Chapter 27
And the ground squirrel, who was still arrogant just now, was so scared that he fell to the ground, and the scene suddenly became freezing point.

Finally, Ma Xiang couldn't bear this atmosphere, and he was not one to admit defeat, so he waved his hand and said: "MD, pretending to be a ghost, they still want to go against the sky with just three of them, you go up, I will tear him up today if you don't go up."

"Send your men down to die? Huh? I'll give you a chance. You can leave. I won't stop you." Lin Ye said flatly.Saying this, he didn't mean to provoke dissension, because there was no need for it, he just felt that he was not cruel enough to kill anyone he saw, so he still chose to let these little ones go.

After hearing this, the rest of the people looked at Ma Xiang apprehensively. To be honest, they were quite scared in the face of Lin Ye's murderous aura, but what made them even more scared was Ma Xiang, who had displayed terrifying fighting power.

They all know that Ma Xiang said that his strength is twice that of ordinary people, but he actually has reservations. In fact, his strength is increasing every day, and it is not known to what extent.

They have also seen how powerful Ma Xiang is, so let's not say much about tearing up zombies with his hands. What is even more frightening is that he has also torn people up with his hands!
In fact, their team originally consisted of 11 people. Not long ago, someone was dissatisfied with Ma Xiang's food distribution. As a result, Ma Xiang twisted the man in two with his bare hands, and threw him into the sewer to feed the mice.

Therefore, they did not dare to disobey Ma Xiang's order, so they had to grit their teeth and bite the bullet.

Several people surrounded Lin Ye and swung the weapons in their hands at him, but Lin Ye didn't move.

Xue Wu on the side didn't pay much attention to it, because she knew Lin Ye well, these little la la were not Lin Ye's opponents.

However, Li Jie and Ma Xiang, who had never seen Lin Ye's shots, were different, and Li Jie's heart suddenly became anxious.There are quite a few people, they are not zombies, they all hold weapons, and their movements are much more agile than zombies, Lin Ye still doesn't dodge, it's over.

Li Jie regretted bringing Lin Ye here...

On the other hand, Ma Xiang was happy. He thought Lin Ye had some ability, but in the end, this kid was petrified by the battle of several people.

"You pretender, now you know what will happen to me if you offend Grandpa Ma."

However, at this moment, Ma Xiang thought Lin Ye, who was stunned, spoke up.

At this moment, the stick was approaching, but Lin Ye unhurriedly untied the knife from his waist, and said coldly, "Since I let you go, no one is willing to leave..."

"Then, I can't guarantee who will survive next."

In an instant, Lin Ye raised his saber out of its sheath and spun flexibly between his fingers.

"Five Forms of the Human World, Umbrella!"

A whirlwind formed above Lin Ye's head, and the shape of the airflow above him, like a protective cover, protected his whole body.

Immediately holding the weapons of several people, Lin Ye snarled and pushed hard, and several people were pushed back one after another.

"Wh...what? It's blocked." Ma Xiang couldn't believe his eyes. Just now, the thin young man blocked the attack of all his subordinates with an unsheathed knife. Attack, what a joke.

And what did he just say, the five forms of the world?What the hell is that.

Li Jie on the other side was also dumbfounded, his mouth shut from ear to ear in surprise, and he said, "Human... the five forms of the human world have such great power."

The reason why Li Jie knew the five human styles was because Lin Ye had taught him and Xuewu this fighting technique on the way here.

At that time, due to time constraints, Lin Ye only taught them three moves, which were Umbrella, Escape, and Explosion.

Umbrella is to use the weapon to rotate obliquely downward between the fingers to form an umbrella-like defensive state. According to Lin Ye, the defense of the umbrella mainly uses rotation to resolve the enemy's attack, so as to achieve the best defensive state. One can block a hundred, and practice to the point of reaching the sky, even bullets can be blocked.

Of course, Li Jie felt that Lin Ye was bragging, because this trick was used in their hands, and it seemed very commonplace, and even made them think it was useless and had no effect at all. Lin Ye said at the time that they were not proficient.

But now, seeing Lin Ye use this move, even though he just blocked the sticks of a few people, it was not a cover, and judging from the power he radiated, no matter how powerful he is, blocking bullets is really not bragging.

Lin Ye also said that the five forms of the human world were developed artificially, and there are also the three forms of heaven and the most powerful Shura of hell.

After Li Jie saw the power of Lin Ye's umbrella, he couldn't imagine how powerful Lin Ye called the most evil blow in the legend - Hell Shura.

On the other side, Xuewu also smiled.

In fact, Xuewu had asked Lin Ye why he didn't use this trick to fight mutant pigs in Luxing Village.

Lin Ye explained that it was because his strength had not yet reached a certain level at the time, and he had no time to practice before going to Luxing Village. Moreover, this move against mutant pigs was useless, unless he used the five-style explosion of the human world, but the explosion needed The use of skills and strength is more rigorous, and it consumes a lot of energy, and the results are unpredictable, so he did not choose the five human styles.

The five human styles, the human fighting skills developed in the last ten years, are more than enough to deal with these people.

Lin Ye did this mainly to demonstrate to Li Jie, so that he can know how powerful the Five Human Styles are.This kind of trick relies on accumulated practice to deepen its proficiency. After all, Li Jie has a combat ability. For Li Jie, this kind of trick is a rare treasure. He hopes to see how powerful this trick is. Li Jie, who can practice seriously.

Could it be that this guy is from some kind of special forces, or a civilian expert, so powerful?Although he couldn't believe it, Ma Xiang couldn't find any other explanation.

"Whoever you are, I can crush you to death!" Ma Xiang knew that these wastes would be useless, so he walked forward and kicked the waist of a man who fell on the floor. Hearing a click, there was a sound of bone shattering from the waist of the hand, accompanied by a scream, flew out and smashed heavily on the wall.

"Trash." Ma Xiang didn't even look at his subordinates who had been kicked half to death by him, but just stared at Lin Ye in a haze.

Lin Ye narrowed his eyes. Judging from the opponent's kick just now, his strength is at least three times that of ordinary people, at least 3 catties.

"It has reached this level in just a few days at the end of the day. Is it the original ability of the beast shape?"

Xue Wufa asked at the side: "What is the original ability of beast form?"

"The so-called original ability of beast form is the growth type ability of possessing the form of a beast. They can not only improve their strength by absorbing different nuclear energy, but also grow to increase their strength according to time. Generally, they are mainly good at strength, and they will also inherit The ferocity of wild beasts, the most special thing is..."

(End of this chapter)

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