Rebirth of the Supreme Ice King

Chapter 256 Code Named Ghost Dance

Chapter 256 Code Named Ghost Dance
He took the initiative to step forward and reached out to take the cleaned prey from Liu Qing's hands, and put it on the fire to roast.

"Hehe, you're honest." Liu Qing looked at Lin Hua and said.

How many people have seen this face of their own, saying that they are not afraid, but their eyes keep flickering, or there is contempt and disdain in the depths of their eyes, but this man, apart from indifference, there is actually a trace of imperceptible sympathy in the depths of his eyes?Oh, sympathy, she, Liu Qing, never needs anyone's sympathy.

"My name is Lin Hua, you are Liu Qing, right?" Lin Hua flipped through the barbecue, and asked instead of returning to Liu Qing's question.

"Yes, you know me" Liu Qing asked.

"I've heard of it," Lin Hua said.

"Your ability is water?" Liu Qing asked again.

"Yes, two systems of water and ice," Lin Hua returned.

"Liu Qing, I have a purpose to get close to you. I know that you often suffer from headaches and can't control your abilities. The reason why I saved you today is to let you know that I can suppress your headaches. I want to negotiate a deal with you, I can suppress your headaches, and even restore your appearance, and you just need to join my team and become a member of our team." Lin Hua did not hide her heart, staring at Liu Blue eyes said.

Liu Qing saw the firmness in Lin Hua's eyes, so she won't have to suffer from frequent headaches in the future, and even... her face... such an ugly face, can it be restored?

"What qualifications do you have to say this, you can restore my face?" Liu Qing asked back, she also tried to find those so-called researchers and plastic surgeons, but they only saw her, and she didn't even speak , They were already so scared that they couldn't hold the knife steadily, so how could Liu Qing believe that they dared to use the knife on her body?
"There is a face-rejuvenating potion in the Sky Gate," Lin Hua said flatly.

There is indeed a rejuvenating potion in the outer sky gate, but not every day, it depends on the opportunity.

"Rejuvenating potion?" Liu Qing had heard about the Heavenly Outer Space Gate, but she didn't know what the rejuvenating potion was.

"Rejuvenation potion, a kind of potion specially for people with dark abilities, because people with dark abilities take away strong corrosiveness themselves, it is very likely to corrode themselves, and rejuvenation potion can resist or even suppress corrosion Sexual, it can restore your appearance to the past, and even repair your damaged nerves, so that you no longer have headaches," Lin Hua explained.

"You say I'm a person with dark abilities?" Liu Qing asked.

"Yes, you are a dark-type power user, the owner of the dark-type power has a strong corrosiveness and plasticity to control the neurology of other people's brains"

Although few people knew about these in the early stage of the end of the world, but in the middle stage, there will gradually be more people with dark abilities.

But now, Lin Hua just told Liu Qing something she should know in advance.

"How do you know so much, who are you?" Liu Qing's eyes suddenly became sharp, and she didn't lose her sanity because of the huge temptation in front of her.

"Everyone has their own secrets, as long as you know that I will not harm you. I am Lin Hua, the leader of the Tianning League. Now, I formally invite you, Liu Qing, to join our Tianning League." Lin Huahao Not paying attention to Liu Qing's eyes, he stood up, looked directly at Liu Qing and said.

"Tianning League" Liu Qing murmured.

Xiao Bai probably sensed the ups and downs of his master's mood, and silently crawled to Liu Qing's side, the huge snake head rubbing against Liu Qing's hand.

"Okay, I agree. However, the Tianning League cannot restrict me too much. I must have absolute freedom. Moreover, I can't follow you all the time. I want to set a limited time limit. Once the time limit is up, I will leave. It is the Tianning Alliance that cannot interfere in vain. Of course, if I leave in the end, I will never turn my guns to deal with the Tianning Alliance. This is forever, so you can rest assured." Liu Qing touched Xiaobai's snake head Said.

"You don't have to think about bargaining. Since you have worked so hard to save me, you can naturally see and guarantee what kind of height I will reach in the future, right?" Liu Qing said, looking directly at Lin Hua.

"Hehe, you are indeed Liu Qing who is known as the "Queen of Eternal Night". Okay, I promise that starting today, you, who have no name and code name Ghost Dance, will be a member of my Tianning League for 50 years. Daye, if you stay then, you will be my founding father, but if you don’t stay, you will also be my best friend, Lin Hua," Lin Hua said.

"Established, but, do you count?" Liu Qing said suspiciously.

"Haha, do you think what the leader said counts?" Lin Hua looked at Liu Qing with a smile on her face.

"Okay, I swear on it"

Liu Qing stretched out her hand and drew a formula between supernatural beings, and put her hands together with Lin Hua.

"Hey, it's strange, you still have a formula in your hand." Liu Qing was puzzled.

The so-called contracts in the last days are completely useless, so I don’t know when, a kind of trick has become popular among people with supernatural powers. , the formula will never disappear, and another person can find the person who swears with him by the formula, unless he dies, there is no body left, and the formula disappears, otherwise, it is equivalent to carrying a dynamite bag on his body.

If it is not for those who are forced to or sincerely make the covenant, there will be no oath at all.

But Lin Hua, before making an oath to her, actually had a trick in hand, which made Liu Qing a little puzzled.

At this time, Lin Hua also remembered the mutant gorilla he met in the forest when he came to Baidi City.

He smiled and didn't say anything else, he had been too busy to forget during this time, it seems that returning to Baidi City is not only to bring back Gutian, but also to disturb a pool of clean water.

Liu Qing looked at Lin Hua who obviously didn't want to say anything more, and didn't ask any more. Everyone has some secrets, and there's no need to tell others everything.

After a while, the meat was roasted, and both Liu Qing and Lin Hua started to eat and drink, roasted some more meat, and explained to Liu Qing that they wanted to take some back for their teammates.

Liu Qing expressed her understanding, and asked Xiaobai to go out to hunt the prey again. Fortunately, Xiaobai moved very quickly. After such preparations, the sky was already dark and the blood moon rose.

However, this kind of darkness did not trouble Liu Qing and Lin Hua at all, but in order to save time and energy, Liu Qing called Xiao Bai and asked Xiao Bai to carry them down the mountain to meet Xue Wu and the others.

But Xuewu and the others had endured to the extreme, especially Li Jie, who was going to rush out to find the boss without telling Xuewu.

"Xuewu, you are talking, what time is this, the boss should have woken up long ago? If he hasn't come back, he must have been killed by that red-clothed female ghost, do you know that? We should save him" Li Jie He wished he could just shake Xue Wu awake who was sitting on the bed practicing his abilities.

"Wait a little longer" Among the crowd, only Xue Wu remained expressionless.

"Wait, wait, when are we going to wait? If you don't go, I'll go, I'll find his elder brother by myself." Li Jie had already walked out of the door in an instant, hum, he really misread before, it turned out that Xuewu was so timid and fearful No loyalty, the boss really misjudged him before.

(End of this chapter)

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