Chapter 234 Weird

Immediately, someone among the supernatural beings yelled wildly, "What is that? What is that?"

"Is it a ghost? It's so fast, I can't catch up."

"Lin Hua, didn't you want us to join the Tianning Alliance? Why didn't you protect us?" The one who spoke was Scar who had conspired with the golden superhuman before.

As soon as Scar said this, all the supernatural beings looked at Lin Hua.Yes, you let us join, you should protect us, right?Isn't this what you, a gang leader, should do?
"Hehe, I told you before you came here that I just provided you with a springboard. As for whether you can jump out or not? It's not my business. I want you to give full play to your abilities and potential. Don't try to sit back and enjoy the benefits. The Tianning League does not support idlers." After Lin Hua finished speaking, she ignored them and turned her head to chase the monster where it fled, followed by Qi Zhan and Jiang Xinyu.A group of people were left to watch each other.

And here, Lin Hua, Jiang Xinyu, and Qi Zhan came to the westernmost point. The dense forest in front of them covered the sky, and there was no trace of sunlight projected in, which formed a huge contrast with the endless grassland just now.

"Boss, are we going in?" Jiang Xinyu asked hesitantly.

"I suspect they came in here, we have to go in and take a look." After Lin Hua finished speaking, she looked at Jiang Xinyu.

"Xin Yu? If you're afraid, you can..."

"I can, I'll go with you" Jiang Xinyu hastily expressed his attitude, fearing that Lin Hua would abandon her.Although, although she is really afraid, I don't know why she has seen so many disgusting creatures, why she is afraid of a mere forest.

Seeing Jiang Xinyu's anomaly, Lin Hua was even more sure that there was something weird about this forest.

Qi Zhan turned into a stone orc to open the way in front, Jiang Xinyu walked in the middle, and Lin Hua cut off the rear.

"Whoosh" sounded through the air, and a feather shot out of the air. No, it wasn't a feather, it was more like an arrow. The feathers on the mutated birds had evolved into sharp arrows.

The sharp arrow passed through Qi Zhan and shot towards Jiang Xinyu's face, seeing the sharp arrow so close at hand, Jiang Xinyu closed his eyes in fright.With this arrow, there will definitely be a hole in his face.

In the nick of time, the sharp arrow stopped 3 centimeters away from Jiang Xinyu's eyes, and then turned into ice powder.

It turned out that it was Lin Hua who had been paying attention to Jiang Xinyu all the time, so he could make a timely move to avoid Jiang Xinyu's disfigurement.

"Hehehe, good skill, but I want to see how long you can protect her." A ghostly female voice came from the depths of the forest.

As soon as the words were finished, several sharp arrows came, all pointing at Jiang Xinyu.Lin Hua condensed an ice force in front of Jiang Xinyu. When "Frost Arrow" changed hands, the water mist on his hand condensed into an ice arrow and threw it in the direction of the sharp arrow.

There was silence, Frostbolt seemed to be swallowed, and disappeared without even a sound.

Lin Hua frowned slightly, what kind of strange beast is this?
When he was confused, the intricate trees in front of him slowly separated a road, leading directly to the depths of the forest.

Lin Hua and Qi Zhan looked at each other, with Qi Zhan carrying Jiang Xinyu on his back and Lin Hua leading the way.

After walking for about 10 minutes, there was no attack on the way, not even a bird chirping.

Lin Hua's frown became tighter and tighter. The closer he got to the depths of the forest, the more excited he felt. A small drop of water was already all over his forehead. He seemed to feel the call from a strong man.

Lin Hua wanted to stop, but he couldn't, he couldn't even speak, and he couldn't make any other expressions, he just walked forward with a straight face.For the first time, Lin Hua felt the absolute suppression from her abilities.

"Boss? Lin Hua? Me, let's go back, I don't want to go any further." Jiang Xinyu was afraid of being on Qi Zhan's back, her body trembling like a sieve, her face full of panic, as if the front was Lieyu.

But Lin Hua couldn't hear it. There was only a deep voice in his mind telling him, go forward, go forward, and you will get all the abilities you want.

Qi Zhan also felt something was wrong and yelled "Ah...ah", while trying to catch Lin Hua.

An ice wall blocked the way of Qi Zhan and Jiang Xinyu, "Hurry... go find... Snow..." Lin Hua worked hard and put all his energy into building an ice wall to block Qi Zhan and Jiang Xinyu. I have a hunch, I can only go to the depths of the forest by myself, it will not hurt myself.If they followed together, Qi Zhan would be fine, but Jiang Xinyu would definitely die.

After struggling to finish a few words, Lin Hua walked forward without looking sideways. He was completely controlled.

Qi Zhan was beating crazily outside the ice wall. Lin Hua could see that someone was controlling him. If he didn't follow him, would he still be able to come back?That was the benefactor who saved him from hell.Although Qi Zhan didn't say anything, he had already made up his mind to follow Lin Hua to the death.

"Qi Zhan, Qi Zhan, let's go back and find Xuewu," Jiang Xinyu said with chattering teeth.

"Ah... ah..." Qi Zhan pointed to the shadow of Lin Hua behind the ice wall, getting farther and farther away, anxious.What if we find someone and come back and Lin Hua disappears?
"Qi Zhan, listen to me, just now the boss asked us to find Xuewu, didn't you listen to what he said?" Jiang Xinyu said seriously.

Qi Zhan looked at Lin Hua, who was walking farther and farther away, and was almost invisible, hammered the ice wall heavily, and quickly returned with Jiang Xinyu on his back.

Let’s talk about the time when Qi Zhan ran out with Jiang Xinyu and just ran out of the forest, and he didn’t know where to find Xuewu’s group.A signal flare sounded from the south.

"No, Xuewu must be in danger, Qi Zhan, go!" Jiang Xinyu lay on Qi Zhan's back, like a child swinging on the back of a giant.People can't help but be scared when they look at it. If it falls, even a person with supernatural powers will have to vomit blood.

Jiang Xinyu couldn't bear being bumped, she regretted why she left the steamed bun to watch the house and didn't bring it out?
No matter what Jiang Xinyu thinks in his heart, the bodies of supernatural beings are faster and more agile than human beings, especially Qi Zhan with a half-beast shape.It seemed that within a few minutes, Qi Zhan brought Jiang Xinyu to the edge of the battlefield.

At this time, many low-level supernatural beings and zombies were scattered on the ground. Jiang Xinyu followed Qi Zhan to observe the entire battlefield, but there was no trace of Xuewu. Not only that, even Li Jie, Nie Quanqi and even Li Shuo disappeared. .Only a few drops of fresh blood dripped on the grass to the east.

"Let's fight together, let's go east..."

"Cough...wait...cough, wait, they, they're heading north." Just when Jiang Xinyu was about to let Qi Zhan chase him east.The supernatural being lying on the ground that Jiang Xinyu thought was dead actually spoke.

"Who are you, what happened here just now?" Jiang Xinyu asked coldly, a Gatling has been loaded, and if this supernatural being behaves a little bit, he can be sent to the west.

"Ahem, I know where they went, and I also know, ahem, they were attacked by some monster, help me, ahem, help me out, I will be your man from now on," said the supernatural being.

(End of this chapter)

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