Chapter 26 Murderous

Ma Ge sat up and slapped Huang Mao, Huang Mao was beaten back two steps, his teeth bared, but he still didn't give up and said: "It's still Ma Ge who sees far, but among the three of them, one A woman is still a beauty, I have never seen such a beautiful woman in this small town."

"Woman?" Brother Ma raised his brows when he heard this, and looked at the heavily made-up woman beside him, as well as the stunted and shriveled breasts, his eyes were full of disgust.

To be honest, he was very impatient staying in this dilapidated and old place, and wanted to have some fun for a long time, so he got up and walked to the fan door and said, "Let me see the beauty and think about it."

Just as Brother Ma finished speaking, there was the sound of the door being kicked open behind him.

Then a cold voice sounded: "Don't think about it, we are already here."

"Yo, we're not going to look for you, you're here instead." The yellow-haired man who was nodding and bowing to Brother Ma just now straightened up and walked towards Lin Ye clamoring, but he was stopped by Brother Ma as soon as he stepped forward. stop.

"Chinchilla, what are you talking about?" Brother Ma glared at Huang Mao, then turned his head and said with a smile: "I'm a guest from afar, at this moment, I need one more friend and one more help, right? ?”

As soon as Ma Ge showed his head, Li Jie couldn't stand anymore, pointed at him and said, "Ma Xiang, it's you."

Ma Xiang frowned, annoyed that others pointed at him, but he suppressed his temper and said with a smirk, "This little brother looks familiar."

Seeing this, Lin Ye asked, "Li Jie, do you know him?"

Li Jie nodded, his face was full of anger: "He is the leader of Qingshui Town, his name is Ma Xiang, and he usually works as a thug for others. My adoptive father used to be a fruit stand, because the leader didn't pay the protection fee. As a result, Ma Xiang was injured by him, not only did he not pay for the medical expenses, but he also smashed all the things in my house..."

"Later, half a year later, the adoptive father also died of a relapse of his old illness, and went away."

Li Jie's voice was already a little choked, and his face was flushed with anger. Although his adoptive father had an old problem, he went to the hospital for an examination. The doctor said that as long as he took care of him patiently, his condition could be stabilized. Unfortunately, he was beaten by Ma Xiang After the severe beating, his adoptive father's illness deteriorated seriously and he left him.

Therefore, Ma Xiang is definitely an enemy to Li Jie.

On the other side, Ma Xiang heard it, but his memory was still a little fuzzy. After all, he had done such things a lot, and the chinchilla on the side reminded in a low voice: "Brother Ma, this kid is from Li Ying's family."

"Li Ying, that juicy bitch." Hearing this name, Ma Xiang's eyes instantly burst into unknown fire.

"Yes, that's the woman who was picked up by Shangguan Yuxuan a few days ago."

The name Li Ying reminded Ma Xiang of what happened these days.

When the end came, Ma Xiang hid in the sewer when he found something was wrong, and lived a life of darkness. On the third day, a wave of armed troops suddenly rushed into the town to clean up the zombies and rescue the survivors.

Ma Xiang couldn't help but be ecstatic, finally he no longer has to live in the sewer.

Ma Xiang found the armed team and was quickly accepted. He had already joined the team and had his own number.

But at this moment, a girl named Li Ying discovered him, and that girl actually persuaded Shangguan Yuxuan, one of the important members of the armed forces, to expel Ma Xiang.

The reason is what Li Jie said, he indirectly killed Li Ying's father.

This shattered Ma Xiang's original hope. In order to avoid the zombies, he had to sneak into the sewer again and watch the armed team go away.At that moment, his heart was bleeding, and he vowed that if he had a chance in the future, he would pay this bitch ten thousand times.

Ma Xiang didn't expect to meet Li Ying's relatives, this is really destined.

The corner of Ma Xiang's mouth curled up into a sinister smile. Originally, he thought it would be best to avoid the battle, and even wanted to absorb Lin Ye and the other three into his team to strengthen his strength, but everything was unnecessary. Now he just wanted to Torture the loved one who let him miss the opportunity bitch, to eliminate the hatred in his heart.

These people present are not good people, they are all local hooligans who have survived by relying on insidiousness and cunning in the last days, and they took up their own weapons one after another.

Ma Xiang, on the other hand, used a machete.


Lin Ye stepped forward and patted Li Jie on the shoulder: "Don't worry, you can avenge this today."

Lin Ye glanced at the machete in Ma Xiang's hand, and said calmly, "And you can also throw away your broken shovel."

Hearing Lin Ye's words, the ground squirrel laughed arrogantly: "Haha, revenge, just rely on you to add a woman? Hehe, you don't know how powerful Brother Ma is, right? His strength is twice that of ordinary people. The three of you go up together!" , is also a dead end."

"Sensible, obediently hand over Li Jie, this kid, and leave that chick behind, and you can go."

When Ma Xiang heard the squirrel's clamor, the idiot actually revealed his background to the other party.

But thinking of his own strength, Ma Xiang was full of confidence, all thanks to that bitch.

After Ma Xiang was kicked out of the team, he was so angry that he felt full of strength all over his body. After several experiments, he found that his strength was increasing little by little. Within a few days, it was more than twice that of ordinary people.

The day before yesterday, Ma Xiang singled out five zombies and killed them all, so he didn't pay attention to the three of Lin Ye at all.

What Ma Xiang was thinking about was not victory or defeat, but how to torture Li Jie, and how to play with the hot beauty in leather clothes opposite him.

This is the most beautiful woman he has ever seen. Seeing her heroic appearance, it must be a sense of accomplishment to be under him.

"Hey!" Ma Xiang stared at Xuewu without hesitation, and laughed lewdly, "Little girl, how can those two men satisfy you, come to Brother Ma, I promise to let you enjoy it here comfortably every day. "

"Really? But I'm afraid you don't have the life to enjoy it."

Just after Ma Xiang finished speaking, a chilling voice entered everyone's minds, and for a moment, everyone felt that the temperature in the room dropped by more than ten degrees.

It was so cold that their hairs stood on end.

Lin Ye didn't use his abilities, he just exuded a murderous intent.In the last ten years, countless corpses were killed, and hostility arose spontaneously.This is the hostility that anyone has after the end of the decade. Even a woman or an old man will become murderous at the moment of fighting.

Immediately, everyone felt that Lin Ye was like a ferocious beast that had just been released from a cage.

Ma Xiang couldn't help taking a step back, he couldn't believe it in his eyes, after so many years, he had seen murderous people, but he had never met a monster like Lin Ye who was so murderous that he almost burst out of his body .He couldn't help swallowing saliva in a daze, he regretted angering Lin Ye now, at least his sixth sense told himself that this battle would not be as simple as he thought just now.

(End of this chapter)

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