Rebirth of the Supreme Ice King

Chapter 25 Air Nail Gun

Chapter 25 Air Nail Gun

Lin Ye had a hunting knife, so he didn't need to look for other weapons. He looked at the two people who were fully armed, and nodded with satisfaction.

Just as he was about to withdraw from here, Lin Ye suddenly found a red thing in the corner of the shelf, and when he took it out, several people's eyes lit up.

"Air nail gun."

Lin Ye picked up the air nail gun and said to the two of them: "This thing is not very powerful, but if I modify it, it can still be used."

After Lin Ye finished talking, he looked for tools to modify. The hardware store has all kinds of tools, which brought him great convenience. A new type of air nail gun can be modified with just a cup of tea.

Li Jie took the air nail gun with some joy, looked at it, and praised: "Brother Lin, it's alright, your skill is so good, but your hands-on ability is so strong."

Lin Ye was not proud of Li Jie's praise, and explained lightly: "I have transformed this air nail gun into two forms. What you see is the first form. Just press the trigger, and it will release a burst of anger. A sharp steel thorn with a length of 20 centimeters, this steel thorn will not fall out of the gun, so it can be used indefinitely. But after one use, the steel thorn must be pushed back into the barrel."

While speaking, Lin Ye took the air nail gun and turned the trigger on the wooden shelf. Suddenly, a 20cm steel spike flew out. With a muffled bang, the steel spike pierced the wood several centimeters.

Li Jie and Xuewu couldn't help opening their mouths when they heard the heavy impact, even the heavy shelves were shaken.

"This is too powerful. If it's a zombie, then don't give him a head-to-head."

Lin Ye naturally knew the power of this, so he didn't express too much surprise to the two of them, and continued: "The second type is no different from ordinary air nail guns, replacing the steel thorns with steel needles. , within an effective range of ten meters, it is easy to pierce the iron sheet."

This Lin Ye did not demonstrate. He gave the air nail gun to Li Jie, then found a bag of nails for the air nail gun, handed it over and said, "Take it for self-defense."

Lin Ye turned his head to look at the rolling shutter door that had been knocked and deformed, and said, "Okay, pack up your belongings, and let's greet those guys outside."

"Okay." Li Jie exclaimed excitedly, and said with a firm gaze, "Xiao Ying, wait for me, I'm here to save you."

The rolling door opened suddenly, and the afterglow of the setting sun shone on the faces of the three of them. They were not only greeted by the curtain, but also zombies exuding a disgusting and rancid smell.

When the twenty or so zombies saw Lin Ye and the three of them, they immediately became more irritable, roared, and swarmed up.

Lin Ye was the first among them, but he was not in a hurry. He stared at the group of zombies with cold eyes. He drew out his hunting knife and danced like a butterfly. No zombie could get within two meters of him.

Xuewu was also unambiguous, the flames condensed in her palm, printing her delicate cheeks red, she looked sacred and mighty, the fireball she threw, after hitting the zombie, exploded directly, blasting the zombie to the blood spray, it seemed more powerful.

Looking at Li Jie again, his appearance is a bit unbearable.Holding a shovel, he shoveled away the zombie when it came. However, he was planning to attack the zombie's head, but he didn't grasp it well. He shoveled the zombie's neck with a shovel, and shoveled out a 20 cm long neck of the zombie. The opening made the zombie stagger, but it was useless. The zombie paused after being attacked, and seemed to twist its neck in a daze. Li Jie roared, and attacked Li Jie more fiercely.

"Damn it's really not dead."

Li Jie hurriedly backed away in fright. Fortunately, at this moment, his supernatural ability seemed to have played a role, and he avoided the attack of the zombies very sensitively. The root of the ear was shoveled in, and this blow directly hit the vital point, shoveling a big gap in the zombie's head, and stinking brains flowed out.

After killing a zombie, Li Jie was a little excited, but before he was happy for a long time, another zombie rushed over.

"Damn." He groaned strangely and continued to entangle with the zombies.

Xue Wu glanced at Lin Ye, and found that the zombies that had originally attacked Lin Ye were led away by him, and deliberately led to Li Jie.

Lin Ye also noticed that Xuewu was looking at him. After cutting down a zombie, he stretched out his hand to make a booing gesture. Xuewu nodded and looked at Lin Ye knowingly.

Is this Li Jie really getting stronger as he fights?Thinking this way in her heart, Xuewu couldn't help looking at Li Jie with some worry.

She found that Li Jie, who seemed flustered when dealing with one zombie at first, was able to deal with three zombies now, and she couldn't help being surprised.

"Sure enough, it's exactly what Lin Ge said."

Soon, more than 20 zombies were cleaned up. Li Jie wiped the sweat from his face, looked at the zombies he killed all over the place, and said with satisfaction: "How about it, I am awesome."

Lin Ye ignored the question directly, "Okay, it's getting late, let's find a place to rest, and find some food."

Li Jie immediately pursed his lips and said, "You are just envious."


Three figures were walking in the small town. Lin Ye, the leader, stared at everything around him, frowning tightly.

Xue Wu also said solemnly: "Strange, why are there not many zombies?"

Li Jie said foolishly: "It's not good if there are no zombies? After walking down Erjie Street, you all asked me to deal with zombies. What did you say to train me? In the end, a Bronze Level [-] mutant cat came, and you didn't help. Fortunately, I wore Protective gear, otherwise I will go to see my adoptive father."

"You have complained about these words more than a dozen times. How can a big man talk so much nonsense when he suffers?" Xue Wu gave him a blank look, then turned to ask Lin Ye: "Brother Lin, do you feel weird?"

Lin Ye glanced at a window on the upper floor of the demolition building, and there was a faint figure shaking behind him. He smiled and said, "If there is anything weird, just ask."


On the upper floor of the demolition, in a large room, four men were sitting on the floor playing cards, while three men were watching, and a slightly attractive woman was helping a muscular man with tattoos beat his legs.

A yellow-haired young man walked by the window, bowed his waist and came to the muscular man and said, "Brother Ma, there are people coming downstairs. Judging by their outfits, they should come from somewhere else."

The people playing cards and chatting at the side all looked at Huang Mao after hearing Huang Mao's words.

Brother Ma also half-opened his eyes, yawned and asked lazily, "Survivors? How many people?"

"Three, look at their bulging backpacks, there must be food in them, we don't have much food here, is it..." Huang Mao showed his yellow teeth, and smiled flatteringly: "Of course, with Ma Ge's ability , as long as you wave, they will obediently hand over the food, and maybe they will beg to join us."

"Hmph, you just talk shit and don't think about it. It's getting dark, and zombie activities will become more frequent. If you go to make trouble now, aren't you courting death?"

(End of this chapter)

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