Chapter 244
"Who are you and what is your purpose?" Lin Hua looked towards Xiang Nan with warning eyes.

"I'm the one who likes you. I fell in love with Lin Hua from the first time I saw you." Xiang Nan lowered his head slightly, looking a little shy.

"I don't care who you are or what your purpose is, but you are not allowed to touch them." When Lin Hua said this, her eyes sharpened sharply, looking dangerous and fierce.

"Oh? Lin Hua cares about them very much? I really hate them. I hate everyone Lin Hua cares about except me, what should I do?" Xiang Nan narrowed his eyes slightly, and there was a flash of murderous intent in his eyes, but quickly It disappeared again, making people who saw it think it was just an illusion.

It's just that Lin Hua knew that it wasn't an illusion, he knew that Xiang Nan really wanted to kill all his companions at that moment.

"If you don't move them, you can follow me. This is my bottom line. Don't say that you can follow me as long as you want. As long as I don't want to, I'd rather die than die," Lin Hua said.

"Hehe, well, since Lin Hua said so, then I'll be reluctant, but if they don't, they'd better not mess with me, otherwise if I can't control it, even if I don't kill them, at least I can make them worse off Die, after all I still have such a small trick.” Xiang Nan sent his shoulders with an expression of indifference.

Lin Hua turned her head to look at the two supernatural beings who were trying to pretend to be the background board.

"Oh, you seem to have heard a lot of secrets, will you tell them?" Xiang Nan also turned to look at the two supernatural beings beside the man in black.

"No, no, no, we didn't hear anything." The two supernatural beings said in unison, lest Xiang Nan, the murderer, would kill them.

"Hehe, Lin Hua, they said they didn't hear, so why don't we show mercy and let them go?" Lin Hua laughed mockingly.

"Yes, yes, please let the two great gods let us go, and let us go as a fart. We promise, we haven't heard anything. Absolutely forget everything about today." The two supernatural beings pleaded .

"Hehe, but, I only believe that dead people won't tell their secrets." Xiang Nan's expression became fierce, before the two supernatural beings even had time to react, they were bleeding from the seven orifices, and their eyes gradually became pale. Wushen, in the next moment, both of them fell to the ground, as if they had seen something beautiful before they died, the corners of their mouths were slightly raised, and they seemed to have died happily.

"Your ability is of the dark type," Lin Hua said calmly.

"Hehehe, Lin Hua, you are getting more and more interesting. I want to know what else you know." Xiang Nan turned his head, looked at Lin Hua and laughed.

"Let's go, the people from the Zhushan League are coming soon." Lin Hua didn't answer Xiang Nan's question, but turned her head and ran forward quickly.

"Lin Hua, you are really interesting." Xiang Nan touched his nose, and there was an inexplicable smile on the corner of his mouth.

Xue Wu and the others walked quickly, but Lin Hua quickly caught up with them following the trail left by Xue Wu and the others.

"Boss, do you know that Xiang Nan? What's his background?" Li Jie ran to Lin Hua as soon as he saw him to inquire about the news.And the people around were silent for a moment, Jiang Xinyu's sobbing became a little bit smaller, like a rabbit listening with its ears up.

"I don't know him, but it's not easy to provoke him. You are not allowed to provoke him." The warning eyes swept over everyone one by one, and finally stopped on Jiang Xinyu without saying a word.

"Hmph..." Jiang Xinyu snorted softly, thinking that who would want to provoke him?But it's best for him not to provoke him, otherwise, he will have to shoot his head off.

"Boss, how strong is he?" Li Jie asked with a serious expression.

"I don't know, but at least it should be above platinum," Lin Hua said while looking into the distance.

"I'm very serious, you are not allowed to provoke him." The voice changed, Lin Hua said seriously.

As soon as Lin Hua finished speaking, she could see a figure standing on the side of the road from a distance, because they were walking on the national road, and they had a clear view. After walking a few steps, they found that they were wearing a long-sleeved hooded net shirt and light blue jeans. The boy stood there with a clear and shallow face, like a thriving young white poplar, with clean clothes and a boy's smile, like a boy who was waiting for the bus on the side of the road before the end of the world.

The closer Lin Hua gets, the more clearly Xiang Nan's smile can be seen, but Lin Hua's heart becomes more and more shocked. Their speed is not slow. Nan arrived quickly, so he could explain to his team members, but how did Xiang Nan get ahead of them?Couldn't his ability be more than darkness?
"Hey, Lin Hua, you're so slow, I've been waiting for you for a long time," Xiang Nan walked up to Lin Hua and complained softly.

It's just that Lin Hua didn't speak, and Xiang Nan didn't feel embarrassed, and kept talking to Lin Hua's side.

"Lin Hua, there is Baiye Village in front of you, it's a nice place, where should we go?" Xiang Nan looked at Lin Hua and said.

"It's not very far from Baidi City, but the location is remote, and it's not easy for ordinary people to find. Let's go somewhere to rest tonight." Before Lin Hua could speak, Xiang Nan explained.

"What's there?" Lin Hua asked.

"Hehe, I really can't hide anything from Lin Hua, there are some interesting little things there," Xiang Nan smiled meaninglessly.

Lin Hua looked at him, then turned and walked towards Baiye Village.

When the group arrived at Baiye Village, the blood moon had already risen, and there was a hint of weirdness everywhere in the silent village.

Baiye Village can be regarded as an isolated village. On both sides of the national road leading to Baidi City, there are usually lush mountains or artificially planted trees beside the national road, and Baiye Village happens to be located in the gap between the two mountains. , there are a large number of trees in front of it, and there are high mountains on both sides. If there are no people who have been to this place, they will never think that there will be a village here. It is not wrong to say that it is isolated from the world.

The population of Baiye Village is not large, there are about 20 households.Their ancestors have lived here for generations, and even after the national road was built, they were still unwilling to leave. Instead, they planted a large area of ​​trees at the entrance of the village, so that it would be better if no one came to disturb their peaceful life.

Later, some of the younger generation did not want to live in small villages. Most of them went out for a while, and what’s more, they almost never came back. Therefore, in Baiye Village, only the elderly stayed at home all the year round. I don't know what's inside.

All these things were learned from Xiang Nankou, as to whether it was true or not, we had to wait and see.

But in Lin Hua's eyes, the strange thing is the reason why this village has been staying here. I'm afraid it's not just because the ancestors are here and they don't want to move.

The national road leading to Baidi City was actually published in newspapers back then. In the first year after the national road was built, a well-known reporter reported that the construction of the national road was not up to standard, because one part of the terrain was not straight or curved. Instead, it presents an S shape.

(End of this chapter)

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