Rebirth of the Supreme Ice King

Chapter 253 Seeing the Female Ghost Again

Chapter 253 Seeing the Female Ghost Again
Everyone here has their own thoughts, but the surface is calm.

As for Du Sheng, he had originally shared a room with Li Yang and Mr. Liu, but now, Li Yang and Mr. Liu offered to go out to patrol in the middle of the night, which was of great convenience for Xiangnan.

Although he was also worried that it would be unsafe to walk at night, but there were too many people during the day, and he couldn't leave even if he wanted to. Moreover, according to what Lin Hua said during dinner, they had to move?If he doesn't leave at this time, what if the Zhushan League really misunderstands that he and Lin Hua are in the same boat?When he wants to explain, will anyone listen?
Du Sheng couldn't take care of that much. Moreover, Lin Hua and the others had already seen this area, which meant that they must have cleaned it up. There should be no big mutant beasts. If it was a small one, he could completely deal with it.

Du Sheng thought about it swearingly, and soon packed up his things, a small military backpack, and was ready to leave.

Of course, before he left, he also rummaged through the bags of Li Yang and Mr. Liu. Except for two sets of clothes and a bottle of water each, there was nothing left in store.

Du Sheng scolded secretly, these two idiots have no property, and I don't know how they survived until now?Maybe they didn't rely on supernatural powers?But some big backers that I can't touch?

But no matter what, now I will soon have a backer.At that time, even in Baidi City, wouldn't it be his job to be waited upon?Du Sheng's mind was full of thoughts about living a happy life in the future, and he never thought of what he should do if Ao Baitian didn't need his information and instead detained him.

Probably Du Sheng was the one who said that if you don't die, you won't die.

Du Sheng cursed and said that Mr. Liu and Li Yang were idiots, and fled out of the window lightly.

"Old Liu, should we just let him go like this? What if he betrays us?" Li Yang hid in the dark and said to Aries who was also standing in the dark.

Mr. Liu stroked his gray beard and said, "Everyone has his own choice. Right or wrong depends on his own opinion. Du Sheng is not a law-abiding person. He is destined to be someone's domestic dog in his life. "

"Du Sheng, he..." Li Yang couldn't bear it. Du Sheng shouldn't be bad, he just wants to have more status and dignity.But they don't know that dignity is earned by oneself, and the dignity obtained by others' charity is like a ridiculous face that is not suitable for oneself, and it has a chance to fall off in the end.

"Li Yang, you are a good boy, but your only weakness is that you are too soft-hearted. Now is the end of the world when everyone is in danger. Many times your soft-heartedness may save your life and make you have many friends. But more often You have to beware of villains, after all, at this time, it can really drive many people crazy, and it can even make some people crazy about the world because of the end of the world." Liu Lao looked at Du Sheng, who was going away and was about to lose sight Shadow said softly.

The end of the end of the world, in fact, this is not the fate of the earth people asking for trouble.

Mr. Liu sighed, everyone has his own life.

If Li Yang hadn't saved him because of a momentary soft-heartedness, he might have been dismembered before he awakened his power.But Li Yang saved him, and also saved Du Sheng, but in the end, the paths of the two were completely opposite.

Sometimes he really doesn't know what to say about Li Yang.

And Li Yang looked at Du Sheng who had turned around and disappeared, and bowed silently, even though he knew he couldn't see him.

Du Sheng, I wish you a smooth journey. From now on, in the ends of the world, I would rather never see each other again, and I don't want to meet each other in the future but meet each other with swords.

As for Du Sheng, who was so happy at this moment, he ran out so easily.It's been like this for a long time, so I don't have to worry so much about being afraid.

While walking, Du Sheng thought about his happy life in the future, and felt that he was very close to the road of happiness, as if he could touch it with one touch, which made him a little dizzy with happiness.

He had long forgotten all the abnormalities, and subconsciously felt that all the mutant beasts around here should have been wiped out by Lin Hua and others.So there should be nothing to guard against.

Du Sheng thought subconsciously, and walked quickly towards the entrance of the village.

It was because of being too happy that Du Sheng, who seemed dizzy, couldn't react when there was a rush of wind breaking in his ear, and someone directly cut off one ear.

"Ah...!" After having one ear cut off, he was stunned for a while before remembering to touch his painful right cheek. Du Sheng realized that one of his ears was gone, and he wailed randomly.

Just as Du Sheng was covering his ears and moaning in pain, the sound of breaking wind struck again.

The wind came so fast that Du Sheng's three-legged cat couldn't dodge it, and Du Sheng had already been frightened stupid.

He could only raise his hand stiffly to release a water arrow ability, and it looked harmless.

The sound of the wind was fast and fierce, and there was no time for Du Sheng to howl again. In the blink of an eye, Du Sheng had disappeared.

On the ground, there were still a few books lying alone.

Only the mottled light and shadow of the blood moon can quickly illuminate the tail that looks like a snake.

"Here we come." Lin Hua whispered, jumped up from the ground, and ran out the door.

And Xue Wu and the others were also awakened by Lin Hua's sudden attack, and hurriedly got up and rushed outside.

As soon as he went out, he saw Elder Liu looking forward in horror, while Li Yang was about to rush into the house, apparently wanting to wake them up.

"What...?" Li Jie also lost his voice when he saw this scene.

Originally, on the high mountain opposite, there was a snake's head erected high up. When it raised its head, it was as high as three meters. As for how long it was, it was unclear because its tail was hidden in a forest.

What is shocking is not the snake, but there is a person standing on the snake's head. The red dress looks like an ancient bridal gown, with flying hair all over the head, and a graceful figure. Because his back is facing them, he cannot see clearly. Her face, but it makes people feel like a new job for no reason, she must be as good-looking as a fairy.

Others may think so, but Li Jie was only in a daze for a moment, and immediately remembered that he seemed to have seen such a girl somewhere, by the way, the cemetery on the first day.

Li Jie turned his head to look at Nie Quanqi, but found that Nie Quanqi also looked suspicious, and obviously had memories of this woman.

Remembering this, Li Jie desperately wanted to find Lin Hua and tell him that this was the red-haired female ghost who frightened them into unconsciousness.

But Lin Hua looked at the female ghost with excitement.

Li Jie was at a loss, which female ghost did the boss take a fancy to?
Nie Quanqi looked at Lin Hua, then at Li Jie, maybe he knew who the boss was waiting for.

Regardless of what Lin Hua and the others thought, the female ghost in red didn't have the time to pay attention to them, because she was tortured by the pain in her head and just wanted to die.

The female ghost in red fiercely stretched out her hand and waved towards the mountain. For some reason, a mountain began to slowly disappear from everyone's eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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