Rebirth of the Supreme Ice King

Chapter 243 Vampire Family 1

Chapter 243 The Vampire Clan

Xiang Nan's eyes darkened, and it looked extraordinarily dark on his fair face.

The man in black was happy when he saw it. What exactly is Xiang Nan's ability?Elder Lin has been protecting him and not allowing anyone to disturb him.He originally thought that he was an obedient baby who needed the protection of others, but once he actually saw Xiang Nan's obedient baby kill a fourth-level golden supernatural user.

But later, the higher-ups actually announced that it was Elder Lin's accidental injury while exchanging lessons with the supernatural being that caused the death of the golden supernatural being. For this reason, Elder Lin was fined to guard the city gate for a month.

Xiang Nan has always been unfathomable, maybe he will be stronger than Lin Hua?
To everyone's surprise, Xiang Nan flashed to the man in black in the blink of an eye, lifting his neck with one hand.

"Hush, be quiet, you are very noisy, you know?" The gentle voice was like whispers between lovers.

As soon as the words fell, with a twist of his hand, the neck of the man in black was twisted.

The man in black didn't understand why he became like this until his death?A pair of frightened eyes were still staring at Xiang Nan.

Abandoning the man in black, he stepped on his eyes and crushed them slightly. Everyone present could hear the sound of the eyes being crushed violently. "It's disgusting to look at me with such eyes." The coquettish voice made everyone shudder.

"Hush" Xiang Nan compared the meaning of silence to the remaining two supernatural beings.

The rest of the people are already petrified, okay?With the flick of a finger, he killed a golden third-level superhuman, so Xiang Nan already surpassed platinum?

Walking to Lin Hua in the south, at 1.7 meters [-], she was actually a head shorter than Lin Hua.

"Hey, you want to..." Li Jie stopped Jiang Xinyu who wanted to push the boy away, "Boss has his own measure, there is something wrong with that child, let's take a look first and then talk," Li Jie persuaded.

"But he is so close to the boss, what if he hurts the boss?" Jiang Xinyu said angrily.

"Xin Yu, the boss will have a sense of proportion," Xue Wu said as his hands condensed into a ball of fire.

It's better that the boy doesn't have any thoughts, otherwise, she will definitely want him to die without a place to bury him, Xue Wu thought to himself.

The young man turned his head slightly to look at Jiang Xinyu through Lin Hua's shoulder, she is also very noisy, should he be killed too?

Jiang Xinyu's heart trembled when she was looked at, the boy's eyes were so terrifying!When the amber eyes looked at you, they were as clear as a clearly visible lake when they were innocent, but now they seem to be a deep pool of stagnant water. As soon as you get close, a group of evil spirits will come out of it and kill you. Drag it in, peel and chew.

Lin Hua noticed the murderous look emerging from the young man, "Don't touch her," Lin Hua said, staring at Xiang Nan.

Xiang Nan slightly bent the corners of his eyes, looking pure and harmless, "Why does Lin Hua care about her so much? Do you like her?"

Everyone was silent for a moment, not sure what Xiang Nan meant, and feared that the murderer would think of some tricky idea again.

Only Jiang Xinyu was more ecstatic than afraid, "Boss, he will like me, he usually treats me so well and cares about me", but there is a little bit of fear in his heart, what if, what if the boss doesn't like me that much What about yourself?No, even if I don't like myself, the boss will definitely give me some dignity, and won't say he doesn't like me in front of so many people.

Jiang Xinyu thought darkly, but what's the matter?Which girl doesn't play tricks when meeting someone she likes?

And Xue Wu was also slightly taken aback, looking at Lin Hua, how would the boss choose?Will he really like Jiang Xinyu?

Because of Xiang Nan's words, everyone's eyes were on Lin Hua.

"She's my younger sister." Lin Hua frowned, unable to figure out why Xiang Nan asked such a question, but answered truthfully.

"Oh..." Xiang Nan elongated his voice slightly, and when he looked at Jiang Xinyu, his face was full of sarcasm, as if to say, does it feel good to be passionate?

Jiang Xinyu had an unbelievable expression on her face, sister?So you have always regarded me as a younger sister?Can't you see all the things I did about you before?
He looked up at Lin Hua's face, wanting to make sure that he really didn't have any affection for him, but saw Lin Hua's frown slightly.

Why is he frowning?Could it be that his liking is a kind of disturbance to him?
"Does Lin Hua like me?" Having admired Jiang Xinyu's appearance of being hit hard enough, Xiang Nan looked in a great mood, turned his head and asked Lin Hua enthusiastically, his eyes were full of innocence and trust.

At this point, Lin Hua also understood that Xiang Nan might have some mental problems, and she didn't dare to provoke him anymore, fearing that he would do something aggressive again, so she nodded her head slightly.

Xiang Nan suddenly laughed, there were shallow dimples on both cheeks, and his eyes were narrowed, like a fox who stole a chicken, seductive and pure.

"Tell Lin Hua secretly, I like Lin Hua too." Xiang Nan narrowed his eyes slightly, looking dangerous and lazy.Like a dozing lion, it looks harmless but could kill you in the blink of an eye.

"From the first time I met Lin Hua, Lin Hua has always attracted me. There is something in your blood that fascinates me." Xiang Nan confessed solemnly, but it made everyone shudder.

"Really? You are a vampire." Lin Hua lowered her voice and said in Xiang Nan's ear. To anyone, it looked like she was kissing Xiang Nan.

Jiang Xinyu didn't want to watch it anymore, so she turned her head and ran away quickly.

"Xin Yu..." Li Jie called out, but seeing that Jiang Xinyu didn't stop, he hurriedly followed after him.

"Boss, hurry up and chase Xin Yu," Xue Wu looked at Lin Hua and said anxiously.

"If he still treats me as the boss, he shouldn't contradict me again and again and even refuse to obey orders! Xuewu, if you still treat me as the boss, call Li Jie back immediately. As for Jiang Xinyu, let her do whatever she wants." Lin Hua said indifferently.

"Boss" Xuewu's face was full of disbelief, why?Does the boss not care about us at all?Who is that boy?Is he more important than us?Doesn't the boss care about Jiang Xinyu's grievances?

"You go to the south first, the people from the Zhushan League will come out in a while, Xiang Nan and I will chase you later," Lin Hua looked at Xiang Nan and said indifferently.

"Old..." Xue Wu still wanted to speak, but was interrupted by Nie Quanqi.

"Xuewu, let's go see how Xinyu and the others are doing," Nie Quanqi said, looking at Lin Hua.He believes that the boss is not that kind of person, and he must have his reasons for doing so.

It's just that Xue Wu and Jiang Xinyu are too emotional, so they can't tell this group of people first.

Nie Quanqi pulled Xuewu to chase Li Jie and Jiang Xinyu, and Qi Zhan and others followed behind.

"Oh, it seems that the ugly guy just now is not the only one who likes Lin Hua." Xiang Nan looked at Lin Hua teasingly and said, with a smirk on his lips, as if teasing a good friend.

(End of this chapter)

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