Rebirth of the Supreme Ice King

Chapter 29 The battle is over

Chapter 29 The battle is over

A layer of pure white ice covered the entire room. Ma Xiang didn't know why at first, but he knew it in the next moment, because he found that he couldn't stand still.

The slippery ground made Ma Xiang's footsteps slippery, and he who was running just now could only stab into the ice ground to support his body.

Lin Ye immediately ran on the ice with the hunting knife in hand. Ice is the derivative of his supernatural power. The ice has no effect on him at all, and even speeds up his speed.

"Hmph, do you think you can kill me by immobilizing me? Childish."

Ma Xiang raised his big knife and chopped the ice ground near him until it was uneven, so that he could move normally in a small area.

"Bang bang bang!"

The hunting knife and the broadsword kept colliding in the room, producing sparks one after another.

However, Lin Ye didn't have the upper hand, Ma Xiang stood there motionless, and cleared the ice from time to time to expand his movement space.

"Frozen Arrow!"

Lin Ye threw out a Frost Arrow. The long-range attack made Ma Xiang very irritated, so he slapped the Frost Arrow out casually.

Lin Ye had the advantage of speed on the ice, and with long-range attacks, he almost had the advantage, making Ma Xiang flustered.

The more this is the case, the more vulnerable Ma Xiang will be. A few minutes later, Ma Xiang has several scars on his body. Although he has a strong defense, it is also made of flesh and will hurt.

Ma Xiang was beaten like a target, irritatingly.

"Ah!" Ma Xiang couldn't help shouting angrily. He wanted to rush over to kill Lin Ye, but he never dared to step out of this range.He could only growl: "You bastard, if you can, fight grandpa face to face, come on!"

Lin Ye watched with cold eyes, each with his own strengths, how could he be so stupid as to confront Ma Xiang head-on.

But Lin Ye, who felt the passing of the power, knew that there was no longer any delay, and Ma Xiang was also angered by him, and it was time for his plan to be implemented.

Lin Ye moved, this time he ran directly towards Ma Xiang, and at the same time, two ice arrows flew out together with him.

"Hmph, good job, I'm waiting for you to come." Ma Xiang raised his knife to meet Lin Ye.

At this time, Lin Ye, who was running towards Ma Xiang, waved his hunting knife in the air in a strange way.

In a short distance of ten meters, the hunting knife was swung in the air at least 24 times, and there was a sound of piercing through the air with each knife.

"Five styles in the world..."

Just as Lin Ye was approaching Ma Xiang, Lin Ye swung No. 20 five knives. This knife was slashed from top to bottom without any sound.

This gave Ma Xiang the illusion that Lin Ye had stopped attacking.

But Ma Xiang clearly knew that was not the case, and his cold sweat flowed down unconsciously.

"Death to me!"

Ma Xiang made a bear-like sound, and the bear appeared again, and Ma Xiang's aura suddenly increased a lot.



Just when the knives of Lin Ye and Ma Xiang were about to collide, the hunting knife suddenly burst into a deafening roar.


Ma Xiang tried his best to block Lin Ye, but the knife in his hand couldn't bear the attack at all, and broke in response.

At the critical moment, Ma Xiang directly grabbed the hunting knife with his hand and held it tightly. A lot of blood flowed from his hands, but he didn't care.

"You can't kill me, you can't kill me! Hahaha!" Ma Xiang pushed Lin Ye away with a ferocious and crazy face at this time, and freed a hand to grab Lin Ye, his eyes were red.

"Now I will crush you."

"Oh, really?" Lin Ye was unmoved, staring at Ma Xiang coldly.

"Huh?" Ma Xiang suddenly felt something was wrong, but he didn't know what was wrong.

At this moment, a row of sharp ice spikes protruded from the ground.

"Polar ice gun!"

The cold voice seemed to melt into the ice thorns, and also into Ma Xiang's body.

"Pfft!" Ma Xiang spat out a mouthful of blood.

Ma Xiang couldn't believe it, he was obviously stronger than this kid, how could he die at the hands of this kid, he was very unwilling, but it was too late, Ma Xiang's eyes widened, but there was no life in them.


Dilapidated demolition downstairs.

Xuewu and Li Jie were not idle, but controlled several of Ma Xiang's subordinates. Originally, these guys wanted to resist, but when Xuewu fired a flame bomb, they all became honest.

After torturing several people, I finally figured out what happened in Qingshui Town these days.

After Li Jie heard that Li Ying left with the rescue team, although he felt a little bit disappointed, he was still happy that she was alive.

Hearing the explosion-like fighting sound above, everyone present was terrified.

In fact, Xuewu was not sure whether Lin Ye would win or lose, because she had never seen Ma Xiang's strength, but from Ma Xiang's burst of strength, she could feel that Ma Xiang was not easy, so she was very worried about Lin Ye. .

Xuewu, who was unable to help, could only pray in his heart: "Brother Lin, you must win."

After the loudest noise was heard from upstairs, everything fell silent, and immediately, everyone knew that the battle was over.

Xue Wu immediately wanted to rush upstairs, regardless of whether Lin Ye won or lost, she would go up, if Lin Ye lost, she would avenge Lin Ye.

At this time, a figure flew down from the third floor and hit the ground with a bang.

"'s Ma Xiang!" The chinchilla screamed out. After all, Ma Xiang is his boss. Although he hates Ma Xiang very much, without Ma Xiang, he would not be able to survive in this purgatory place. go down.For a moment, he felt sad that a rabbit died and a fox was sad.

But Xuewu and Li Jie were overjoyed when they saw that it was Ma Xiang who died.

They shouted excitedly: "Great, Brother Lin won."

Xue Wu happily ran upstairs, and before entering the corridor, she saw Lin Ye coming down.Although he was covered in blood at this time, he walked steadily and steadily. Xue Wu couldn't help but hugged Lin Ye, and wept with joy: "Brother Lin..."

Lin Ye patted her on the head, looked at Li Jie who was also excited, and said calmly, "Okay, let's go."

Xuewu had no objection, Li Jie pointed at the chinchillas and asked, "Then, where are these people?"

"Don't worry about it." The three words showed Lin Ye's disdain for them.

Lin Ye walked a little fast, which puzzled Li Jie and the two of them.

Soon there were several screams from behind, which made people feel chills in the bottom of their hearts.


Lin Ye's eyes kept flickering, but his pace became faster. In a blink of an eye, he found a quiet building and walked in.

Xue Wu and Li Jie didn't ask any questions, and quickly followed Lin Ye's pace.

At the corner window on the second floor, Li Jie couldn't help but look down. He wondered what it was that made Lin Ye so flustered.

Through the dust-stained glass, Li Jie found ten dark, shriveled monsters crawling on the ground on all fours. Because of the shriveled, their muscles seemed to be exposed, and they looked full of strength.

In addition, there are blood vessels flowing with black liquid wrapped around the muscles. Every time the monster moves, some black impurities are secreted from the blood vessels. When the black impurities touch the concrete floor, the concrete floor is rotted out. A black mark.

(End of this chapter)

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