Rebirth of the Supreme Ice King

Chapter 248 Mutated Ant King

Chapter 248 Mutated Ant King
At that time, he can casually take up a part-time job in the Zhushan League, and he doesn't have to come out to kill zombies every day in fear, and he doesn't have to worry about supplies and people fawning on him every day. Wouldn't it be more comfortable than before the end of the day?
As for what Mr. Li said before, Du Sheng has automatically blocked it.

However, Du Sheng had to think carefully about how to avoid Lin Hua's eyes and secretly report to the Zhushan League.

After Lin Hua slept for three hours, she called Li Jianie Quanqi to sleep in the house, and he came to patrol.

At this time, the sky was already bright, but Xiang Nan was nowhere to be seen. I thought that Xiang Nan would come out to look for them after they disappeared, but until now there was no sign of Xiang Nan at all. Said that he also knew something about the situation in Baiye Village, Lin Hua looked around the house and there was nothing unusual, so he ran to the bamboo house where Xiang Nan rested yesterday.

Pushing open the door, there was no trace of Xiang Nan, but Lin Hua could smell a faint smell of blood in the air.

Turning around as if nothing had happened, preparing to leave, but quickly dodged when a strong wind hit behind him.

When there was a strange sound of "quack quack quack", there was a sound of breaking wind in Lin Hua's ear, and the speed was unbelievably fast.

Lin Hua looked up and saw a huge mutated ant, like an ant king, with two long antennae on its head, a pair of blood-red eyes, two big fangs staring at its mouth, a black body, and a bulging abdomen. Like a big balloon full of air, the four feet have mutated into eight, and the tops of the claws have spikes. It looks cold in the sun, and it looks more attractive. When sliding quickly Like a spider.

When Lin Hua was observing the mutated ant king, the ant king moved quickly, and the eight claws just slipped on the ground, bringing up a cloud of dust, and the claws that were shining coldly grabbed Lin Hua.

The speed was too fast, and Lin Hua had no time to dodge. The "Ice Armor" swung its ability, forming a layer of ice all over his body.
Unexpectedly, the mutated ant king's claws were even sharper, and it actually scratched through Lin Hua's armor with one claw. He wanted to scratch again, but Lin Hua hurriedly dodged.

The "ice thorn" ice turned into a long spear, and pierced the mutant ant king's eyes.

Under the severe pain of "quack quack quack", the mutated ant king became even more irritable, his body slid quickly, fixed one eye on Lin Hua, and was about to pounce on him.

The "cold air possession" began to freeze layers of ice from under Lin Hua's feet. Six of the mutated ant king's eight feet were not frozen. The cold air gradually rose from under the claws, and the mutated ant king began to move slowly.

"Ice blade" Lin Hua formed more than twenty ice blades all over his body and stabbed at the mutant ant king. The mutant ant king hurriedly squatted down, revealing only a piece of dark back, most of the ice blades touched the mutant ant king's back All smashed into pieces of ice, Lin Hua discovered that the back of the mutated ant king had already formed a turtle-like shell, which could protect the abdomen when necessary.

The mutated ant king probably also felt that Lin Hua would find his weakness because he was slow to move. He raised his body slightly, exposing his abdomen, and from under his belly came out a mass of white ant eggs. Each of these ant eggs was born with eggs. After being born, it directly bit the eggshell and crawled out.

After they crawled out, they didn't attack Lin Hua, but crawled to the feet of the mutated ant king and began to eat Lin Hua's ice.

"Crackling..." A group of small mutated ants quickly ate there, and within a short while, all six legs of the mutated ant king were rescued.

And the small mutated ants also grew to the size of chickens, and began to bite and eat everywhere.

It seems that using supernatural powers is not enough, Lin Hua thought in her heart, and then took out the Eight Wonders Cold Sword from the black space bag.

Baqi Hanjian saw the sun again, and it became more transparent. When the sun shone on the sword, it seemed that there was water flowing faintly in the sword.

At this moment, the mutated ant king rushed towards Lin Hua fiercely, and raised two big claws with spikes in the air. Lin Hua did not dodge or dodge. Ba Qi Hanjian, when the two sounds of "唰唰唰" sounded, the two big claws of the mutated ant king had disappeared, and the two big claws that had been severed continued to flow out green blood.

"Tsk tsk, what a good sword," Lin Hua exclaimed.

The mutated ant king was in great pain, and one eye that looked at Lin Hua became even more blood red. This damned little human first blinded one of his eyes, and now he actually cut off his own claws, so don't understand if he doesn't eat him Can't hate.

At this time, Lin Hua hit the blow, and immediately pursued the victory, dodging the attack of the mutated ant king back and forth at an extremely fast speed, while watching the timing and slashing at the mutated ant king's claws, after a while, the mutated ant king He became a bare commander, with only his head and body exposed.

And those little mutant ants that hadn't had time to grow were chopped up one by one by Lin Hua like chopping vegetables.

It's just that Lin Hua didn't know what to do with the mutant ant king for a while.

Perhaps seeing that the situation was over, the mutated ant king didn't attack Lin Hua desperately, but curled up into a ball, leaving only his back facing Lin Hua.

But Lin Hua's ice picks, ice arrows, and ice spikes couldn't break the mutant ant king's armor.

This made Lin Hua feel a little bit reluctant to destroy the armor. If possible, take this armor back and use it for his team members. However, a natural barrier can definitely resist attacks below platinum. If you turn around and let Xuewu try fire How about it.

"By the way, the water explodes." Lin Hua suddenly remembered that she was a person with both water and ice abilities.

Since the attack from the outside fails, attack from the inside,
Lin Hua performed a trick, and a piece of ice quickly appeared under the feet, even under the abdomen of the mutant ant king. The air of the ice penetrated into the abdomen of the mutant ant king little by little, and melted into water.

"Water Explosion" When Lin Hua saw water seeping out, she quickly squeezed a supernatural power, and a muffled "bang" sounded, and a big hole was blasted in the mutated ant king's lower abdomen, and red, white things rushed inside instantly. Come out, it's really disgusting.

Lin Hua trapped the mutated ant king with water chains, turned him over, and then stepped forward to chop off the mutated ant king's head, took out a red crystal nucleus of the second-level gold inside, and controlled the water flow to blow the entire armor to pieces. Rinse it and put it in a black space bag.

When Lin Hua came back to the bamboo house, Xuewu and the others were already awake.He was looking for Lin Hua everywhere.

"Xuewu, are you awake? How do you feel now?" Lin Hua asked Xuewu, who was still pale and pretty.

"I'm fine, boss, where did you go just now?" Xuewu smiled weakly.

"Come out and have a look, by the way, you eat this." Lin Hua took out the crystal nucleus of the mutated ant king he hunted and handed it to Xuewu.

Xue Wu reached out to catch it and ate it, and was helped by Jiang Xinyu into the room to absorb it.

(End of this chapter)

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