Chapter 252 Beware
Lin Hua and the others were silent for a moment, and all looked at Lin Hua.

Lin Hua looked at the white sheep's beard, and said in silence for a long time, "Welcome to Tianning League"

The white goatee's eyes became moist all of a sudden, and he said repeatedly, "Okay, okay"

"I, I want to join you too," Li Yang said shyly.

"Before the end of the world, I, I was a student of Mr. Liu, and my family ran a slaughterhouse. After the end of the world, Mr. Liu protected me all the way and also awakened the ability of wind, but this ability seems a bit weak." Li Yang smiled awkwardly Laughing, because he really didn't find the use of the wind ability, it seems that the speed has only increased.

But Lin Hua remembered that the wind ability was considered a sought-after figure in the late apocalypse in her previous life.

Because the wind is everywhere, the speed is extremely fast, and after being skilled, it can be said to kill people invisible. The wind's abilities include wind blades, wind arrows, and other harmful abilities that cause great damage and are not easy to be noticed.

"I have been following Mr. Liu to join the Zhushan League, because the ability is not useful, and I usually run errands to help people deliver things. You all know the rest," Li Yang said silently, clenched his hands.

"You are welcome too," Lin Hua said.

"Really, I, I will work hard." Li Yang raised his head and looked at Lin Hua, his eyes were firm.

Du Sheng looked at Li Yang and Mr. Liu, and silently cursed a dirty word, "It will really sell well. Before they say anything, you have betrayed all your details. What if others use you as cannon fodder to see you come?" There is no place to cry when I cry.

"Uh, my name is Du Sheng, and I'm also with Li Yang and Mr. Liu, a water-type supernatural being." Du Sheng said quietly for a moment, who made those two say everything, it would be weird if he didn't say anything.

Lin Hua looked at Du Sheng, but said nothing.

Do you think everyone else is stupid?The reluctance and disdain in his eyes didn't know how to hide it. It seemed that he didn't join them sincerely. Lin Hua didn't think he was someone who could be difficult for others. He didn't want to join him but still stayed in his team. begging.

Then, it's best not to let me catch him daring to endanger his members, otherwise, I will definitely let him die without a place to bury him, Lin Hua thought silently, but didn't show anything on his face.

Li Yang and Mr. Liu were also a little embarrassed. Since they said they were with them, why didn't they introduce how they were before, and put everything in one stroke. If anything happened in the future, wouldn't they let Li Yang take the blame?Bai Yanghu thought silently in his heart.

No matter what everyone thinks in their hearts, there is a peaceful and peaceful phenomenon on the surface.

After everyone has finished their dinner, they are going to rest for the night and plan to go tomorrow morning.

"I'll stay with Li Yang in the middle of the night tonight," Bai Yanghu said to Lin Hua first.

"Alright, then Jiang Xinyu and Nie Quan will stay together for the rest of the night," Lin Hua said.

Everyone agreed, and went into the room to sleep.

Lin Hua, Li Jie, Jiang Xinyu and Xue Wu slept in the master bedroom. The bed was given up to two girls. Lin Hua and Li Jie made the floor. Fortunately, the temperature was not low during the end of the world, so there was no need to worry about catching a cold. Category.

"Boss, that Du Sheng, I'm afraid it's not safe." In the dark night, Xue Wu said suddenly.

"Well, be more careful," Lin Hua replied.

"Boss, why do we have to stay overnight tonight?" Li Jie asked.

"Wait" Lin Hua said
"Waiting for someone? Who are you waiting for? Xiang Nan?" Li Jie asked. Xiang Nan, a pervert, has disappeared all day today, and the boss didn't look for him. Confused, could it be that the boss sent Xiang Nan to perform some secret mission?But will that pervert Xiang Nan listen to the boss?

As soon as Li Jie said Xiang Nan, the scene became silent for a moment, as if he couldn't even hear his breathing.

Xue Wu looked at Jiang Xinyu who hadn't moved at all, and wasn't sure if she was asleep.

And Jiang Xinyu suddenly heard Xiang Nan's name, and the hatred in her heart couldn't stop. If it wasn't for him, she wouldn't be so ashamed. If it wasn't for him, the boss wouldn't be so heartless towards her. There is a little hesitation rather than a decisive rejection of yourself.

Jiang Xinyu tried her best to calm down the hatred in her heart, the boss was right, she has no ability to kill Xiangnan now, she can only endure and wait.

However, sooner or later, I must let that pervert try the grievances I have suffered now.Jiang Xinyu silently swears in her heart.

"It's not him, let's go to sleep." Lin Hua heard Jiang Xinyu's voice suddenly increased at that moment. Although she calmed down quickly, Lin Hua knew that Jiang Xinyu was not feeling well.

He didn't feel that he was sorry for Jiang Xinyu in any way. If he didn't like it, he didn't like it. Before she didn't tell her, she pretended that she didn't know. Responsible, not to mention being a man.

Maybe some men think that if a girl likes them anyway, it is to prove their charm, and they don't take advantage of it, but Lin Hua is not that kind of man.

Although he has been in the underworld, he can't be said to be clean, but he has never been promiscuous like other gangsters. He has a regular lover.Later, in the end of the world, he was just an ordinary water-type supernatural being. Girls who were also supernatural beings looked down on him, and girls who were not supernatural beings were also the kind who had to serve many people. He couldn't accept it.

Moreover, I am also an ambitious person, and most of the time I think about climbing up, so the relationship between my son and daughter is naturally bearish.

Until he met her, Ru Ting, that girl was strong and stubborn, but she walked into his heart little by little, and even later because of him, she couldn't keep her whole body.

And Lin Hua finally left two years after her death. In this life, when he made a comeback, he had no time to worry about the love of his children. He only wanted to be strong and capable. , I can hold up a world for her.

It can be said that Lin Hua has no intention of provoking anyone. As for those who like him, he has no way to stop them but can refuse them.

And Li Jie didn't dare to speak any more at this time, he could only pretend to be asleep, knowing that Jiang Xinyu was just rejected by the boss because of that broom star, yet he was still mentioning that broom star at such a sensitive moment. , Li Jie was too embarrassed to speak anymore.

And Xuewu seemed to be asleep, even her breathing was so shallow that she couldn't hear it.Only from her slightly trembling eyelids can one know that her heart is not peaceful.

And Jiang Xinyu was lying on her side, tightly clenched her nails into her fists, even though her palms were dripping with blood from the nails, she still refused to let go.

southward!southward!southward!Jiang Xinyu silently recited Xiangnan's name over and over again.

If it weren't for her resentful eyes and gloomy face, others would think that she liked Xiang Nan too much.

(End of this chapter)

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