reluctantly.

Hearing this, the red-haired man immediately tore open the skin of the Beastmaster, took out the beast core and put it in his storage bag.


"What's it called? I'll give you a share when I go out."


Kang dang
With the sound of the door being violently kicked open, the group of Zhushanmeng entered another world. If Gutian saw the scene at this moment, he would burst with anger.His laboratory was thus exposed to the enemy.

"Hey, look what we found?" The red-haired man smiled slyly and rubbed his chin. "Who should get it this time?"

Indeed, just now, the Beastmaster could say that the beast core was obtained by everyone's joint efforts to kill, and these equipment... I'm afraid it can be snatched with real speed.

Everyone was silent, waiting for the first person to make a move.

The red-haired man once again cursed in his heart that the pair of dogs were more treacherous than the other.


When Lin Ye and the others sneaked back to the warehouse, they saw the corpse of the Bat Beast King whose beast core had been taken away.

The few girls stayed in the new base. Before setting off, Lin Ye patted his chest and said that this time he was just here to grab something and slip away.

Gu Tian smiled secretly and refused to deny it.

"It's strange, they actually divided the beast core in Rongrong?" Li Jie scratched his head in doubt, trying to keep his voice down to a minimum.

"No, look here." Lin Ye walked to the beast king's body, and saw a few feather thorns stuck on the ground. Judging by the sharpness, if they were inserted into a human body, they would probably poke blood holes.

"The beast core didn't let them tear it up, there is always something to do."

Gu Tian understood immediately. "You mean!?"

"Come on, let's go to your lab."

Everyone held their breath, and under the guidance of Gu Tian, ​​they touched the location of the laboratory. In the darkness, they could vaguely see that the door of the laboratory had been destroyed, and several figures were looming on the ground.

Lin Ye waved his hand, signaling Gu Tian and Li Jie to stop.The three of them concealed their actions and lowered their voices to communicate, with a hint of doing something bad.

"Boss, do you see that they have been torn up?"

"It looks right, but it's not very stable if you don't fight. At a glance, it's all above gold. It's probably hard for the three of us to get out of it."

Lin Ye turned to look at the situation in the laboratory, and said to the two.

"Gu Tian, ​​do you know Cuscuta?"

"Well, what?"

"Get a few out later and plant them."

Gu Tian's eyes shone coldly, and he was about to immediately summon this vampire-like plant, only to hear a sudden new movement in the laboratory.


Finally, the red-haired man couldn't bear it anymore, and reached out to the nearest equipment.Seeing this, everyone followed suit one after another, quickly put the things at hand into the package, and turned to other places to start a new snatch. The not-so-large laboratory was full of these people who were busy scraping.

Seeing this, Lin Ye quickly condensed a few tiny icicles in his palm, which were bitingly cold and exuded a silvery white breath. With a little effort, the icicles shot at the red-haired man, piercing his busy body. On the arm, it pierced, and then turned into gas and disappeared, leaving only a slight chill that could hardly be felt.

"Ah!" The red-haired man was in pain, and hurriedly covered his arm that was already bleeding. The pain like a needle prick reminded him of a person, and when he turned his head, he saw the winged man just behind him. A piece of equipment is gone.

"Are you still using your hands to get something? My r!" After saying that, he raised his hand and threw a few fireballs on the winged man.

"You're insane, who's free to touch you!?" The winged man retracted his wings and was able to block the incoming fireball. The pain from the burnt tip of his sensitive and fragile wings made him yell.

"I just said that this kind of person can't be allowed to take the beast core. Now it's all right, he can kill people with a few equipment!" Winged Man raised his voice to arouse the resonance of the people around him, but he didn't want others to be busy collecting things. Inadvertently take care of the fight between the two.

"You think I want to break up with you? What's the use of a birdman who only throws some feathers!? You can fly? You can fucking stand shoulder to shoulder with the sun!?"

Listening to the noisy shouting and scolding in the laboratory, Lin Ye couldn't help but compare it with the quarrel in the peaceful era when the market aunt stepped on each other's feet for a cabbage. After finding that there was no sense of disobedience, he felt a little funny, stop After thinking about it, he turned his head to look at his companion seriously.

"The red-haired one has the beast core on him."

Gu Tian and Li Jie nodded, arched their bodies, and the supernatural powers were running silently in their bodies. The aura around them suddenly changed, and the air flow seemed to become solid and attached to the surroundings.

Plant-type supernatural beings are condensed, and the unique green light is peaceful and natural, making people feel close and hard to guard against.

The muscles of Li Jie's whole body were tense, and he was prepared for emergencies, ready to resist a blow from the Zhushan League's supernatural beings at any time.

The battle is imminent!
(End of this chapter)

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