Chapter 242 Vulnerable

When Li Jie saw it, he walked up with a smile, and hit the heart with a punch, and the whole piece of ice was blown away, and the werewolf guard's chest also became hollow.

"Interesting" Li Jie fought one by one. After finishing the eight werewolf guards, he went back to the team to look. They stood in a row, and the chests of the first row were empty, which made people feel inexplicable.

But Lin Hua didn't notice what Li Jie did, he was just thinking about his own ability, just now he had a sudden epiphany, and then unlocked the ice blade skill, he used eight of them at once, but the ability was used up up to 20.00%.

Those who saw all this in the dark at the golden stage did not dare to underestimate Lin Hua.

"Let's come out together, and save me the trouble of finding them one by one," Li Jie said mockingly.

"Heh, where did the boy come from, what a big tone!" A gray-haired old man came out with four supernatural beings behind him.

In fact, the supernatural beings of the natural department look down on the supernatural beings of the combat department. In their view, the so-called supernatural beings have the ability to turn the sky into clouds and turn their hands into rain.

And what about combat-type supernatural beings?Besides improving combat ability, are there other uses?It's like a group of reckless men, and more like soldiers who are only suitable for leading troops to fight. No matter how powerful they are, they are destined not to be a great climate.

This is the thinking of everyone in the early days of the doomsday. At least they are willing to believe what they see. Natural supernatural powers can attack from a distance and fight in close combat, while combat supernatural powers seem to use fists most often, which are violent and bloody.This kind of fighting power is the most tasteless.

"The Proud Alliance Lord is really strong, and he actually invited me to wait for an unknown pawn with a high-ranking gold senior. It really makes me panic." Lin Hua glanced at the old man and said lightly.

However, Elder Lin was so enraged by Lin Hua's first glance that he almost jumped up.What does he mean by this, does he think he is really capable?Think he'd like to come?Do you think he is willing to deal with a silver stage superhuman?And still deal with him with more victories than less?Get the hell out, he's not willing to do such a shameful thing, if it wasn't for his Ao Baitian's strength, he would have quit it long ago.

"Old Lin, this kid is full of tricks, don't listen to him, he is using aggressive tactics." A man in black next to him whispered in Elder Lin's ear.

"Of course I know, you don't need to talk too much," Elder Lin said angrily.

The man in black froze, without saying a word, and retreated behind Mr. Lin.

"Hmph, what a brat with sharp teeth and sharp mouth, I'd like to see if it's your mouth or my ability." After finishing speaking, Elder Lin unexpectedly turned his five fingers into claws and grabbed Lin Hua.

Lin Hua had been on guard for a long time, and moved to the side, slipping dangerously under the claws of Elder Lin. As soon as Elder Lin failed to catch Lin Hua, he did not stop his forward attack, and directly grabbed Nie Quanqi who was behind Lin Hua. Nie Quanqi Where is the fool, Li Jie pushed Nie Quanqi away, Lin Lao's hand was already close at hand, Li Jie punched him.

The moment the two fists collided, a purple electric current flashed in Elder Lin's hand, which seemed strange and unpredictable, but Li Jie sensed something was wrong, and just when he was about to retract his hand, Elder Lin grabbed it and Li Jie fell to the ground on the spot.

"Li Jie" Lin Hua yelled, seeing Li Jie fell to the ground, his whole body was already in an explosive state. Li Jie was picked up by him and worked so hard to teach him his abilities. Seeing that he has the momentum of the second in command Oh, this man, how dare this man hurt him? !How dare?Without Lin Hua's consent, no one of his people is allowed to move, nor can they move!

"Ice Control" Lin Hua stretched out his hand, and the ground within ten meters around him began to freeze layer by layer. Everyone felt cold all over, but Elder Lin was horrified to find that his feet were actually frozen?In the blink of an eye, he didn't even have time to react. It wasn't that he was slow, it was that he couldn't move at all.

Mr. Lin had an intuition that he must have kicked the iron plate this time. Obviously, the intelligence said that Lin Hua was only at the silver stage, but this?I am afraid that only the Platinum stage can be made like this.

But Mr. Lin didn't have time to sigh. Looking at the three ice blades flying in front of his eyes in an instant, the corner of his mouth moved slightly, but no one could clearly see what he said. And pass.

"Old Lin" the remaining four people shouted "Old Lin" one by one, threw themselves to his side, sobbed slightly, and touched his veins.

And the remaining three looked at Lin Hua with horror on their faces,

What to do, Elder Lin has always won the enemy by surprise, and, among the five of them, Elder Lin is the highest level, and even Elder Lin can't survive this move, what can they do?

However, they definitely can't go back. They all know the character of Ao Baitian, and they will never accept the losers. The losers are only worthy of being trampled on.Up to now, there is only one way to fight to the death.

The three of them exchanged sincere glances, only the young man lying on Elder Lin's body was still sobbing softly.

"Xiangnan, Mr. Lin has already been killed by them. No matter how sad you are, it's useless, you might as well fight to the death with them," the man in black said coldly.

"Yes, Xiangnan, get up, let's avenge Mr. Lin together"

"Xiangnan, get up, we will live and die together with Mr. Lin"

The two behind the man in black also took the opportunity to persuade them.

And the man named Xiang Nan raised his head and looked at Lin Hua. He had a small face with a slap in the face, a straight nose, thin lips, and peach blossom eyes. His eyes were full of tears and he looked at Lin Hua, "It's you." Kill Mr. Lin" Xiang Nan asked with a trembling voice, the clear and clean voice like spring water trembled slightly at this moment, making people want to hug him in his arms to comfort him, and he was never willing to make him so sad again.

"Yes" Lin Hua was not moved at all, the one who committed the murder was the one who committed the murder, there is no need to deny it, and there is really no need to deny it.

"Do you know what's the relationship between Mr. Lin and me?" The boy's voice suddenly became sharp, like a cat whose tail was grabbed, but the voice was unexpectedly not unpleasant.

"So what if you know, so what if you don't know? I killed the person, and I have already killed him. If you want revenge, you can come anyway. Lin Hua will accompany you to the end." Lin Hua said with a cold face.

"Xiang Nan, are you crazy? He killed Mr. Lin, you don't do it yet," the man in black urged again.

What to do, he had an increasingly bad intuition, which told him that they had to be interrupted, and they couldn't continue talking, otherwise, the consequences would definitely not be what he wanted to see.

Lin Hua frowned slightly. This young man seemed to be out of his mind. From the looks of it, Elder Lin should be a very important person to him. Besides, didn't he already see himself killing Elder Lin?Do you still need to confirm again and again?
In Xiang Nan's eyes, Lin Hua frowned, is she unhappy? Why is she unhappy?Who messed with him?Oh!It must be that black fly, he is so noisy, why did he interrupt himself to talk to Lin Hua?Does he like Lin Hua?No, I don't allow it, no one can like Lin Hua except me.

(End of this chapter)

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