Rebirth of the Supreme Ice King

Chapter 249 The Stubbornness of Love

Chapter 249 The Stubbornness of Love

"Boss, what should we do next? Mantou, those mutated bats, and Gutian are still in Baidi City." Li Jie asked first.

"White Emperor City must be strictly guarded at this time, it is impossible to forcefully break into it, but if you sneak past, naturally you don't need too many people, otherwise, the target is big and it is easier to attract people," Lin Hua said.

"Boss, why don't Quan Qi and I sneak over there at night and bring them all out?" Li Jie said excitedly.

Lin Hua looked at Li Jie, but said nothing.

"We're going secretly, but instead of you and Quanqi, I'll go with you," Lin Hua said.

"Ah? Boss, what about Xuewu and the others? If that pervert goes south to bully them again, who can stand up to it?" Li Jie said with a face of disapproval.

"So we need to find a helper." Lin Hua said indifferently, looking at the mountain behind Li Jie, her eyes were dim.

"Boss, what are you talking about?" Li Jie touched Nie Quanqi's arm and asked in a low voice.

"Why bother so much, just listen to the boss," Nie Quanqi also said in a low voice.

Li Jie pouted, of course he knew what the boss said was right, but who made him gossip.

Lin Hua excused that Xuewu was not in good health, and planned to rest for another night, and make plans tomorrow. Before it was completely dark, he planned to go up the mountain to hunt some mutated pheasants for dinner.

"Boss, I'll go with you," Jiang Xinyu said proactively.

It surprised everyone, and then pretended not to hear that everyone was doing their own things, but in fact, their ears were pricked up.

Lin Hua looked at them, then at Jiang Xinyu, and led her into the mountain.

"Hey, Quanqi, why do you think Xinyu went into the mountains with the boss?" Li Jie approached Nie Quanqi with a wretched face and asked.

Hey, since the chatterbox Gutian was gone, he felt so boring. The boss was cold all day long, and he didn't dare to joke with him too much. Qi Zhan couldn't talk, and there was only one Nie Quanqi left. Like a piece of wood, Li Jie said that for the first time, he really felt that the presence of Gu Tian would be particularly interesting.

"How do I know, why didn't you ask the boss just now?" Nie Quanqi looked at Li Jie like an idiot, and he knew at a glance that Jiang Xinyu must have something to tell the boss, otherwise what did he think?He also smiled obscenely.

Li Jie, who was almost choked to death by Nie Quanqi's words, also reacted. This kid, who looks like he doesn't speak usually, has a clear heart in his heart, so he is not stupid.

Li Jie silently found an open space to mourn, while Nie Quanqi went to practice his abilities.

Xue Wu was lying quietly in the room, and she heard it too. In fact, when she was really unconscious yesterday, it was when Qi Zhan carried her away, so she knew everything about Lin Hua's confrontation with Xiang Nan, including getting angry with Jiang Xinyu.

Although Xiang Nan is a man, Xuewu can tell that he has different feelings for the boss, many times he looks at the person he likes but more often it looks like he is looking at others through Lin Hua.

She didn't understand at first, but later she often observed Xiang Nan, Xue Wu knew how sharp her intuition was, and she believed that the boss could also see it, but why did the boss hold back and not say it?

Xue Wu knew that the boss must have his own ideas, but Jiang Xinyu might really like the boss, so he ignored many things that could be seen in the details.

Although it's bad to say so, Xuewu can tell that Xiang Nan is much stronger than the boss. Although Xuewu understands that Lin Hua's strength can definitely grow rapidly in a short period of time, and he will definitely be able to do so soon. Suppress Xiang Nan, but at least not now, so the boss can only use the strategy of slowing down the army first.

As for what Jiang Xinyu wants to say to the boss, Xuewu can probably figure it out, girls who fall in love are always stubborn and terrifying.

However, no matter what, Xuewu felt that Jiang Xinyu was a very good girl and a good teammate.Xue Wu closed her eyes and thought.

In fact, there is no good scenery on the mountain next to Baiye Village, only lush trees and stones, and I have not seen any living creatures when I walked halfway up the mountain.

"Boss" Jiang Xinyu called to stop the man walking in front of him.

"What's the matter?" Lin Hua paused for a moment, then continued to walk forward, but the speed quietly slowed down.
"I'm sorry, I was too willful." Jiang Xinyu's voice was slightly choked up.For his own stupidity, but also for Lin Hua's indifference.

"En." Lin Hua didn't turn her head, but just responded lightly.

He couldn't tell Jiang Xinyu against his will that he shouldn't beat her, she should take responsibility for her mistakes.But Lin Hua wouldn't explain to Jiang Xinyu, if it wasn't for his slap, Jiang Xinyu would be a dead body now.

Lin Hua didn't mind protecting his own people, but what he wanted was that his people would obey and know how to avoid the disadvantages. After all, he couldn't protect them forever, nor could he just protect them.

"Boss, you..." Jiang Xinyu was interrupted by Lin Hua before she could finish speaking.

"Before you have enough ability, you must know how to avoid advantages and disadvantages. I can't protect you all the time," Lin Hua said.

Maybe he also knows what Jiang Xinyu will say, but, knowing that there is no response, sometimes it is better not to say it, at least so that people will not feel embarrassed.

But like Xuewu, he underestimated a girl's stubbornness towards love.

"Lin Hua, I like you" Jiang Xinyu shouted from behind Lin Hua.

There was silence, without any response, and Lin Hua didn't turn her head, as if she didn't hear it.Only the wind in the mountains brushed gently, blowing the leaves and swirling them down.

"I like you, and I don't know why. Maybe it's because I was impressed by your superhuman wisdom and courage when we met for the first time, or because of the care you gave me for a long time, your means, ability, care and consideration all made me love you more. I like you." Jiang Xinyu approached Lin Hua step by step, looking at his back.

This man, from the very beginning when he first appeared, looked fearless. At first, she thought he was a newborn calf who was not afraid of tigers, but after getting along with him, she realized that he had the strength to make her not timid.

"I like you, Lin Hua. Don't tell me that nonsense that you only think of me as your sister. I don't want to be your sister. I'm a grown woman, not a little girl. In terms of appearance, I am completely worthy of you, and in terms of skill , I can also compete with you. If you think I don’t have superpowers, I will practice marksmanship more diligently, and I will not hold you back no matter what. Tell me why you reject me” Jiang Xinyu cried Said, reaching out and hugging Lin Hua's waist from behind.

Lin Hua was silent for a moment, stretched out her hand and opened Jiang Xinyu's fingers one by one, her voice was cold, "Xinyu, I have always regarded you as a teammate and a younger sister to take care of, and there is no trace of love involved in it."

(End of this chapter)

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