Rebirth of the Supreme Ice King

Chapter 245 The Wronged Jiang Xinyu

Chapter 245 The Wronged Jiang Xinyu
There was a lot of trouble at the time, and the reporter might have wanted to report on the substandard construction team, but not long after, the reporter died strangely, and all reports on the construction of the national highway were erased, leaving no trace.

As for why Lin Hua suspected that there were other people's will in it, it was because Lin Hua took the blame once.

At that time, although the construction of the national road was not standard and there was no obstruction, but warning signs were also displayed beside the road to slow down, but Lin Hua's men didn't care because of an emergency, and there was a car accident at the turn of the road, and Lin died. Hua is a person who protects his shortcomings, and he was young and frivolous not long after his debut. He first approached the reporter, asked the reason, and then directly called the person in charge of building the national highway.

Later, when the reporter had an accident, the man reported that Lin Hua had killed him, and he was also attacked by Lin Hua, and Lin Hua lived a life of a mouse hiding for half a year because of this.

Later, as Lin Hua became more mature, she also knew that there should be something hidden in it, but she never knew what it was.

The Baiye Village that appears today is probably the hidden story of the past. As for why a small village can let others give way, there is probably a lot of deep meaning in it.But anyway, it's the end of the world and everyone is too busy to take care of themselves. Even if Lin Hua can find out this old injustice case, it's useless.

Lin Hua and his group walked to the entrance of the village and found that the houses inside were all made of bamboo, and there was a road between the two sides of the houses.

The end of the world doesn't seem to have any impact on this place, except that there is no sound, as if the air is still, and Xiang Nan, who has been chattering around him, rarely speaks.

"Boss, Quan Qi and I will go and have a look first." Li Jie walked up to Lin Hua and asked.

"Alright, be safe," Lin Hua said.

Li Jie and Nie Quanqi walked deep into the village, "Lin Hua, do you think they will meet some cute little things?" Xiang Nan asked with a teasing smile.

"You haven't told me what little things are here," Lin Hua said coldly, and walked into the first bamboo house to check.

"Hehe, it's so boring to say it, it's better to keep it a little bit mysterious." Xiang Nan followed into the bamboo house.

"Hmph, he looks uneasy and kind, but the boss still trusts him so much," Jiang Xinyu said angrily.

This Xiangnan made her so ashamed, she will have revenge sooner or later.

"Xin Yu, misfortune comes from the mouth, since the boss won't let us provoke him, we should listen to the boss," Xue Wu persuaded softly.

Xue Wu also figured it out along the way, the boss is really not that kind of person, he can only say that there is a reason for Xiang Nan to stay with the boss, and the boss is just playing tricks, but he hasn't found a good time to tell Jiang Xinyu, so he just I can persuade her, lest she ruin the boss's plan.

"Xuewu, why are you leaning towards him? It's obvious that he's following the boss with a stern face, and the boss is really serious. He actually indulges him in everything. A man is gloomy like a woman all day long. Do you think everyone is afraid of him?" Jiang Xin Yu looked angry, pointing at Xue Wu as if she had been betrayed.

"Xin Yu, it's not what you think, I..." Xue Wu tried to explain helplessly.

"Hehe, really, why do you have to say something behind your back when you say bad things about people? It's really annoying. If you don't like me, just say it. I can pierce your eyes so that you can never see me again, okay?" Xiang Nan He walked out of the bamboo house with a chuckle, and said quietly.

"No, you misunderstood, Xin Yu didn't..." Xue Wu said hastily.

"Shhh" Xiang Nan put a finger on his lips, signaling Xue Wu not to speak.

"Beautiful girl, don't speak for her. You obviously want him to die too, don't you? After all, you also like Lin Hua. In fact, you've been impatient with her for a long time, haven't you? You always come here out of self-willedness. Attracting Lin Hua's attention, letting Lin Hua coax her, it's really disgusting, isn't it?" Xiang Nan looked at Xue Wu, his voice was as gentle as a lover's whisper.

"Yes, I like Lin Hua, but..." Xue Wu looked at Xiang Nan with blank eyes and said.

"Hehe, that's enough. Since you also like Lin Hua, nothing else matters. So, now, how should you treat your hated rival in love?" Xiang Nan looked at Xue Wu innocently and asked.

"I should... no, no, it shouldn't be like this" Xue Wu shouted suddenly holding his head.

"Xuewu, you..." Jiang Xinyu watched Xuewu lying on the ground rolling in pain, her eyes were bloodshot, and the veins on her forehead were bulging.

"You bastard, what did you do to Xuewu?" Jiang Xinyu said loudly, quickly picked up a German pistol with his left hand, and pointed it at Xiangnan.

"Hehe, what right do you have to know?" Xiang Nan glanced at Jiang Xinyu contemptuously.

"Also, what I hate most is when people hold weapons at me." After Xiang Nan finished speaking, he came to Jiang Xinyu in the blink of an eye, and the pistol in Jiang Xinyu's hand was taken by Xiang Nan and pressed to his temple in the blink of an eye.

"Xiang Nan," Lin Hua called.

Just now he was trapped by Xiang Nan and locked him in the room, he knew something was wrong. Fortunately, Xiang Nan didn't want to hurt him, and he didn't let him sleep for a long time, but he was strong-willed and woke up quickly , who would have seen such a scene as soon as he came out.

"Oh? You're awake." Xiang Nan turned his head and looked at Lin Hua with a smile, his eyes were full of innocence, as if he couldn't see Lin Hua's anger.

"You promised me," Lin Hua said as calmly as possible.

"But, she's talking bad about me behind my back." Xiang Nan pouted, and said to Lin Hua with a bit of grievance,

"I mean you, little boy, disgusting, hypocritical, you bastard." Jiang Xinyu heard that Xiang Nan was still acting coquettishly with Lin Hua, and couldn't control the anger in her heart anymore, and completely forgot that as long as Xiang Nan moved her finger, Things that can kill yourself.

Xiang Nan looked at Lin Hua with a smile, as if to say, look, I didn't lie to you, she was really scolding me, she provoked me by laughing.

Just as Xiang Nan was about to pull the trigger, the pistol was frozen with a thick layer of ice.

Xiang Nan turned his head to look at Lin Hua, his eyes were dangerous, "Lin Hua, you promised me, what do you mean now?"

Lin Hua didn't answer, walked up to Jiang Xinyu and asked, "Do you know what's wrong?"

Jiang Xinyu looked at the boss who was right in front of him, and then at Xiangnan. "I'm not wrong, obviously what I said is the truth, I..."

When the "pop" sounded, everyone was stunned. No one thought that Lin Hua would hit Jiang Xinyu?You know, there are only two girls in the whole team. Although Lin Hua often said that there is no distinction between men and women in the apocalypse, only strong and weak, but as the boss, he has always been very tolerant towards the two female teammates, while Xue Wu is cold and cold. , she couldn't act coquettishly at all, but Jiang Xinyu pampered Lin Hua all the time.

No one thought that now, Lin Hua would hit Jiang Xinyu because of some sour words.

(End of this chapter)

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