Rebirth of the Supreme Ice King

Chapter 236 Convergence

Chapter 236 Convergence
"Hu Fei, you have good jumping ability, try to bounce as high as possible and look at the surrounding terrain," Xue Wu said.

Hu Fei found a flat place, and bounced with all his strength, one mountain connected to another, endlessly endless.

"Xuewu, there is no road ahead, and there is no end in sight. The boss is most likely not here." Hu Fei shook his head and said to Xuewu.

"Trap..." Xue Wu said word by word, these bastards, it's good that Lin Hua is fine, if something happens, she will let everyone in here be buried with Lin Hua.At this time, Xue Wu was full of hatred, and all the fire attribute factors in his body were mobilized.

If Lin Hua had been present, he would definitely have recognized how similar Xue Wu was to the Flame Queen in the last days of her previous life.

"Xuewu, what should we do now?" Hu Fei asked.

"Go back, if these things were really done by those supernatural beings, I will definitely let them die without a place to bury them," Xue Wu said with stern eyes.

"Wait, Xuewu. I don't think this matter has much to do with them." Li Jie put away his hippie smile at this moment, and said with a serious face.

"Li Fei, what do you mean? The Heavenly Outer Space Sect only distributes strange beasts to us. Could it be that he can still play tricks on people? But I've never heard of such a saying," Hu Fei said blankly.

"What if, this is not the Heavenly Space Gate?" Li Jie looked at Xuewu and said word by word.

"Li Jie, what nonsense are you talking about? The boss brought us here. Could it be that the boss brought us wrong on purpose?" Before Xue Wu could speak, Hu Fei looked at Li Jie angrily and said.

Li Jie can doubt anyone, how can he doubt the boss?Boss saved them all time and time again, doesn't he remember?Or Li Jie has no conscience at all.Hu Fei thought sadly.

"Can you use your brain to think about it, every time the boss takes us to find the gate of space outside the sky, he has to test it twice. What about this time? He just opened it. We all think that what the boss opened must be the gate of space outside the sky, but this is just what we think Yes, what if it's not? What if the boss also admits it wrong?" Li Jie said.

"Maybe, you're right." Xue Wu looked at Li Jie and said.

They really trust the boss too much, and always feel that the boss is omnipotent.They believed everything the boss said, but the boss is not a god, what if?What if he was wrong?My group of people just blindly trust the boss, never take the initiative to consider the reasons, will not take the initiative to consider the consequences, and throw all the responsibilities that should be a team to the boss to resist, is this really right?
Just like now, my group of people have already sensed the trap, but what should I do next?Without Lin Hua, my group would have no backbone.

Hu Fei also calmed down at this time, lowered his head and said nothing.

"We can't give up like this, the boss may be fighting against monsters, we have to find them now," Xuewu said.

"But where are we going to find it? This place is so big, if we look in the wrong direction, how long will it take to go back and forth?" Li Jie pointed out the problem.

"I..." Xue Wu was about to speak, but was interrupted by Hu Fei.

"Look, Qi Zhan, that's Qi Zhan!" Hu Fei shouted excitedly.

In the blink of an eye, Qi Zhan, Jiang Xinyu and the dying superhuman Li Kang came to Xuewu and the others.

"Xuewu, we finally found you, is everyone alright?" Jiang Xinyu asked.

"We're all fine, Xin Yu, why are you the only one with Qi Zhan? Where's the boss? Where's the boss?" Xue Wu hurriedly asked.

Xue Wu glanced around, and found that only Qi Zhan and Jiang Xinyu were really here. As for Li Kang who was lying on the ground, she selectively ignored him.

"Boss...boss is trapped, Sister Xuewu, we are going to rescue him," Jiang Xinyu burst into tears as soon as he opened his mouth.

It's all because I'm useless. If it wasn't for the deep deterrence of the forest, maybe I would be by Lin Hua's side now, even if I die, I can die together.

"Xin Yu, please explain clearly, how did you and the boss separate? What happened to you after you separated from us?" Li Jie said.

Jiang Xinyu told about the infighting among the supernatural beings, how he went to the forest with the boss, how he feared the forest, and how the boss was controlled unconsciously, until the boss drove them back to meet Xuewu. again.

"Xuewu, we fell into a trap." Jiang Xinyu said with firm eyes.

Xue Wu has been out of her mind ever since she first heard about the death of the boss, and now that she heard Jiang Xinyu say the same thing, she also felt that maybe the people in her group came from the Heaven and Space Gate.

"Xin Yu, where is the missing boss?" Li Jie asked.

"West," Jiang Xinyu said.

"We have to rush over to join the boss right now. This is a trap, a trap aimed at the boss." After Li Jie finished speaking, he turned and ran west.

Boss, I have seen so many flaws, you must have seen it too, right?You just want to find out who has such a great ability to harm you, don't you?You don't have anything to do, do you?Boss, you must hold on!

Li Jie was running fast, and there were faint drops of water sliding down his cheeks, disappearing in the fast running wind.

Not to mention after Xuewu and the others met, after Lin Hua used all his energy to build an ice wall, he completely lost consciousness.The whole person is completely like a puppet, passively walking forward and moving forward.

When Lin Hua woke up, she found herself lying on an ice bed.

The ice bed was bitterly cold, and even Lin Hua, who had a great affinity with ice, felt a little cold.

An ice bed, a set of tables and chairs, including the kettle and tea cups on the table are all made of ice. The whole room is made of crystal clear ice. Also ice.

The transparent white eyes made Lin Hua slightly dizzy.

"Hiss..." Lin Hua rubbed her forehead, it really hurts, the sequelae of being forcibly controlled.

Lin Hua turned her hands, and dozens of ice arrows appeared in her hands.Shoot the wall.

"Bang bang bang" After the ice arrow shot towards the ice wall, it left only a shallow scratch before falling to the ground and melting into water.

"It's amazing," Lin Hua exclaimed.I have used [-]% of my strength just now, but only a few shallow scratches were left.

"Is anyone there?" Lin Hua called out loudly.

"Hey..." Just as Lin Hua finished speaking, the round table in the room sank down.

Lin Hua walked to the sunken hole of the round table to look. There was silence and darkness below. Lin Hua shot down an ice arrow, and there was no sound after half a day.

"Heh, I want to see who you are." After Lin Hua finished speaking, she jumped down without hesitation.

As if in the blink of an eye, Lin Hua fell to the bottom.

(End of this chapter)

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