Chapter 30 Creeper

Li Jie looked in a daze. At this moment, one of those monsters raised its head and looked in Li Jie's direction.

Li Jie couldn't react. At this moment, he held him down with one hand and pulled him under the window. He finally came to his senses. Looking at Lin Ye who was making a silent gesture, Li Jie nodded to express his understanding.

And the monster downstairs seemed to have really discovered Lin Ye and his party, and was about to move forward here, when suddenly a "ding dong" sound came from the front.

The monster made a piercing cry in an instant, changed direction, and went towards the place where the sound came from.

Its speed is very fast, at least 80 yards, but when it chased it, it found that it was a can that was blown by the wind. It seemed to be a little angry and slapped the can. The can was completely crushed, and then the monster took the can It was stuffed into the mouth and swallowed abruptly.

After patting his stomach, the monster followed the team and swept away into the distance.


Lin Ye, who had been waiting for a long time, heard the monster's voice getting farther and farther away from them, and finally let out a breath: "It's good to go..."

Li Jie was a little panicked, and asked in confusion: "Brother Lin, then... what are those monsters?"

Lin Ye glanced at him and said seriously, "This is a very powerful monster in the last days."

"Very strong? Brother Lin, can you kill it?" Xuewu also saw that kind of monster just now, and couldn't help asking.

When Li Jie heard this, he immediately said with a straight face: "Sister Xue, how can you compare those monsters with Brother Lin. They are so ugly, but Brother Lin is so handsome."

"Of course, there is also a parameter for comparison, Brother Lin, you say it is right."

"..." Lin Ye's head was full of black lines, Xue Wu was amused, and covered her mouth to chuckle.

The solemn atmosphere dissipated at this moment.

Lin Ye led the three of them up, continuing what he just said as he walked: "You can call those monsters creepers, they are mutants of zombies, and they are strong against bronze-level species individually, but they usually appear in groups , a small group has more than ten reptiles, which can kill silver-level species."

"Silver... so strong?" Li Jie, who heard Lin Ye said the level, couldn't believe it. This monster is so small, but it is so powerful.

Lin Ye nodded: "They are afraid of light and prefer the dark, and they mostly come and go at dusk. They are fast, have sharp minions, and can walk freely on walls. Some kind of liquid in their bodies is also very turbid. He can rot everything, so it can be regarded as a very difficult monster, and the best way to see them is to retreat."

"Of course, once they are targeted, they can't run away from them, but they have a bug, that is, they are very blind. They usually rely on sound to distinguish their location, and they are particularly sensitive to sound. As long as the sound in other places is louder than where you are, then They will frantically attack the source of the sound."

"If the strength is not as strong as them, the best way to deal with them is to pull hatred, stand apart, shout from different directions, attract them to run around, and then you can take the opportunity to attack them..."

"Just one mistake is the end of death, so it's better to avoid it as much as possible."

Li Jie asked: "Then what about their sense of smell? Could it be also very strong?"

"Although they have a sense of smell, their sensitivity to sound is almost crazy, and they don't rely on their sense of smell very much." Lin Ye explained lightly.

In the process of going upstairs, the three of Lin Ye saw many corpses, including zombies and humans.Some had been disemboweled, and the intestines were already shriveled outside, while others had only the upper body, and the cut was bloody and bloody, which looked very disgusting.

These corpses have been there for many days, and the rancid smell is not only pungent, but also irritating to the eyes.

At this time, the three of them had already covered themselves with water-soaked rags as masks. You must know that such a pile of corpses is the most likely to breed germs, and may even cause plague. If you get sick from a germ infection, not to mention that it will reduce your combat effectiveness, but in this last days when medicines are scarce, it is very difficult to get well.

In a blink of an eye, the three of them had already gone up to the sixth floor. Lin Ye had observed from the outside that there were seven floors in this building. Generally speaking, the seventh floor should not be a living room, so they stopped on the sixth floor and did not continue to go up.

There are three passages on each floor of this building, and each passage has a row of rooms, which seems to be a commercial building.

Since night had fallen and there were no lights, the three of Lin Ye put on headlamps.

Walking in the dim passage, the light elongated their shadows, and only heard their slight footsteps in the empty space, and the wind blowing in from nowhere, making people feel cool behind.

Lin Ye turned the lamp sideways to the wall to spread the light, and said, "Let's check separately, find a room to rest, and be careful."

The two nodded, and Lin Ye glanced at it. There are six rooms here, and he opened one of them, which is a residential room with three bedrooms and one living room.

But soon Lin Ye noticed something was wrong. He could smell a faint smell of blood in the room. Although it was covered by the rancid smell and became very weak, Lin Ye, who is more sensitive to the smell of blood, still smelled it. Judging from experience, the smell of blood was left by someone injured the day before.

After careful observation, it is obvious that there are traces of being turned over in this room.

"There are other people in this building." Lin Ye felt bad when he found this out. At this moment, he suddenly heard Xuewu screaming outside the room, and hurried out, and saw Xuewu and Li Jie standing together , but Xuewu's face was a little pale.

"Xuewu, what's wrong?" Lin Ye asked.

Xue Wuhou patted her chest with her hands in fear, took a breath, and then put her hands on her chest and gestured: "I... I saw a child this tall, with disheveled hair, pale face, staring straight at Me, the white clothes I'm wearing have a lot of blood on looks horrible."

" can't be a ghost." After hearing Xuewu's words, Li Jie felt his scalp go numb, he couldn't help but look around vigilantly, looking timid.

Seeing Li Jie like this, Xuewu, who was still terrified at first, was speechless for a while, "Why do you hate a man?"

"What do you say, everyone has their weaknesses. I have been afraid of ghosts since I was a child, and I am also afraid of ghosts when I grow up. Whenever I hear ghosts, I feel like a needle is pricking my back. I can't blame me. It's completely innate." Li Jay justified himself.

"Okay, although I'm not sure if there are ghosts in this world, after all, supernatural powers have appeared in the last days..." Lin Ye is not uninformed when he says this. In fact, there are some rumors about ghosts in the last days. Some people say they are A kind of supernatural ability, some people say that it is caused by too much resentment from the dead, and some people think that it is purely the doomsday that makes some people go crazy.

Lin Ye couldn't tell the truth from the false rumors, so he was not sure about seeing a ghost at this time.

(End of this chapter)

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