Chapter 241
When Lin Hua and his group arrived, they saw that there were only six people with supernatural powers surrounded by mutant crocodiles, and the old man with a white sheep beard was one of them.

There are twelve crocodiles surrounding them, two small ones, and the rest are adult crocodiles.
"Li Jie, you and Hu Fei are in a team. Xue Wu, Qi Zhan is in a team, and Jiang Xinyu is in my team. The weakness of these mutated crocodiles is their heads. Li Jie and Qi Zhan have to fight in close quarters. Find the opportunity to attack the head. Bu Xuewu and Hu Fei want to interfere with the crocodile to ensure the safety of his teammates, understand?" Lin Hua calmly deployed the battle plan.

"Xin Yu, stay far away. I'll interfere with the crocodile. You have to see the opportunity and shoot in the head, understand? The area three inches from the eyes is their Achilles' heel," Lin Hua said to Jiang Xinyu.

"Understood" everyone answered in unison.

As soon as Lin Hua ordered "action", Li Jie went out first to attract the crocodile.

When the mutated crocodiles saw fresh food, several of them turned around and crawled towards Lin Hua and the others.Because Lin Hua arranged for them to stand apart, the crocodiles spread out, which also prevented the other from jumping up and attacking one crocodile when they were dealing with it.

Li Jie spotted one, took a few steps to run up, jumped onto the back of the mutated crocodile, and slammed it on the head of the mutated crocodile with a "bang bang bang".

Pained by the madly flattened mutated crocodile, he flicked his tail and wanted to draw Li Jie down.If this tail hit Li Jie, he would probably vomit blood.

At this moment, Hu Fei jumped up, grabbed Li Jie who was beating the crocodile, and jumped out.

Seeing that Li Jie was able to dodge so quickly, the mutated crocodile had no time to stop its aggressive tail, and directly slapped itself.

And Hu Fei and Li Jie cooperated tacitly in this way and killed one.Li Jie dug out the crystal nucleus in the mutated crocodile, which turned out to be a third-grade golden one, and then received it in the gray space bag.

On the other hand, Xue Wu throws fireballs at the mutant crocodile to disturb the sight of the mutant crocodile, while Qi Zhan turns into a stone orc and smashes at the mutant crocodile.After a while, they also killed one together, and Qi Zhan went to dig out the crystal nucleus.

As for Lin Hua's group, in fact, according to Lin Hua's current platinum stage, he can completely crush this group of golden stage crocodiles, but he mainly wants to see how far Jiang Xinyu's firearm ability has reached, and he also wants to try it by the way. With the strength of his Platinum stage, Lin Hua's group can be said to be the easiest, and the fastest to kill the mutant crocodile.

And the crocodiles who were still besieging the only three remaining supernatural beings saw their companions being killed by a few small humans, and they all gave up the fat in their mouths and turned to attack Lin Hua's group. .

After spending a while, I finally cleaned up all the mutated crocodiles, and got some good rewards, three golden fourth-level crystal nuclei, six golden third-level crystal nuclei, and one bronze-level crystal nucleus. The two little crocodiles have no crystal nucleus yet.

After seeing the strength of Lin Hua and the others, Baiyanghu and the remaining two bronze-stage superhumans didn't dare to say anything.

Lin Hua performed a trick, and the group went out. When they went, there were more than 20 people with supernatural powers. When they came out, there were no other members except Lin Hua, only a goatee, a bronze third-stage Du Sheng and a bronze Wang Yang of the fourth stage, oh, by the way, and Li Kang of the third stage of the bronze was also dragged out of the coma.

After everyone came out, they were very depressed. Lin Hua was even more depressed. He thought he would gain a few better supernatural beings, but unexpectedly, he lost almost all of them.

Lin Hua led a group of people to the city gate, no matter what, go back first and then discuss other matters.

"Stop," said the werewolf guard guarding the gate, and then looked at the electronic display in his hand.

"Grab him!" shouted, and the surrounding werewolf soldiers quickly surrounded Lin Hua's group.

"What do you want to do?" Jiang Xinyu said with an angry face.

"We just want to invite all of you to visit Zhushan League, the proud leader of the League welcomes you," the werewolf guard said contemptuously.

I heard that this kid has the Heavenly Space Gate in his hand, the leader must want to kill people to seize the treasure, saying that he is invited, hehe, do you still have a say in the Zhushan League?
Lin Hua, who was thinking of the werewolf guard, of course didn't know, but this did not prevent Lin Hua from guessing what Ao Baitian wanted to do.

Lin Hua was just wondering, according to the information, there are almost no people who are proud of the sky in the slums, but how did he know about the Tianwai Kongmen in just one night?Could it be that Li Shu belonged to him?
It's just that Li Shu is dead, so even if he doubts, there is no real evidence.In any case, it is definitely not possible to go with the werewolf guards today, because there must be a bloody battle to meet them.

Lin Hua thought that even though she was only promoted to platinum, she still couldn't fully utilize her powers.And Xue Fu and the others have just experienced a few tough battles. If they had met Ao Baitian in normal times, they would naturally go to experience the strength of the Zhushan League and the others. But now they are short of soldiers on their side. When you are invincible, you can't get rid of it even if you want to get out.

After analyzing the situation at this time, Lin Hua had no choice but to give up going to the city, find a place to stay, and find an opportunity to bring the steamed buns and mutant bats out.

Lin Hua turned around, faced the crowd behind her and said, "Since Lord Ao has invited you, I would rather obey you than to be respectful." But her eyes blinked at Xuewu and Jiang Xinyu.

Xuewu followed Lin Hua from birth to death before the end of the world, so she naturally understood what he meant, and nodded slightly to show that she understood.

The werewolf guards were even more disdainful. I am afraid that this group of people are either fools or idiots. Everyone knows that if the small sect has no backing, who would dare to spread the news that they have the Heavenly Space Gate?It's good now, you don't even know you're being targeted, yet you dare to accept the appointment?At this time, the werewolf guard looked at Lin Hua as if he was looking at a dead person. Such an idiot would probably be killed before he even got to the leader.

"Okay, please lead the way." Lin Hua said, turned around and looked at the werewolf guards with a smile, as if he was going to a friend's house to accept an appointment.

Probably because Ao Baitian was too confident to think that after going to the Tianwai Kongmen, a group of people would be exhausted and maybe even seriously injured. After all, he is also a person who has the Tianwai Kongmen, so he naturally knows the rules of the Tianwai Kongmen.

Therefore, Ao Baitian didn't send too many people to catch Lin Hua and the others, only eight werewolf guards at the door, eight silver fourth-level people, and three gold third-level and fourth-level people in the dark.

Just when the werewolf guards turned around, a thick and long ice blade appeared behind each werewolf guard, before everyone had time to react.

"Explosion" Lin Hua yelled, and the ice blade quickly and fiercely inserted into the werewolf guard's heart from behind, and began to freeze inch by inch from the heart. After a while, the entire heart was not frozen.

(End of this chapter)

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