Rebirth of the Supreme Ice King

Chapter 31 The Weird Family of 1

Chapter 31 The Weird Family of Three

However, in order to appease Xuewu and Li Jie, Lin Ye revealed what he had just discovered: "I found out that there are other survivors in this building besides us. Xuewu, what you saw should be people."

"People..." Obviously, the two of them didn't believe Lin Ye's words.

"Forget it, I'll take the lead, and you two will follow behind, just go and have a look."

After Lin Ye finished speaking, he took the lead to go out to search. He was sure that there was someone, but he didn't know whether it was an enemy or a friend.So he walked very lightly, and when he turned the three-way intersection, he saw a door ajar at the left corner.

A small head stuck out from the door, staring at Lin Ye with a pair of faint eyes.

This is not a ghost, but a child, but the child's eyes always make Lin Ye feel strange.

"Little guy, are you alone?"

"I... am with my parents. My mother is sick and has no one to take care of her." The child made a faint voice, and it was judged to be a girl by the voice, but she looked a little sloppy, so she couldn't tell the difference.

The girl came out and just stood there, the light shone on her, making her look pale, indeed a bit scary, but there was no trace of blood on the white coat she was wearing, which made Lin Ye thoughtful .

Could it be that Xuewu was wrong?

Lin Ye looked at Xuewu, but didn't find anything wrong with Xuewu's behavior, so he let go of the doubt in his heart.

When Xuewu saw that this was a real person, both Li Jie and Xuewu breathed a sigh of relief, looking at the 15-year-old girl in front of her, her soft heart couldn't help feeling pity.

The apocalypse is so cruel. When it comes down, children are the biggest victims. They have no self-protection ability, don't know how to survive, and they don't have any labor force to squeeze. Even if they encounter some rescue teams, they may not take them in. .

"Little friend, what's your name?" Xuewu didn't care about the little girl who had blood on her clothes just now, why the blood disappeared now, she thought it might be because she was dazzled.

Xue Wu walked towards the little girl, and just two steps away, Lin Ye gave her a hand, signaling not to act rashly.

Xuewu nodded, then patted the logging saw on his back, and whispered: "Don't worry, I will protect myself."

Lin Ye took a deep look at the little girl before letting go of her.

Xue Wu walked up to the little girl, stroked her head and said, "What's wrong with your mother?"

The little girl backed away, seeming to be a little scared of Xuewu. When she heard her mother, tears were already rolling in her eyes. The little girl said sadly: "My name is Xiaoling, my mother is sick and can't get out of bed. , Dad is taking care of her in the room."

As Xiaoling pointed to the side room, Xue Wu looked, and under the light, she saw a man in the room feeding medicine to the woman covered with a quilt on the sofa.

A family of three, Xuewu couldn't help but think of her parents who had passed away long ago, and her mother also passed away due to illness, and she suddenly felt sad.

Xuewu couldn't help touching Xiaoling's face, "Come on, sister will take care of your mother's illness."

Lin Ye frowned when he heard this, "It's not good, Xuewu."

"It's okay, besides, you're here." Xuewu smiled lightly, and Lin Ye didn't say anything more. He knew Xuewu's past, and what happened now must have touched on her sad past. Very unkind.

Lin Ye had no choice but to say: "Okay, let's go and have a look together."

Lin Ye had been with her to take care of herself, Xue Wu's heart was so hot that she couldn't help kissing Lin Ye's face.

Suddenly feeling moist and soft on the face, Lin Ye couldn't help being stunned.

Li Jie also stared at it for a second. After all, he also knew after meeting that Lin Ye and Xuewu were not boyfriend and girlfriend.

Of course, Li Jie was not ignorant, but turned his head and whistled calmly at the wall, indicating that he was very busy, so he didn't care about you, just go ahead.

Li Jie's actions woke Xue Wu up, and she was a little flustered.

It's all right now, it's revealed, what should I do, what will Lin Ye think?
Xuewu secretly looked at Lin Ye, but Lin Ye didn't show much expression, coughed and said, "Let's go and see how Xiaoling's mother is doing first."

Seeing Lin Ye's behavior like this, Xuewu felt both lost and relieved. The feelings that had been held back for so long were casually revealed at this moment, as if a stone had been removed from her heart.

It was this episode that caused Lin Ye and Xuewu to have their own thoughts and forgot many details for a while. As for the idle Li Jie, he didn't pay attention to anything.

None of them noticed the sinister smile on the corner of Xiaoling's mouth when she turned around.

Xuewu followed Xiaoling into the room, Lin Ye and Li Jie were behind, the room was relatively dark, in order to prevent the searchlight from piercing Xiaoling's parents' eyes, Xuewu took off the headlight and put it on the glass table in the living room.

Lin Ye and Li Jie took the headlamps in their hands and scanned the room. It was a simple living room without too many furnishings.

At this time, Xuewu was brought to her parents by Xiaoling's hand, and then Xiaoling said politely, "I'll get you a glass of water."

Lin Ye watched Xiaoling enter the kitchen on the side, and didn't think much, but turned his attention to Xiaoling's parents. Xiaoling's father turned his back to him, and was still holding a bowl to feed the woman on the sofa, but it seemed The action is a little stiff.

Xuewu walked to Xiaoling's father and asked, "Hi, what's the matter with her?"

and many more!

When Lin Ye heard Xuewu's "Hello", he suddenly realized why Xiaoling's father didn't come out to say hello when they had been outside for so long, and in this last days, he was so relieved to let a little girl Communicating with strangers?

Lin Ye looked carefully, and suddenly found that there seemed to be nothing in the bowl that Xiaoling's father was holding, but he seemed to be feeding his wife there without knowing it. Until now, the parents Xiaoling mentioned have not made a sound.

The bold little girl, the silent parents, and the family of three who survived the apocalypse all revealed a strange atmosphere, and Lin Ye's brows became more and more wrinkled.

";Xuewu, have you been...";


Lin Ye hadn't finished speaking when something tingling happened. The woman who was lying on the bed just now lifted the quilt suddenly, revealing her skinny body. He stabbed the fruit knife straight at Xuewu.

At close range, at this moment, Xuewu could only stare wide-eyed at the knife stabbing her chest, she was completely frightened as she did not expect the situation to develop like this.

She was stunned, but Lin Ye rushed over as soon as he discovered the problem, knocking Xuewu away, but it was still a bit late, Xuewu groaned in pain and fell to the side.

(End of this chapter)

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