Rebirth of the Supreme Ice King

Chapter 238 The Strange Will

Chapter 238 The Strange Will
"Hey, I underestimated you." Lin Hua took a few steps back, condensed a bigger ice puck, and threw it down with [-]% strength.

There was no response from the box, but there were a few small potholes on the ice table.

Lin Hua stepped forward and touched the lotus flower on the small box, petal by petal, as if imitating and drawing it down.After the first painting, I didn't feel it. After the second painting, my fingers felt slightly stiff. Lin Hua wanted to pick it up to see what was wrong, but found that she couldn't pick it up, as if she was stuck to the lotus.

Unable to control her hand, she continued to draw. In the third petal, Lin Hua felt as if the blood on her arm had been frozen.The abilities in the body are also suppressed and cannot be released to resist the cold.

The fourth petal, the fifth petal, and the sixth petal, Lin Hua's lips were trembling slightly, and she experienced the cold feeling for the first time since she obtained the water and ice abilities.

After the seventh petal was finished, Lin Hua knelt down fiercely, her whole body was emitting smoke, as if she had been frozen.

After the seven-petal petals were painted, a bright light suddenly appeared above the box. Under the bright light, the box slowly disappeared, as if it had been melted.

A piece of paper fluttered down in front of Lin Hua.

After Lin Hua rested for a while, her hands and feet were not so stiff, she slowly stood up and picked up the piece of paper to read.

"Today there is a demon sky, and all the gods are terrified.

Disdain the throne, travel four continents.

The gods were terrified and framed me.

All the gods are in harmony, sealed here.

Eight strange cold swords, treasures of heaven and earth.

It's my destiny, and it's my fate

The demons are rampant, and the sky is back

Kill the Quartet, Your Mission"

"Is that so?" Lin Hua murmured.

While Lin Hua was contemplating, the paper stamp in her hand had no chance of catching fire, and it was burnt to ashes in the blink of an eye.

The moment the ashes fell to the ground, there was a huge pulling force from the ground, which immediately pulled Lin Hua down again.

It took a lot longer to fall this time, as if after more than ten minutes, Lin Hua fell down with a "bang".

"Hiss..." Lin Hua rubbed her sore buttocks, gritted her teeth secretly, "I know how I got here later, look, I won't tear you down completely."

This time Lin Hua fell into a bigger palace again, but what was different from last time was that it was full of ice men. Lin Hua took a look and found that there were about fifty people. These people would not leave. I will understand, where all the sticks are standing in the same posture.

It’s like the terracotta warriors before the end of the world, except that these ice men have no clothes, no facial features, and only look like one person. Some hold ice skates in their hands, some hold popsicles, but they stand in the same posture, with a chilling look. Feel.

When I looked at the face, it was a little scary, the transparent ice had a human head, just looking at it was scary enough.

"Since the above is the will of Mo Tianli, the ice men below must be his masterpieces. They are so lazy. They don't even touch their eyes and noses. If they look at them so suddenly, everyone will be scared." Lin Hua thought to herself.

This time, the center of the palace is not a round table, but a square fire pit, ten meters long and ten meters wide. There is a sword in the center of the pit.It seemed that he could feel a wave of evil spirit rushing towards his face, and he didn't know how many people Motian killed with this sword.

"This should be the Baqihan Sword, right? It is indeed a good sword, but since I am lucky enough to come here, it also shows that this sword is destined for me. Why don't you come with me?" Lin Hua said to herself .

At this time, the sword body made a "buzzing" sound, as if it was responding to Lin Hua.

Lin Hua was happy, but found that those ice men actually moved?Someone with a sword or a stick will strike at him.

"Damn it!" Lin Hua scolded, and hurriedly stepped aside.

He stretched out his hand and condensed more than a dozen ice arrows to stab the iceman, but who knew that after the ice arrows stabbed the iceman, they disappeared and were swallowed.

Lin Hua herself is an ice-type supernatural user, and the most commonly used weapon is ice, but if the weapon made of ice is swallowed, what should I do?
Lin Hua condensed ice pucks and ice arrows in disbelief, and as a result, all the weapons that could be attacked were swallowed up.At this time, Lin Hua also had wounds of various sizes, although they were not fatal, they affected his actions.

"Fuck, there's nothing you can do." No matter how good-tempered Lin Hua was, she couldn't help scolding her at this moment.He could only dodge in embarrassment while carefully observing where the Iceman's weaknesses were.

"By the way, Shui Yin." After being scratched again, Lin Hua watched her blood flow out continuously, and finally thought of a way to be less passive for the time being.

After a tactic, Lin Huashui hid himself, and the group of ice men could no longer see the target, and they all silently walked to their original positions and stood still.

At this time, Lin Hua was extremely anxious, Shuiyin couldn't hold on for long, but once exposed, he couldn't find a way to deal with these icemen.

The longer time passed, the calmer Lin Hua became. The doomsday experience in his previous life told him that only calmness can bring hope. If he loses his footing before the last moment, he will be rushing to his death.

Before, Lin Hua was more powerless and afraid. The ice ability he could rely on the most, the thing that could save his life, was useless in this place. At that moment, he panicked.So irritable.

Since long-distance attack doesn't work, try melee combat and do it as soon as you think of it. Lin Hua slowly approached an iceman holding a stick, and suddenly appeared.

The iceman fell to the ground and turned into a pool of clear water.Once the trick was successful, Lin Hua became invisible again, and the other Icemen peeked at each other, why is there no one?
At this moment, Lin Hua reappeared among the icemen, used the umbrella in the five forms of the human world, and knocked down a group of icemen.

In this way, Lin Hua sometimes disappeared and sometimes appeared. Although it wasted a little time, she killed all the icemen.

After Lin Hua killed all the icemen, she fell out of breath into a puddle of clear water melted by the icemen.

"Really, I'm so tired." Lin Hua murmured, he could feel the emptiness of the supernatural power in his body, as if there was nothing inside.

Lin Hua didn't notice that the clear water melted by the surrounding icemen didn't disappear, but gradually gathered around him.

Gradually, Lin Hua felt that her body was heating up, her hands and feet were numb, and the power seemed to come back bit by bit.

"Eh..." The numbness that was comfortable at the beginning gradually turned into a pain like a pinprick. Lin Hua couldn't move when she thought about it.Eyelids gradually dimmed, consciousness began to blur, leaving only pain all over the body.

When Lin Hua woke up again, where would there be another Iceman?There is no discomfort at all. After mobilizing my own abilities, it turns out to be the second-level platinum? !

Lin Hua walked towards the fire pit, and the raging fire inside had been extinguished at some point.All that's left is an empty black hole.At this time, Baqi Hanjian flew in front of Lin Hua with a "chuss".

(End of this chapter)

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