Rebirth of the Supreme Ice King

Chapter 28 Strong Brute Force

Chapter 28 Strong Brute Force

Lin Ye looked at Ma Xiang and pondered: "They are divided into four forms: juvenile, mature, ultimate and ultimate. Each form will have a beast form to inherit the fighting style, which is similar to Li Jie's ability, or even stronger. At present, the ability development is not yet perfect, it can be regarded as one of the strongest types of abilities."

"Then... will it..." Xue Wu was a little worried after hearing this.

Lin Ye said indifferently: "Although there are some troubles...but my ability will not be inferior to his talent inheritance."

Lin Ye clenched the hunting knife tightly, and a layer of cold air visible to the naked eye was immediately wrapped around the knife. It was cold and sharp, and the appearance of the hunting knife at this time was like an artifact in the game.

Ma Xiang greedily looked at the hunting knife, he could feel the sharpness of the knife.If I get this knife, my strength will definitely be greatly improved, and then I will be able to leave this garbage Qingshui Town by myself to find human settlements.

When the time comes to grab that slut Li Ying and put him under him to ravage and torture him, what else can he not have?
Thinking of this, Ma Xiang couldn't wait any longer. This group of people would definitely regret meeting him.

Ma Xiang stopped talking nonsense, and rushed towards Lin Ye with a trace of madness, dragging his machete.Since his speed was not slow, the machete made a shallow cut on the ground, and even the sparks could be seen.

"Die, you brat who doesn't know the heights of the sky and the depths of the earth!" Ma Xiang roared, with a ferocious and crazy expression, and suddenly, a bear shape condensed by momentum loomed behind him.

In the impression of Xue Wu and Li Jie, supernatural powers are just special abilities, and Ma Xiang's situation is simply beyond their cognition.

But Lin Ye knows that supernatural power is a kind of mysterious energy. Anything you can think of that exceeds the power of understanding is counted within the scope of supernatural powers. The manifestations of supernatural powers are also different. The forms displayed by Ma Xiang are just Just one of them.

Ma Xiang swung the machete and slashed from top to bottom, a momentum unfolded, and the air made a swishing sound because of this blow.

Lin Ye knew that he still underestimated Ma Xiang's strength, so he couldn't take this blow forcefully.

Lin Ye quickly jumped up and took three steps back, the sword missed and fell in front of Lin Ye.The ground covered by cement was suddenly opened by a big knife, and a piece of cement slag was splashed.

But this is not over yet, Ma Xiang's attack turned out to be a combo.

After one cut, Ma Xiang turned around and struck horizontally. This was unexpected by Lin Ye. He raised the hunting knife and held it with both hands to block it.


The two knives collided and sparks were splashed. Although Lin Ye blocked it in time, he was knocked back again and again, and he only stopped by kicking against the wall with his feet.

"Brother Lin." Xue Wu and Li Jie called out. They didn't expect Ma Xiang's attack power to be so strong, and they were all worried about Lin Ye.

Lin Ye raised his head and looked at Ma Xiang, "Go out first, I can't show my strength here."

Xuewu and Li Jie looked at each other, knowing that it was useless to stay here, they retreated together.And Ma Xiang's subordinates also knew that there might be a big battle, and they all rushed out.

Now, only Lin Ye and Ma Xiang were left in the room.

"Okay, come on."

Lin Ye twisted his body, making his bones crack.

Ma Xiang said coldly: "Don't twist, I'm here to loosen your bones."

After speaking, he slashed out again, and Lin Ye also slashed away with all his strength.


Sparks fly.

Lin Ye took five steps back, but Ma Xiang didn't take a step back. Lin Ye knew that he was not at all superior in strength, so he began to stay away from Ma Xiang.

Seeing this, Ma Xiang laughed triumphantly: "Little brat, you know how powerful Grandpa is."

At this time, a Frostbolt flew towards Ma Xiang quickly.

"What the hell." Ma Xiang's eyes widened, and because he was too hasty, he had to roll on the spot, but he was still a beat slower, and the ice arrow brushed across his ribs, bringing out a stream of blood.

Ma Xiang touched it, and the cold light in his eyes enlarged a little bit, he looked at Lin Ye and said, "What the hell are you doing? Are you also a person with special abilities?"

It was another Frost Arrow that answered him, but with lessons learned from the past, Ma Xiang was already prepared, and the Frost Arrow was blocked by his sword.

"The same trick still wants to hurt me, you underestimate me too much." Ma Xiang sneered, seeing Lin Ye throwing something again, he slashed at it without hesitation.

"Big water polo!"

However, Ma Xiang didn't expect that what flew over was just a big ball of water, and the split water scattered directly, and he was completely wet, like a dog in the water.

"Ah, you actually used water to attack me, are you teasing me?" Ma Xiang felt that his self-esteem was greatly insulted, "I will send you to see the king of hell."

Ma Xiang exuded an aura all over his body, the white shirt on his upper body collapsed, his whole body swelled up, his eyes became blood red, he raised his head and roared, the glass in the room rattled, this time, he was really angry .

Like a bear, with a big knife in his mouth, he rushed towards Lin Ye on all fours.

Immediately, Lin Ye felt a frenzied breath rushing towards his face, and then guided the supernatural power, a cold air formed in his hand, pushing forward, suddenly, Ma Xiang's body froze in an instant.

Lin Ye seized the opportunity and quickly ran towards the frozen Ma Xiang, pointing the hunting knife at Ma Xiang's neck, ready to give him a fatal blow.

However, what I didn't expect was that there was a strange sound, and when Lin Ye rushed to Ma Xiang, Ma Xiang collapsed with force, breaking away the ice cubes on his body.

"I want you to die!" Ma Xiang didn't expect Lin Ye to be able to freeze him, which made him very angry.

Ma Xiang roared and slashed straight at Lin Ye with a big knife.

In fact, Lin Ye was not very sure about the freeze just now, so after Ma Xiang broke the freeze, he withdrew immediately.

Fortunately, the cold air unique to Lin Ye's ice-type ability has wrapped around Ma Xiang's body, and he can clearly feel that the opponent's actions have become much slower.

However, with Ma Xiang's movement and the passage of time, the cold air attached to Ma Xiang's body will disappear little by little. At that time, Ma Xiang's speed will increase, which will be more troublesome.

Lin Ye retreated while thinking about countermeasures.

Strength, speed, and physique are all above him.

This is the reason why the beast form original ability is so powerful in the early stage.

If you don't have an advantage in strength, you can only overwhelm the opponent in terms of skills.

The corners of Lin Ye's mouth twitched slightly as he thought of the way he had dealt with zombies not long ago.

With the two attacking and evading, the whole room was hacked and riddled with holes by Ma Xiang, and even one part of the ground was pierced by Ma Xiang, and he could directly see the scene downstairs.

But there was one thing that surprised Ma Xiang, Lin Ye was still attacking him with water polo.

"Little brat, it seems that you are really at the end of the road. You only know how to use water polo. Do you think you can still trap me? It's ridiculous." Ma Xiang grinned and rushed towards Lin Ye. In his eyes, Lin Ye was already a dead body up.

In fact, Lin Ye had already laid out the layout, and he sprinkled water all over the floor of the room.

(End of this chapter)

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