Chapter 225

In the laboratory, a wave of heat surged out, the temperature continued to rise, and the red light flickered, illuminating half of the wall of the laboratory. Fireballs condensed in the hands of the red-haired man and hit the figure wrapped in wings. There were also a few blood-stained feather thorns stuck in it, which caused waves of piercing pain with the man's movements.In a blink of an eye, despite the small space, several people around him managed to avoid the corner of the dispute between the two, and kept picking up the remaining supplies. He couldn't help but secretly cursed this group of things that fell into the eyes of money.

After thinking about it, in the current situation where the winged man can only spread his wings to resist the attack, he only needs to break through the defense of this little beast again, and then he can swallow it into his stomach, kill and steal, the strong are respected, even So what if I did it in front of these people.

Thinking this way in his heart, the man concentrated his mind, and his mental power was highly concentrated. A row of light arrows gradually gathered beside him. They were not the orange red of ordinary flames. The arrows were glowing with hot white light, distorting the surrounding air.

Suddenly, a large white feather exploded in the small laboratory, fused with the fire and the sudden burst of blood, wantonly displaying her holiness and coquettishness.

The red-haired man stared at his eyes, his pupils suddenly narrowed, and then gradually dilated.

When the flames disappeared, the man's tragic situation was exposed to everyone.The whole body is full of feather thorns, the weak parts are directly pierced, and maybe the faint light can be seen from the blood holes in the flesh. This kind of scene can make any one turn around and scream in fear.

The man still had a sinister smile on his face, the eyeballs that popped out of the sockets were infinitely enlarged and lost focus, and a feather was placed straight across the middle of the frontal bone on his head, and blood flowed wantonly along the hair shaft on the man's face Down below, it is like a series of dense patterns that are continuously written on the human skin, twisting and turning.


The feathers on the man's head suddenly exploded from the inside, the violent impact distorted and tore the blood-stained but smiling face, and then exploded from the hole where the feathers pierced, a thick red and white The paste was scattered all around, and the remaining brains flowed down the half of the mandible to the neck, and poured into the man's clothes.

Two slack eyeballs rolled in a pool of blood with broken nerves, and the eyeballs were still stained with the blasted eye muscles. They rolled under the feet of the winged man, dipped in red, red, and white, all over the ground. Then they were trampled on the soles of their shoes and turned into a puddle of mud.


The sound of the body falling into the blood, the winged man flapped his long wings that were burned a little, and glanced around inadvertently. Seeing the people looking here, they hurriedly looked back, the corners of the mouth curled up, and walked towards the red-haired man. corpse.The supplies next to him were collected in the bag, and then they walked elsewhere.

Now go get the beast core from the corpse and become the next redhead?He is not stupid.

At this moment, the three people outside the door had held their breath, Lin Ye nodded slightly to Gu Tian, ​​Gu Tian understood and summoned Cuscuta, and then a faint green light bloomed quietly in the darkness, and the dots of starlight scattered in the air and disappeared.

I saw a thin green vine meandering on the ground, protruding towards the body that was still bleeding, and then rolled it lightly, hooked out a small pouch, and retracted it back to the corner outside the door without disturbing others.

"Successful, let's go!"

Although they were successful, they were neither arrogant nor impetuous, just like when they came, they bowed their bodies, held their breath, and slowly retreated away.

Gu Tian suddenly turned around, flicked a small green dot into the laboratory, then quickly concealed himself, and followed Lin Ye out of the warehouse.

The Winged Man seemed to feel something, only felt the wings suddenly itch, but he no longer felt it after flapping it casually, so he didn't take it to heart, and turned around to collect the remaining equipment and supplies.

As for the fact that they found out that the beast nucleus was gone after the division, they don't know what happened.


The stars are shining, and the cool breeze is blowing slightly.

Stars hung high in the sky that could not be seen after large-scale pollution in peaceful times, and a few uninfected insects were still making noises. The wreckage of the building was surrounded by weeds, and it was covered with a layer of silver light.The three figures swayed in the shadows, their footsteps were inaudible, and then gradually disappeared.

The door was opened, and the people who came were Lin Ye and the others who had just returned from capturing the beast core.

All the girls breathed a sigh of relief when they saw everyone coming, and stepped forward one after another.

Lin Ye picked up the waste newspapers on the ground, turned them over, and sat down on the ground.Seeing this, everyone followed suit.

"Leave the beast core with you first, and we'll talk about it later when it's useful." Seeing that Gu Tian was about to speak, Lin Ye stopped the conversation first. "As we said before we set off, after losing the warehouse, we have to find the next foothold. The super faction of Zhushan League is powerful and has many supernatural powers. What Gutian Linye and I have seen today is expressed , Their internal strife is constant, and this already weak alliance now needs a push to make him collapse."

"It seems a little far away to say these things now. Today, we can see that the supernatural beings of the Zhushan League are all ordinary people. Buddhism talks about greed, hatred, ignorance, resentment and hatred. They all think that they have surpassed the ranks of ordinary people, but their minds are constantly changing. It will change, people have greed.”

"The gate of heaven and space is in our hands, but they are pretentious, self-righteous and detached, and want to go further. Now we only need to find a poor area, release the news, and then watch the show."


The post-apocalyptic weather is unpredictable, but there is a long queue outside the gate of Baidi City. No matter what the situation, human beings always live in groups. The survivors gather together and wait to enter the city.As everyone knows, even if they entered the safe base without supernatural powers, it was no better than being outside.

After the apocalypse, human beings have long been divided into two categories: ordinary people and those with supernatural powers.

Human beings in the slums are still at a loss for survival, living a life of worrying about being robbed by carrying an extra steamed bun in their arms every day, but most supernatural beings are surrounded by all kinds of warblers and swallows, just enjoying themselves.

People are different.

Today's slums are different. A few strangers have arrived. Although their faces are disheveled and their clothes are shabby, it is not difficult to see that these two strangers must be handsome men and beautiful women if they take care of themselves.Some people, even though they wear gold and silver, are still crooked, and some people fall into the quagmire like a lotus.

Who in the world deserves to be dressed in white?The temperament is there.

The two figures shuttled through the shed built by several squares of rags, trying not to attract attention.

Wednesday is considered to be a person who can talk in this slum area. His surname is Zhou, his name is San, and he is the third eldest child in his family.Although they don't have supernatural powers, they can't hold back their fate. When the apocalypse comes, two brothers who had a good relationship before the doomsday both became supernatural beings by chance. Although the level is not high, they can deter ordinary people, but it's not a problem to show off their power on weekdays.

It's just that two brothers went out on a mission a few days ago, but when they came back, there was only one left.After all, it is impossible to say that they are not sad, but it is the end of the world, and people die every day. After death has been staged countless times, no matter how sad it is, it is only temporary.

(End of this chapter)

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