Rebirth of the Supreme Ice King

Chapter 240 The Dilemma in the South

Chapter 240 The Dilemma in the South
Xue Wu didn't say a word, just quietly watching Lin Hua focus on finishing these details for herself.

"Boss, let's go out quickly, Xin Yu and the others are still waiting for us outside," Li Jie said.

"Are you all okay?" Lin Hua asked.

"No, even Xinyu can't come into this forest. I think this forest is weird. Let's go out quickly," Li Jie said.

"Yeah" Then, Lin Hua, Xue Fu, and Li Jie ran towards the forest exit.

"Hehehe, Jiang Xinyu...I want to see how long you can hide." After Lin Hua and his party left, a female voice came out from the forest behind, but they didn't hear it.

As soon as he got out of the forest, Lin Hua was pushed back a few steps by a huge impact. If he hadn't even noticed that Jiang Xinyu was in his arms, he might have used his ice armor to fend off the enemy.

"You girl, why are you so reckless?" Lin Hua said helplessly.

"Why did you drive me away? Why? Why did you go when you knew it was dangerous? Is it interesting to risk yourself? Do you know how much we all worry about you?" Jiang Xinyu cried aggrievedly as she lay on Lin Hua's body , the fist was still hammering Lin Hua lightly.

"Xin Yu, you are getting more and more eloquent now, I only said one thing, and you have said so much," Lin Hua said jokingly.

"You are still in the mood to joke? Do you know that I..."

"Okay, am I okay?" Lin Hua interrupted her.

"Hey, Boss, is this the most difficult thing for you to bear?" Li Jie said, watching the excitement from the side, not thinking it was a big deal.

Originally thought that Jiang Xinyu was the only one who liked the boss, but today, it seems that Xuewu has also fallen into it early.What a group of silly girls, the boss doesn't seem to be enlightened at all, but always treats these two silly girls like younger sisters.Tsk tsk tsk, the capable and attractive girl followed him infatuatedly, but the boss didn't like it either. Could it be that the boss likes men?Li Jie looked at Lin Hua, Jiang Xinyu and Xue Wu, who were caught up in his fantasies, completely oblivious to Lin Hua's warning eyes.

"Ah...ah" Qi Zhan made a sound, looking at Lin Hua with excitement in his eyes.

"Boss, it's great that you can come back." Maybe a man is not as emotional as a girl, and he is more happy to see Lin Hua come back, instead of thinking too much about what would happen if he didn't come back.

"Well, I'm back. I've learned a lot from this experience today. After I go back, I'll tell you slowly, let's go back now," Lin Hua said.

"Good" everyone has no objection.

When he was about to leave, Lin Hua noticed a unconscious supernatural being lying on the grass not far away.

"How did he come here?" Lin Hua asked.

"Boss, his name is Li Kang. We will talk about the specifics later, but we will take him back with us," Jiang Xinyu said.

Lin Hua thought for a while and asked, "What about the other supernatural beings? We have so many people who came in, are they all gone now?"

Everyone peeked at each other, they only noticed that Lin Hua was gone, they didn't know what happened to others?If it wasn't for Li Kang to let Jiang Xinyu find Xuewu quickly, she wouldn't have saved him.

"Let's look for it first, if there is no one, we will go out," Lin Hua said.

"Okay." Xue Wu and Jiang Xinyu said at the same time, standing on Lin Hua's left and right sides at the same time, like a guardian.

This time, even Nie Quanqi and Qi Zhan's eyes looked a little strange.

They have low EQ, but they are not stupid, both Xuewu and Jiang Xinyu definitely like the boss, look at this protective gesture, besides the boss, there is also that man who can enjoy it.

As for Jiang Xinyu, she also secretly looked at Xuewu, so, does sister Xuewu also like the boss?However, the boss is so good, it would be strange if sister Xuewu didn't like him.Jiang Xinyu thought silently in her heart.

As for Xuewu, she just doesn't want to hide her liking for Lin Hua anymore.Especially after Lin Hua's whereabouts were unknown, she couldn't even hug him and occupy him and tell him how wronged she was, because she didn't have the identity.

But now, she wants Lin Hua to slowly feel that she is a woman, a mature woman who knows how to distinguish between dependence and love.But Xuewu has her own pride, she will not directly tell Lin Hua that she loves him, she wants him to feel it, and then fall in love with her.

Everyone had their own secret little thoughts in their hearts, only Lin Hua didn't feel anything, he just wanted to know what happened to those supernatural beings?Did you hold on?Is it true that the one who persists is pure in mind?Can it be used for me.

Lin Hua and his team rushed to the south to find those supernatural beings.

At this time, there was a group of bloody battles in the south.

"Huang Zhong, what should we do? We haven't found Lin Hua yet, and we're still surrounded by these mutated crocodiles. How can we get out?" A golden superhuman with a goatee faced back to back an elegant-looking A middle-aged man who is a teacher said softly.

There was a glimmer of darkness in the eyes of the man named Huang Zhong, but he said, "It would be great if someone can delay it, and we can take this opportunity to escape."

"You mean..." The corners of the goatee's mouth slightly curled up, looking a little weird.

"Ah..." At this moment, another third-level bronze man was bitten on the thigh, and the mutated crocodile pulled violently, and the entire thigh was torn off.

The supernatural person immediately bled profusely, his eyes burst red, and he could even clearly see the bloodshot inside.

"Damn it, I'm fighting with you bastards!" The superhuman yelled, and rushed forward to hug the mutated crocodile that pulled his thigh. The crocodiles were blown to death together, their brains and intestines were all mixed together, and the smell of blood stimulated the remaining crocodiles. Not only did they not have the slightest fear, but they attacked even more ferociously.

At this moment, a mutated crocodile rushed towards Huang Zhong.Huang Zhong threw a ball of fire with his left hand and hit the mutant crocodile. The mutant crocodile turned around in time and blocked the fireball with its back.It turned out that the mutated crocodile's back was covered with scales of different sizes, and these scales had no effect on fire attacks.

Seeing that Huang Zhong couldn't make a single blow, the mutated crocodile seemed to pounce on him again, and hurriedly turned his head and pushed a person with a supernatural power into the mouth of the mutated crocodile. for his executioner.

Huang Zhong took advantage of the mutated crocodile's big mouth to chew on the supernatural being, stepped back a few steps, and prepared to jump over the mutated crocodile to escape.Just as he was about to jump out of the group of mutated crocodiles, a small mutated crocodile suddenly jumped up from the side and bit Huang Zhong's left arm.

Huang Zhong was in severe pain. Seeing that the crocodile would not let go, he drew his dagger and cut off the arm bitten by the mutated crocodile, then fled in a hurry.

But the goatee who witnessed all this did not dare to try to rush out of the crocodile group easily.

(End of this chapter)

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