Rebirth of the Supreme Ice King

Chapter 247 The Weird Female Ghost

Chapter 247 The Weird Female Ghost

A group of ants the size of mice were tearing and biting their clothes. The clothes had been gnawed to pieces. An ant was about to open its mouth to bite Li Jie's flesh. Lin Hua saw that an ice arrow shot towards him. , the ant's belly was pierced and died.

A group of ants were silent for a moment, looked at their killed companions, noticed Lin Hua and others, and stopped biting Li Jiequanqi's clothes, instead grinning at Lin Hua and others.

Then all at once rushed over, Lin Hua stretched out his hands to freeze them all, and walked forward, it was not difficult to see from the ice that these ants had all mutated, they used to be clothes-eating ants that only ate clothes, but now all of them were ants. It has mutated, the red-eyed ones are like blood, and the big ones are like mice. The only thing that remains the same is that they still like to eat clothes. Otherwise, Li Jie and the others may have been dismembered before they came to rescue him. Alright.

Lin Hua stepped forward and splashed water on Li Jie and Nie Quanqi to wake them up.

"Well," Li Jie exhorted, and when Youyou woke up, he saw the cold face of the boss.

"Boss, why are you here? Where's Quan Qi? Ah, no, where's that female ghost? Where's that red-clothed female ghost?" Li Jie, who was still dazed at the beginning, jumped up after speaking, as if he was being touched. What a fright.

"What female ghost, why did you two fall asleep? If I come a little later, I'm afraid you two will be eaten separately," Lin Hua said.

"Boss, you don't know, Quan Qi and I originally wanted to check if there was anything unusual. We walked around the village and found nothing, so we were going to go back, but the more we walked back, the more something went wrong, so we just kept walking. I can't even find my way back." Li Jie patted himself on the head and said.

"Then the two of us were walking and suddenly came across a figure from behind, with red clothes, hip-length hair, a graceful figure, and a seductive figure. When the red blood moon reflected on her body, she seemed as beautiful as a woman from the world." When Li Jie said this, he still seemed to have an aftertaste, and was dumbfounded.

Lin Hua slapped Li Jie on the head, "Put away that piggy look of yours and continue talking"

Li Jie's expression instantly became a little unspeakable, as if he had encountered something extremely disgusting, and his expression was like swallowing a mosquito.

"As a result, the woman turned around, her face was ruined... her face was full of potholes, and there was a red blood bubble all over her face, and there were some white bugs inside those potholes..." Nie Quanqi was also a little bit speechless. In fact, there are more disgusting scenes in the last days, but the previous back view may have given them too good imagination, which made them unacceptable.

Li Jie's reaction was even greater, and he shouted out, "Fuck, female ghost" and saw that "female ghost"'s eyes turned cold, and a white boa constrictor appeared beside him in an instant, and then they both fainted In the past, the last picture I saw was the eyes of the boa constrictor with bloodthirsty killing intent.

As for how they got here, it is completely unknown, and the female ghost and the boa constrictor are all gone.

Lin Hua looked at them, took out two pieces of clothes from his backpack, and asked them to change them, but Li Jie and Nie Quanqi realized that there was only a little fabric left in his clothes, and hurriedly changed his clothes with a blushing face.

Lin Hua was thinking about the weirdness of Baiye Village. The woman in red and the boa constrictor appeared inexplicably, and she didn't notice that the ants had disappeared from the ice that she originally sealed the ants in.

After Li Jie and Nie Quanqi changed their clothes, Lin Hua was ready to take them back. As for the cave, if possible, I would check it again tomorrow, and investigate the whereabouts of the girl in red by the way.

Lin Hua and the others returned the same way. This time, Du Sheng, Li Yang and Bai Yanghu took the lead, followed by Li Jie and Jiang Xinyu.

When the group returned to the land, the sun was almost out. A group of people found a room at random, ate some dry food they brought, and went to bed one after another. Li Jieni was all on patrol.

"Old Li, are we just going to follow Lin Hua and the others?" Li Yang asked the sleeping white sheep beside him.

"They didn't regard us as their own at all," Du Sheng said again before Bai Yanghu could speak.

"Otherwise, what do you two want? Go back to Baidi City? Will the Aobaitian Bamboo Mountain League let us go? Even if we say that we are not with Lin Hua, will they believe it? I am afraid they will arrest us and torture Lin Hua. What about their internal situation?" Bai Yanghu said with his eyes closed.

He has long seen clearly that Lin Hua is not a simple person, he is old and has nothing to worry about?There is no need to go to the Zhushan League. As for the individual, according to the way he sees people for decades, Lin Hua is more loyal and courageous than Ao Baitian, and he is also an upright and upright gentleman. Beside Lin Hua, although he was running around and living in no fixed place, he could tell that Lin Hua was an ambitious person, and such days would not last long.

Seeing this, Li Yang didn't say anything anymore, what else is there to say?Li Yang was Mr. Li's student before the apocalypse. After the apocalypse, Mr. Li was an ordinary person at first, and his teacher's morality has always asked him to protect the students. But later, they were besieged by a group of mutant zombies. Xueba actually pushed Mr. Li out when the zombies rushed over.

Mr. Li was scratched by the zombies, and everyone fled around. As a result, most of them were caught or bitten by the zombies. Li Yang was lucky, and took advantage of the chaos to take the unconscious Mr. Li away and hide.

As for why Li Yang is not afraid of zombies?In fact, he was also afraid, but Mr. Li had saved him before, otherwise he would have been fed zombies, and after Mr. Li was bitten by zombies, he was just comatose, with no signs of mutation. The mentality of taking a gamble wanted to save Mr. Li.

Later, Mr. Li awakened his supernatural ability. Seeing that it was Li Yang who saved him, he took Li Yang with him all the time, but he stopped getting close to anyone and was always on guard against everyone, which allowed them to live until today. Knowing that Li Yang also Awakening abilities.So Li Yang treats Elder Li with the same respect as he treats his father, and naturally listens to Elder Li in everything.

But Du Sheng is different. Du Sheng joined them halfway. Du Sheng is proud and conceited. Putting it in perspective, if it wasn't for Mr. Li's higher level than him, I'm afraid Mr. Li and Li Yang might not be alive now.

The most terrifying thing in the last days is often not the zombies, but the people around you.

Du Sheng felt that Mr. Li and Li Yang had no ambitions or ambitions, and had long wanted to throw them away. But now that he knew Lin Hua's internal situation, he might just have to tell Ao Baitian of the Zhushan League to let Ao Baitian come. Wouldn't it be a great achievement to send someone to kill them?
(End of this chapter)

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