Rebirth of the Supreme Ice King

Chapter 255 Double-edged sword

Chapter 255 Double-edged sword

"Damn it, she made a move on the boss, Xuewu, let's help the boss," Li Jie said hastily.

It seemed that Lin Hua left without everyone knowing, and they only obeyed Xuewu.

"No hurry, let's take a look first, this level won't hurt the boss." Xuewu stared intently at the distant mountains. In fact, she really wanted to rush to Lin Hua's side to fight with him, but she knew that When she is not self-willed, what she can do is to appease the teammates around her, take care of the rear, and not let Lin Hua worry, so that Lin Hua will go all out to deal with the enemy.

Lin Hua looked at the mountain that was falling straight down in a short while. If she didn't stop it, the mountain would be completely corroded.

Lin Hua stood on the right side of Liu Qing, waving his abilities with both hands, arousing the mist in the air, condensing into water, controlling them to slowly gather on Liu Qing's head, and then guiding the water droplets into the water bit by bit. In Liu Qing's head.

Liu Qing only felt that the nerves that had a splitting headache seemed to have been soaked inch by inch in the hot spring water, and he felt so comfortable that he wanted to sigh.

Slowly, Liu Qing stopped waving her hands and felt all this quietly.

But Lin Hua didn't dare to be distracted in the slightest. It is because Liu Qing's nerves are too sensitive and strong. If he is distracted, it will touch Liu Qing's already dry and sensitive nerves, driving her further mad and irrational , or he was backlashed, controlled by Liu Qing's nerves, and became a puppet.

After a while, large drops of sweat had gathered under Lin Hua's feet. Seeing Liu Qing's face getting more and more relaxed, Lin Hua hurriedly drew out the power, but when she was pulling out the power, she was also protected by Liu Qing's original power. Can give back a bit.

Although Liu Qing stopped in time, it made Lin Hua take a few steps back and spit out a mouthful of blood.

"...Thank you" Liu Qing jumped off the snake's head, walked up to Lin Hua and said.

If she didn't know who saved her at the beginning, she would have known it when Lin Hua wanted to quit the supernatural power in her nerves.

"Cough...cough, hehe, no need..." Before Lin Hua finished speaking, she fell backwards and passed out.

Liu Qing hurriedly supported him, otherwise, if he fell backwards, he might just roll down the mountain.

Then, Liu Qing summoned the white giant python, supported Lin Hua to become the giant python, and swam to the back of the mountain.

But Xuewu and the others were already stunned at this moment, as if they hadn't expected the development of the plot, so did the boss save the female ghost in red?

"Xuewu, that female ghost in red took the boss away?" Li Jie rubbed his eyes, a little in disbelief.

"En." After a long time, Xuewu nodded.

"Then, will she harm the boss? Let's save the boss quickly," Li Jie said.

"No need." After Xuewu finished speaking, she glanced at Gao Shan again, then turned her head and entered the house.

The boss probably saved the female ghost, but he overused his abilities. Although they didn't see Lin Hua vomiting blood, they saw Liu Qing lowering the snake's head and bowing to the boss, obviously thanking him.

In this way, they don't have to worry about the safety of the boss.If the boss woke up, he would naturally come to them, otherwise, not only would they have nowhere to look for the female ghost, but they would most likely be swallowed by the white boa constrictor without seeing the female ghost and the boss.

"Um... shall we not ask the boss?" Li Jie looked at Xuewu who had already returned to the house, and then looked at everyone.

"Since Xuewu said that, it proves that the boss will be fine. Li Jie, don't worry," Jiang Xinyu said.

"Yeah, listen to Xuewu, the boss must have told Xuewu before. Otherwise, Xuewu wouldn't be so calm," Nie Quanqi also persuaded.

"Do whatever you want, I won't ask any more." Li Jie angrily followed him back to the room.

Really, he is also worried about the boss, don't they all worry?All of them were so peaceful.

Jiang Xinyu and Nie Quanqi looked at each other, they both saw the helplessness in each other's eyes, they really didn't know what to say, they were always like a child.

And Liu Qing here has brought Lin Hua to a natural cave.

The cave is naturally formed, smooth on all sides, and there are some stone milk that can be used for lighting hanging on the top of the cave deep in the cave.

And there is a huge creature like a white boa constrictor here, but no insects or animals dare to come and live in the entrance of the cave.

Liu Qing helped Lin Hua onto the thatched grass where she usually slept, so that he could lie down more comfortably, and then took the white boa constrictor out to hunt and brought back some more nourishing herbs for Lin Hua to eat.

Anyway, the entrance of this cave has been marked by the white boa constrictor, and no animal will dare to cross the boundary to attack Lin Hua, so Liu Qing and the white boa constrictor left with confidence.

Not long after Liu Qing left, Lin Hua woke up.After all, he is more vigilant in an unfamiliar environment.

The memory before he fell into a coma was that he was supported by Liu Qing, and now that he appears here, it must be Liu Qing who brought him, right?
Lin Hua was not in a hurry to leave, because she had already confirmed that Liu Qing was the "Queen of Eternal Night" in her previous life. No matter what, Liu Qing, who possessed such a deterrent power, would definitely try to draw her into her team.

However, although Liu Qing is good, now she is obviously unable to skillfully control her abilities.It can be said that she is a double-edged sword. If you use it well, you can kill people. If you don't use it well... I'm afraid I will be hurt by her too.

Therefore, Lin Hua wanted to think about how to control this double-edged sword.

But Liu Qing, who came out to look for food, didn't know what Lin Hua was thinking.

Liu Qing was still standing on the head of the snake, one person and one snake quickly walked through the lush woods.

Ignoring Liu Qing's terrifying face, it was just like a beautiful scroll containing danger.

"Xiaobai, what purpose do you think that person has?" Liu Qing murmured along the wind, if it wasn't for seeing her lips open and close for a few moments, no one would know that she just spoke.

However, even if she spoke in such a low voice, the white python under her feet would also know it.

The big white boa constrictor called Xiaobai didn't say anything, and it didn't even stop at its speed.

"No matter what his purpose is, as long as he can cure my headache, I will follow him to protect his safety, Xiaobai, what do you think?" Liu Qing said firmly.

This time, the white python under his feet nodded slightly.

As long as it can make the master less painful, protecting him is also a matter of course.

Both a man and a snake are master hunters, and the white python has caught many prey because of its extremely fast movements.

Liu Qing found a clear water outlet, cleaned the prey, filled some water in a bamboo tube, and quickly returned to the cave with the cleaned prey.

As soon as Liu Qing entered the cave, she found that Lin Hua had already woken up. Their eyes met, and they quickly moved away.

"Is it scary?" Liu Qing asked, touching her face.

"No, I'm just a little surprised at first glance," Lin Hua said.

(End of this chapter)

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