Chapter 257 Resort

"Li Jie, wait a minute." But when Li Jie was thinking wildly, Nie Quanqi and Jiang Xinyu chased him out from behind.

"Why, are you going to find the boss with me? Of course, if you are also going to Xuewu, then I'm sorry I don't want to hear what you say." Li Jie glanced at them and said.

"Li Jie, you have misunderstood Xuewu. It's not that Xuewu doesn't care about Boss, she is actually more worried about Boss than you, but she must keep everyone's heart steady, otherwise, we will be in chaos before Boss comes back. She Let the two of us go with you," Jiang Xinyu said first.

"Li Jie, you really went too far this time, how could you say that about Xuewu?" Nie Quanqi also said.

"I..." Li Jie was about to speak when he was interrupted by Jiang Xinyu's exclamation.

"The female ghost in red is back!" Jiang Xinyu exclaimed, then hurried into the house to call Xuewu and the others.

When Xuewu and the others came out, they just saw Lin Hua getting off the big white python. Everyone was shocked?Um, did the boss subdue the female ghost in red and add her mount?

"Boss...boss..." Li Jie looked at Lin Hua in disbelief.

How can I break the feeling that my boss is too fast to catch up?
"This is your new team member, Ghost Dance." Lin Hua looked at Xue Wu and said.

Li Jie's expression was indescribably weird.

The female ghost has become a teammate, will her life be in danger in the future?Waiting online, very urgent.

Xue Wu was stunned for a moment, looked at Liu Qing casually, walked up to her, raised her hand and said, "Hello, Gui Wu, welcome to join us"

"Yeah." Looking at Xue Wu, Liu Qing still raised her hand and touched Xue Wu's hand.

"Uh, hello, my name is Li Jie." Li Jie touched his head and said to Gui Wu.

"I'm Jiang Xinyu, welcome to join me"

"I'm Nie Quanqi, welcome"

"This is Qi Zhan, he doesn't have a very good voice." Li Jie walked up to Qi Zhan and introduced to Gui Wu.

"I'm Liu Quan, you can call me Mr. Liu." Mr. Liu said while stroking his goatee with a smile.

"I'm Li Yang, welcome"

After everyone had introduced it, Lin Hua said, "Okay, from now on, we're all team members, so we have more time to get to know each other. You haven't eaten yet. Ghost Dance has roasted some meat and brought it back for you for dinner."

"I'll go, I don't even think I'm hungry, Boss, if you don't come, we will go out to find you," Li Jie said, clutching his stomach.

"I heard what you said before, but Li Jie, did you forget to say something before eating?" Lin Hua looked at Li Jie.

Li Jie rubbed his head and looked at Xuewu, a little embarrassed.

Lin Hua remained silent, and no one dared to speak casually.

Li Jie looked at Lin Hua, then at Xuewu, and finally walked up to Xuewu and said, "I'm sorry, Xuewu, I blamed you wrongly, I was just too worried about the boss, that's why I said that about you just now... But no matter what , it's all my fault, don't play tricks like me, okay?"

"Well, Li Jie, I forgive you, but I hope you will think carefully before making a decision next time. After all, the boss has said more than once that even without him, we should be invincible." Xue Wu lightly touched him with his fist. Li Jie's shoulder.

"Okay, after Xuewu, I will listen to whatever you say, except for the boss, I will only listen to you," Li Jie swore immediately.

"Haha, Li Jie, what you said is like a confession, you are not afraid that your little girlfriend will know." Before Xue Wu could speak, Jiang Xinyu teased.

"Sakura wouldn't be so stingy," Li Jie replied at that time.

All the people burst into laughter.

Liu Qing, oh no, it should be Gui Wu looking at the unscrupulous smiling face in front of her, as if her friends gathered together before the doomsday, chatting and carefree.

This kind of life should be very good, right?You should be able to blend in, right?

Gui Wu showed a slight smile, but the warmth was fleeting.

After everyone laughed together for a while, they finished eating. Since there was a giant bodyguard named Xiao Bai by his side, Lin Hua didn't arrange patrols, so that everyone could fully rest and go on the road tomorrow.

The next morning, Nie Quanqi and Xuewu were the first to wake up, went out together to find some wild vegetables, cooked broth with the leftover barbecue from yesterday, and then woke everyone up to eat.

A group of people walked towards the entrance of the village after eating. They were leaving Baiye Village today and heading west.

It is also a small city not far from Baidi City in the west. Before the end of the world, it belonged to the third-tier city, because it is located in a remote place, and further west is a sea. It belongs to the resort area. The things are exquisite and the place is remote and quiet, but it is also a good place for many rich people to keep mistresses before the end of the world.

And the reason why Lin Hua didn't want to be too far away from Baidi City was because there were lonely days, mutated bats and steamed buns in the city, and the address she had chosen.Lin Hua was unwilling to hand over to others.

Moreover, the day when the tide of zombies came was getting closer and closer, Ru Ting, she would also be sent from the imperial capital to Baidi City by her father, and she still had to save Ru Ting, so she must not let her end up in a miserable end like in her previous life.

Lin Hua could only try her best to improve her strength, and outside of Baidi City, if she remembered correctly, there should be three to four empty gates outside the sky. Although she couldn't remember the exact location, she always knew the general direction.

No matter what, Lin Hua didn't want to give cheap to Zhushanmeng or Ao Baitian.

After Lin Hua and the others left Baiye Village, they walked onto the national highway, and after walking for half a day, Xiaobai ate up the few zombies they encountered along the way.

Oh, by the way, Xiaobai's ability is fire, but it also has the ability to devour.

"Hey, Guiwu, what do you think? You call such a mighty python Xiaobai, how tall is it?" Like now, during the boring journey, Xiaobai became interested in the ghost dance, and he was not afraid of the ghost dance's face.

"It's called Liu Bai," Gui Wu said calmly, looking straight ahead.

"Um, you keep calling it Xiaobai, I thought it was really called Xiaobai." Li Jie rubbed his head in embarrassment.

Gui Wu was not a talkative person in the first place. In terms of the level of icebergs, he was even better than Xuewu. Li Jie tried to find a topic for a long time, but Gui Wu's expression was calm, and sometimes he would answer a few words, word by word Jumping outside, more often than not even returning.

Everyone watched Li Jie slump in front of Ghost Dance, which was also the fun of the boring journey.

After walking for half a day, Lin Hua and the others reached one-third of their destination.

"Boss, look there is a gas station in front of you." Li Jie ran to Lin Hua and said loudly happily.

God, I finally found gas. There are very few cars along the way. Even if there are cars, they are either destroyed by zombies and cannot sit, or they are out of gas. I hope to find gas at this gas station, so that they can use their feet Hurry up.

(End of this chapter)

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