Chapter 233 Mutation
If you don't work harder, how can you stand by his side, and what qualifications do you have to stand by his side?
"Well, I just want you to have autonomy, and you will always be the most reliable," Lin Hua said.

"Boss, Xuefu is out for dinner," Nie Quanqi called outside.

"Boss, let's go eat, don't worry, we won't hold you back"

After finishing speaking, Xuefu went out arrogantly, like a soldier who has been praised by the general.

Lin Hua shook her head helplessly, but a smile appeared on the corner of her mouth.

My teammates are really great.This was what Lin Hua was thinking in his heart at the moment, but it was better not to tell them the words that made their vanity burst.

After eating, everyone had a good night's rest. The next day, there will be a new battle.

And at this time in the slums at night, there are more supernatural beings who haven't slept well. Although the temptation of Tianwaikongmen is great, since they want to form their own gang, someone must sacrifice in front, and their sacrifice is about the gang. The ambitions of the elders of the Central Committee are determined. If Lin Hua and the others are ambitious, they may have to face the three major gangs of Baidi City in the future.

Although each of the three major gangs has internal troubles, their strength should not be underestimated. If it is the last piece of territory, it will be fine. If the entire army is wiped out, their followers may also...

In fact, there are not many supernatural beings in the slums, but this place is the most well-informed in the entire Baidi City.

Overnight, a few middle-level supernatural beings also learned about the Heavenly Empty Gate.

On the second day, all the supernatural beings gathered outside the city gate, and there were actually five silver-level third-level supernatural beings and two gold junior-level supernatural beings inside.

Just as Lin Hua walked over, she found a group of people with supernatural powers that she hadn't seen yesterday. A strange light flashed in their black eyes, which disappeared so quickly that people didn't have time to see them clearly.

A silver psychic with a scar on his face that looked vicious approached a golden psychic with a goatee and said, "Brother, shall we deal with these brats after we go in, or kill the treasure right now?"

"I see that this kid is a little bit capable. Let's keep it for now. After he goes in, he can kill people with a knife." The goatee said with a smile, and in the eyes of others, he looked like a kind old grandfather.

And here, Lin Hua tilted her head slightly, leaned towards Xue Fu and said, "There are seven strange supernatural beings here, I suspect they have a purpose. I will take two away in a while, and the remaining four silver third-levels will be given to you." , you should be more prepared, if something is wrong, don’t leave a mouth and kill it directly.”

Xue Wu looked at Lin Hua, the shock in her eyes slowly turned into firmness when she looked at the trust in Lin Hua's eyes.

"You have to be careful," Xue Fu said.

"Of course, you too, protect yourself." After finishing the last sentence, he had already arrived in front of the supernatural being.

"Our main purpose today is to improve our own strength. After entering the Tianwai Kongmen, I will lead a team, and Xuewu will lead a team. If there is an emergency, we can throw a signal flare. The other pair will come to help immediately when they see it. Understand. Alright?" Lin Hua said loudly.

"I don't agree, why is she leading the team with a woman?"

"That's right, I don't agree"

"Women should serve men well, and they need to go to battle to kill the enemy." After finishing speaking, a fat man stared at Xuewu's chest wretchedly.

Xuewu felt ashamed for a while, raised her hand and threw a ball of fire towards it.

The fat man's reaction was not low. He squatted down and slapped his hands, and a wall of earth appeared. It turned out that he was an earth-type supernatural being.

There was a sneer on the corner of Xuewu's mouth, idiot, do you think this can stop me?

A huge fire lotus rose from Xuewu's hand at random, and it floated above Fatty's head in the blink of an eye.

But the fat man saw that the earth wall had blocked Xue Wu's attack, and when he was triumphant, he didn't notice the fire lotus on his head.

"Haha, little girl, what else do you have? Grandpa will play with you today, and you will let Grandpa play well later." After finishing speaking, she still looked at Xuewu with a salivating expression.

"Luo..." With Xuewu's sweet shout, the snow lotus on the fat man's head instantly dispersed into rockets, shooting into the fat man's body, some even left one arrow outside, and the rest all entered the body.

Before the fat man had time to beg for mercy, he turned into a ball of fire in the blink of an eye.Zirazla's fat burned, exuding a disgusting smell of human corpses.

"Who else is not convinced? Stand up," Xuewu said.

The scene was silent, and no one wanted to be roasted alive.Some people who had unreasonable thoughts about Xuewu also put away their thoughts, such a powerful woman, who can lose weight?

Lin Hua saw that Xuewu Liwei had achieved results, and no one was disrespectful anymore, so she stepped forward and quickly distributed the people to be led by the two teams.

Lin Hua opened the door to the outer sky. This is another new one outside Baidi City. Lin Hua didn't know what was inside, and whether there would be a scene as dangerous as last time, so she gave her own signal flares in advance, so that she could open the door in time. rescue.

After Lin Hua and his group entered, they started to walk in two directions. Xuewu's team started to walk down the river from nowhere, while Lin Hua led the other team to walk up the river.

The scenery of this outer sky city is completely different from the previous sky city. There is a grass field that can't be seen at a glance, and flowers with unknown names bloom on it.There is a faint fragrance, and even butterflies are flying.

This is simply too much like the scene before the doomsday, there is no trace of man-made, and there is no danger. Except for the constantly flowing river, everything seems to be calm, and the calm seems a little abnormal.

"Boss, this is too much like a fairyland on earth. When did the Heavenly Space Gate have such a beautiful view? However, if something goes wrong, there must be a demon. Boss, I have a hunch that this time, we are in danger." Jiang Xinyu walked away Said in a low voice on the left side of Lin Hua.

"Well, Xin Yu, if there is a change, you must protect yourself first. This time there are only a few uneasy and kind-hearted people in the team. We must not lose anyone." Lin Hua tilted her head and told Xin Yu .

Seeing the concern in Lin Hua's eyes, Jiang Xinyu was a little lost.Maybe, maybe he likes me too?Like I like him?It's just that he hasn't discovered it himself.

Lin Hua looked at Jiang Xinyu who was caught in self-imagination, and her brain exploded. This silly girl, how dangerous she is now, dare to distract herself?Really owe a lesson.

Jiang Xinyu came back to his senses and looked at the puzzled Lin Hua, and was furious.Whether he really doesn't know or pretends not to know that he likes him.

At this moment, Lin Hua suddenly felt a gust of wind pass by behind her.

Lin Hua held the condensed water into ice and released a puck.As a result, he didn't even see the monster's appearance clearly, and the monster had already captured two supernatural beings without even touching its fur.

(End of this chapter)

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