Rebirth of the Supreme Ice King

Chapter 237 Extremely Cold Palace

Chapter 237 Extremely Cold Palace
"Interesting." The corner of Lin Hua's mouth curled up.Just now, the ice arrow used [-]% of its skill to throw it down without making any sound. I thought the hole was bottomless. Now it seems that all the ice in this place must be made by a person above Epic.

"I'll go!" After getting down, Lin Hua discovered what a real ice palace is.

It is no exaggeration to say that it is a palace, and the surrounding ice city is circular.Four large pillars tens of meters high stand around the center of the palace. There are more than a dozen steps in the center of the palace. Above the steps is a wooden square box.

Lin Hua looked at the box and then at the surroundings. There was no one there, but the atmosphere became tense.

Swaggering towards the steps, just about to step up, "Wow..." A wolf howled from behind.

"Oh, let me just say it." Lin Hua turned around and looked behind.

The leader should be the wolf king, with a height of more than three meters, with snow-white hair all over his body, and his eyes flicker with light from time to time, more like human eyes.

Behind him gradually walked out of the pack of wolves, as if walking out of a wall.

The Wolf King looked at Lin Hua. How could such a small human being, who could kill him with a single paw, be the owner of the Extremely Cold Palace?

The disdain in the wolf king's eyes was caught by Lin Hua, and he was even more sure that this was a wolf with human nature.

The pack of wolves around the wolf king was a little restless, they had been hungry for a long time, why didn't the king let them do it quickly and eat this little human?
"Aw..." The wolf king howled, and the pack of wolves swarmed up, fearing that they would not be able to drink their blood if they moved too slowly.

Lin Hua was already on guard when the wolf king was looking at him.As soon as he heard the howling of the wolf king, he turned his hand and threw a handful of ice arrows at the pack of wolves.

The ice arrows struck quickly and fiercely. Because the pack of wolves were all gathered together, some of them couldn't dodge in time. The ice arrows pierced their throats and fell down on the spot.

The wolf king's eyes darkened slightly, but he underestimated this human being.

The one in front fell to the ground, but the pack of wolves in the back didn't stop attacking in fear. Instead, they quickly dispersed to prevent Lin Hua from attacking together.

Animals are sometimes smarter than humans. This sentence is not without reason.

There were enemies all around, and Lin Hua knew very well that if he didn't pay attention, he might bleed and lose his limbs. These wolf claws and teeth are no fun.

While thinking, the pack of wolves rushed forward again.The ground is covered with ice, so there is no need to let Lin Hua refreeze. One slide, Lin Hua dodged the encirclement and passed under the stomach of a gray wolf. Drive, didn't brake all at once, "bang bang bang" all knocked down together.

It was too late to say it, Lin Hua saw the timing, and threw a huge ice puck in his hand, hitting the pack of wolves lying together.

"Boom..." The whole palace seemed to shake several times, and the place where the pack of wolves were lying was horrible.

Some smashed into a pile of mud.Some had their hands and feet smashed off, lying there lingering, red blood, white brains, mixed together, it looks like a painting with cruel beauty.

The pack of wolves were all killed, and the wolf king looked at the human out of breath, "It's really abominable, even in the extremely cold palace, no one dared to do anything to his compatriots, this damned human actually killed them all "This is simply a challenge to the dignity of the wolf king.

The wolf king let out a "wow", his four paws lifted off the ground, and he rushed towards Lin Hua like a gust of wind.

Lin Hua couldn't dodge in time, and the wolf king's paw fell on his shoulder, which immediately turned bloody.

When the wolf king smelled Lin Hua's blood, he rushed towards Lin Hua even more frantically.While dodging in embarrassment, Lin Hua thought of a way,

"What should I do? The wolf king's speed is too fast. If you can't trap him, let alone being caught by him, you can exhaust yourself to death." Lin Hua thought about it, and was scratched on the neck again. , due to the timely dodge, only a few red marks were caught, not to the point of breaking the skin.

If it really scratches the neck, I'm afraid my life will be lost.

"By the way." Lin Hua suddenly remembered, since the water has water chains, can we make ice chains out of it?Just thinking about it, Lin Hua condensed the purest ice in the palm of his hand, and when the wolf king rushed towards him, instead of hiding, he went up to meet him.

The wolf king was confused, but within a short distance, Lin Hua suddenly turned over and jumped onto the wolf king's back. With a movement of his fingers, an ice chain locked the wolf king's neck.

This damned, bastard human being dared to ride on the back of the majestic wolf king, and even used an ice chain to lock his neck. Did he treat himself like a dog?Ok?Must kill it, tear it to pieces.

After Lin Hua rode on the wolf king's back, he locked the wolf king's neck with ice chains, and slowly let the cold air flow in from the wolf king's neck along with the iron chain.

At first, the wolf king swayed from side to side trying to throw Lin Hua off. After a while, he felt his neck became more and more stiff. Not only that, his limbs became cold, and his movements became much slower.

Right now, Lin Hua condensed the water polo, bounced off the wolf king's back, and the water polo hit the wolf king's head.

"Boom" sounded like an explosion, and the wolf king's head was already hanging half naked on his chest.

Until it dies, it probably won't know how it lost to this tiny human being he despises.

Although the pack of wolves was wiped out, the right arm that was scratched by the wolf king before was burning with pain.

Just now, he was only concentrating on dodging the wolf king, and didn't seal the wound with ice in time. At this moment, it seems that half of the original white shirt has been dyed red.

Lin Hua frowned and sealed the wound.Look at the square box on the steps.

Just now I wanted to go up and open the box, and the wolves rushed out, so what about this time?what else?If something comes out again, can I still resist it?40.00% of the power has been wasted in the few big output just now.

"Life and death are destiny. Since God can give me a chance to be reborn, there is no reason for me to die in this unknown place." Lin Hua strode up the steps, strangely enough.There was nothing unusual this time, until Lin Hua reached out and touched the box, nothing rushed out.

The box is made of high-quality sandalwood, [-] centimeters long and only [-] centimeters wide. The box is embedded on the ice table, and its height is unclear.A lifelike lotus flower is engraved on the lid of the box. The petals are slightly closed, as if they are not fully open.

Lin Hua looked around and found that there were no locks or dark patterns on the box, only a lotus flower on the top of the box.

"Looks like I have to open it by force." After Lin Hua finished speaking, a small ice ball had condensed on the palm of her hand and hit the lotus box. The strange thing was that the box didn't move at all, not even leaving a trace on the ice table.

(End of this chapter)

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