Chapter 250

"I don't believe it, I don't believe it, why don't you like me? Why?" Jiang Xinyu burst into tears.

I have given up my self-esteem and chased after him again and again, why?Why does she not like herself, is she worse than others?Jiang Xinyu couldn't accept it.

"It doesn't make sense to like it or not. Some people fall in love at first sight, and some people can't be together no matter how long they get along. Xin Yu, you have to be sensible." Lin Hua pretended to look over her head and looked at the girl squatting on the ground helplessly. The crying Jiang Xinyu.

Yes, there is no reason for love. I have given a girl named Ru Ting in my previous life. In this life, for her, I want to build an ice empire for her. Persevere between life and death.
Lin Hua's whole life was for that silly girl in her previous life who was bitten by zombies until her body was torn apart because of saving him.

My own heart is too small, and I only have one place for my lover, and there are people in it, so I can't look down on others anymore.

"What about you, Lin Hua, do you have someone you like now?" Jiang Xinyu looked at Lin Hua with tears in her eyes.His eyes were full of grief.

"Yes..." Lin Hua still couldn't lie to her. Even though she was so sad, short-term pain was better than long-term pain. They would all know about it sooner or later.

"Is it Sister Xuewu?" Jiang Xinyu's tears fell uncontrollably.

what to do?If it was Miss Xuewu, how could I make myself jealous?How do you hate it?Sister Xuewu has always been so kind to her, and even took care of her as her own sister. If Lin Hua really liked Xuewu, she was afraid that she would not have the courage to compete with Sister Xuewu.

"Xuewu is my adopted sister," Lin Hua said.

Xuewu was his righteous sister before the apocalypse, and naturally after the apocalypse, this has never changed, why does Jiang Xinyu think she likes Xuewu?Lin Hua was puzzled.

"Heh" Jiang Xinyu twitched the corner of her mouth and smiled ironically, righteous sister?younger sister?Who is willing to just be his sister?It turns out that I am not the only one who is self-indulgent, it seems that sister Xuewu is also the same.

"Then who does the boss like?" Jiang Xinyu asked.

She would like to know what kind of girl Lin Hua likes. In terms of time, Xuewu spent the longest time with him. If he was talking about people before the end, now that the end is so long, there may be no good end if she doesn't die. But if she died, Lin Hua would naturally notice her after a long time.

Lin Hua, who was wandering in her mind, didn't notice a trace of blackness on Jiang Xinyu's body.
"You'll see her soon." Lin Hua came back to his senses and said, now everything is ahead of schedule, maybe Ru Ting will appear by his side earlier than in her previous life.

In this life, change myself to protect her and shelter her from wind and rain.

Lin Hua's eyes were full of tenderness, and Jiang Xinyu was stunned for a moment, she had never seen such a boss, gentle and lingering, his whole figure turned from a diamond into a soft finger.

It was only then that Jiang Xinyu thought of what Lin Hua said, that you will see her soon. So, has sister Xuewu never seen her?How did the boss know each other?
Jiang Xinyu wanted to ask more questions, but at this moment, a "bang bang bang" sound came from a distance, like a huge mutant beast.

"Xinyu, hide." Lin Hua pushed Jiang Xinyu away and told her to hide behind a tree, while she quickly climbed up an old tree and looked towards the place where the sound came from.

A huge wild boar came running from a distance, weighing at least four to five hundred catties, but a single horn mutated out of its head, resembling a rhinoceros.

The two fangs are sharp and long, perhaps because they are too long, they both look a bit like vampires.

The fur on the back is like a hedgehog, standing upright, shining coldly when the dappled sunlight shines on the gaps in the woods.

Lin Hua took a look and felt that this wild boar had almost entered the platinum stage.I really don't know how it can mutate so quickly in such a mountain with nothing.

Lin Hua, who thought it was just an ordinary wild boar, hastily called Jiang Xinyu and told her to climb the tree too.

Otherwise, Jiang Xinyu would not have any supernatural powers. If a wild boar finds out, even a slight touch will make Jiang Xinyu lie down for many days.

Jiang Xinyu hurriedly climbed up a strong tree, just now it was covered by the leaves, the wild boar had already rushed under the tree that Jiang Xinyu dodged just now, under the heavy impact, the tree began to shake left and right, Lin Hua was worried Turning around, Jiang Xinyu fell again, drew out the Baqi Hanjian on his back, and flew down from under the tree, trying to stab the wild boar.

The wild boar seemed to sense danger, and hurriedly turned around. The Baqi Hanjian left a light blood mark on the wild boar and then plunged into the soil.

"Heh." A sneer appeared on the corner of Lin Hua's mouth, but the reaction was rather quick.The wild boar dodged the blow, turned to look at the blood marks on his body, and looked at Lin Hua's eyes, full of killing intent.

"Roar" the wild boar roared, and rushed towards Lin Hua. A sheet of ice quickly formed under Lin Hua's feet. With a slight tap of his toes, he backed away in an instant and moved more than ten meters away. However, the wild boar was confused by the suddenly frozen icy road. Under the inertia of rushing forward, he fell suddenly, and his huge body hit the ice, causing a slight tremor.

Seeing the wild boar fall down, Lin Hua raised the Baqi Hanjian and quickly slashed towards the wild boar, aiming to stab the wild boar in the head.

The wild boar sensed that the danger was approaching, and hurriedly erected all the thorns all over its body. It looked like a big long ball, and when the Baqi Hanjian slashed down, there was only a metal friction sound of "cracking".

Seeing this, Lin Hua didn't dare to stab the wild boar with Baqi Hanjian again.

Seeing that Lin Hua had come to him, the wild boar rolled its spherical body and bit its head on Lin Hua.

But Lin Hua looked at the sudden spurt of blood, and her body seemed to be tilted to one side.

"Xin Yu" Lin Hua yelled.

"Hoo!" A bullet shot at the head of the wild boar that suddenly appeared.

The wild boar was unprepared, and happened to be shot by Jiang Xinyu, and the bullet entered the gap between the wild boar's eyes. The wild boar howled and lay down on the ground, and the thorns on its body went down.Seeing this, Lin Hua quietly made a trick, dozens of ice blades stabbed quickly, and before the wild boar could react, they pierced into the wild boar's body through the spikes on its back.

The wild boar that was lying on the ground and howling continuously just now has died.

Jiang Xinyu climbed down from the tree and hurried to Lin Hua, wanting to see if he was injured.
Lin Hua walked away silently, saying that nothing was wrong, and dug out the crystal nucleus of the big wild boar, then called Jiang Xinyu to carry the wild boar down the mountain.

"Hey, why hasn't the boss come here yet? My stomach is starting to growl." Li Jiesheng squatted there with a fire to warm his hands while complaining.

(End of this chapter)

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