Rebirth of the Supreme Ice King

Chapter 239 Jiang Xinyu's Abnormality

Chapter 239 Jiang Xinyu's Abnormality
Lin Hua stretched out his hand to hold it, and Lin Hua felt a sudden chill in his hands, which immediately made him feel refreshed.

"Whew..." No one expected that a black snake would come out from under the black hole at this time, and come straight to Lin Hua's door.

Lin Hua hurriedly backed away, but the black snake couldn't make a single blow, and fell to the ground and turned into a big python in the blink of an eye.

There was a sound of flicking the tail, causing a sense of tension in the air for no reason.

The black snake opened its bloody mouth and rushed towards Lin Hua. Lin Hua didn't dodge or dodge. Before the black snake arrived, it suddenly disappeared. pain.

It turned out that Lin Hua used the Hell Transformation.Lin Hua originally wanted to try the power of the Platinum stage and the power of the Baqi Hanjian, but she didn't expect to penetrate three inches of scales directly.

The black snake was furious under the severe pain, and flicked its tail to kill Lin Hua, but Lin Hua slid and dodged.

Black Snake stared at Lin Hua with a pair of black eyes, as if he would never die.Just as Lin Hua was on alert, the black snake suddenly turned into the size of a bracelet and jumped onto Lin Hua's wrist.A pair of black eyes that killed Teng Teng also turned into pleading when they looked at Lin Hua.

"Eh..." Lin Hua was speechless, if he had to fight one game, he would fight one game, but it suddenly entangled him and looked at him so pitifully, he didn't know what to do.

"Master, I was originally the guardian of Baqihanjian. Now that Baqihanjian has recognized the master again, you are my master."

Lin Hua stared at the black snake on her wrist, "You said what I just said."

"Yes, master." A delicate voice sounded in his mind, and at the same time, Black Snake nodded.

Lin Hua frowned slightly, with many questions in her heart, and when she was about to ask Black Snake again, Black Snake spoke.

"Master, the secret must not be leaked. I will tell you when I have something to tell you. Now, let's go out quickly. Your friends above are in danger."

Besides, everyone in Xuewu had arrived outside the forest not long after.

"It's here," Jiang Xinyu said.

"Okay, let's go in now, Xin Yu, you stay outside, and Qi Zhan and Quan Qi, you two are responsible for taking care of Xin Yu, I will go in with Li Jie," Xue Wu said calmly.

"I..." Jiang Xinyu was about to speak, but was interrupted by Li Jie.

"Xin Yu, listen to Xue Wu. Since you can't come in here, just wait for us outside. Qi Zhan and Quan Qi can also take care of you outside." After finishing speaking, Li Jie secretly gave Jiang Xin a wink rain.

Jiang Xinyu looked at Li Kang, the supernatural being who had been following them, and stopped talking.

Xuewu and Li Jie stopped talking nonsense, Xuewu took the lead and walked towards the forest without hesitation.

"Xuewu, be careful." Before he went far, a mutated monkey jumped down from the tree and grabbed Xuewu's back.

Li Jie pushed Xuewu away, and punched the mutated monkey with his "bang" fist, sending the monkey flying three or four meters away.

The monkey was thrown halfway and grabbed a branch and swung it, landed on the tree, screamed at Li Jie, then turned around and ran away.

Xuewu and Li Jie were in a hurry to find Lin Hua, and they didn't go after the monkey, but just because you don't provoke others doesn't mean they won't provoke you.

At this time, there was a big monkey standing in front of Xuewu and Li Jie. It stood more than four meters high, but it didn't have much hair on its body. You could even see the veins all over its body. There were flesh and blood sticking to its two big fangs. One eye is blind, and the nails are long and sharp.

"Aww!" The big monkey howled twice, and a group of monkeys led by him also started howling, which was deafening for a moment.

"It's so noisy." Xue Wu said coldly, a big fireball was born in the palm of his hand, and he threw it at the mutant monkey. The mutant monkey leaped violently, and the fireball hit several smaller mutant monkeys behind.Before the little mutant monkey howled twice, it was burned into a roast monkey by the fireball.

At this moment, a group of little monkeys surrounded them, put the corpse of the monkey that had been burned alive into their mouths and began to chew.

"Ugh..." Seeing this scene, Xue Wu couldn't help retching.

At this time, the mutated monkey king suddenly attacked Xuewu, bringing with it a gust of wind.

Li Jie rushed forward and punched the mutant monkey king in the head.But the mutant monkey king just bent his head, and the spikes on his claws grabbed Li Jie.

Li Jie jumped up to the mutant monkey king's head, and kicked the monkey king's other eye.

"Ah!!" Eyes hurt sharply, the mutant monkey king yelled, and grabbed Li Jie on the head.

Li Jie shouted, "Xuewu"

Xue Wu was burning a few small mutant monkeys to death. Hearing Li Jie calling her, she hurriedly stretched out her hand to congeal a large ball of fire. Naturally, there was no time to escape.

With a bang, the mutant monkey king was blown to pieces.

"Haha, Xuewu, you're amazing again." Li Jie said with a smile, punched the Mutant Monkey King's head, and took out a golden fourth-level heterocore from it and put it away.

The little mutant monkey next to him saw that the monkey king was dead, and ran away in fright. Li Jie was trying to catch up.

"Li Jie, stop chasing, let's go find the boss," Xue Wu said.

Upon hearing this, Li Jie realized that his purpose was to find the boss, scratched his head, turned around and followed Xuewu to continue walking deep into the forest.

When he finally reached the place where Lin Hua transformed into the ice wall, the ice wall had already become very thin. Li Jie punched it up, and the ice wall cracked.

After walking through the ice wall, Li Jie and Xuewu hadn't gone far when they saw Lin Hua.

"Boss" Xue Wu whispered, but she didn't dare to go forward, she was afraid that this was a dream and Lin Hua hadn't actually come back.

Li Jie didn't have so many thoughts, he saw Lin Hua stepped forward and hammered Lin Hua's chest, "Boss, where have you been? Do you know how nervous we are?"

"I'm back." Lin Hua walked up to Xuewu and the others and said firmly, her eyes were full of spirits.

Xue Wu looked at Lin Hua intently, he seemed to have changed, the coercion all over his body was like a sword about to be unsheathed, sharp and captivating.

Only when he looked at him, Xuewu knew that he hadn't changed.He's still the boss who cares about himself.

I can't control the grievance, thinking that I will never see his grievance again,
Thinking that I would never have a chance to tell him how much I love him, the moment I saw him, I couldn't say anything, I could only lie in his broad arms and cry "woo woo".

"Xuewu, it's okay, I'm fine, don't cry anymore." Lin Hua patted Xuewu's shoulder stiffly, comforting her somewhat helplessly.

Li Jie gave Lin Hua a self-seeking smile back.

Xuewu cried for a long time before she stopped, her eyes were already swollen from crying.

Lin Hua took out two small ice cubes, tore off her shirt and wrapped the ice cubes up, "Here, put them on your eyes, cry like a little cat"

(End of this chapter)

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